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>exposed the scam of Zen Buddhism
Zen pseuds have been crying about it ever since. If you need any more proof of the value of the book, there's a huge /r/zen thread about it full of butthurt Redditor soi baldies.
>b-b-but what does some Westoid know about Zen?
Cope. Westoid translator of Japanese author who exposed his native Zen schools in 1916.
>b-b-but if you're talking about answers to koans, you're missing the point of koans
Cope. The answers are based on actual school material. The schools expected certain responses.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who's long suspected that Zen Buddhism is nothing more than a bunch of pseuds and weebs trying to sound enigmatic.
Christ is King.
Proselytism is not wanted here.
I always thought Koans were pointless on purpose. Time wasters to help beginner monks deal with the boredom of asceticism.
Prove it.
Reddit cry thread:
You mean the subreddit whose members try to claim that Zen isn't Buddhism, which is cool actually?
Can you give any evidence it is?
I asserted no claim either way.
Then the null hypothesis is that it isn't.
That's not how it works.
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they're not pointless, they're absurdist,in a satrean sense. a well constructed koan shakes you out of your over-seriousness and abstraction of the world, asking you to pause and reconsider what it is you're actually looking at
>a well constructed koan shakes you out of your over-seriousness and abstraction of the world, asking you to pause and reconsider what it is you're actually looking at
The historical evidence is that this is later spin and that they were in fact meant to be midwit riddles with desired responses.
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caring about historical schools, lineages, or commentary by a jewish author... why?

they're all good for nothing, because zen itself is good for nothing, so at that point, just sit.... meditate in your days.

but metaphyiscally, take what is useful, discard what is not... zen is enjoyably studied as a syncretism with stirner's egoism, and nietzsche's self overcoming
What are you on about? The book is a translation from Japanese.
People who read philosophy are are so full of shit. I truly despise you idiots.
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>I highly recommend this book to anyone who's long suspected that Zen Buddhism is nothing more than a bunch of pseuds and weebs trying to sound enigmatic.
is what im on about... it's a worthless concern. bad practices and koans can be discarded, especially by a lay person.

principles zen teaches, like the emptyness of the self/things is an idea that also appears in western existentialism under keikkergard, nietzsche, stirner... the malleablity/impermanence in the properties of things/self, slavery to desires/fixed ideas, purpose in the face of nihility being an exercise of directing and controlling faith/desire.
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ur worldview is full of shit , and your greatest sin is that you have enslaved yourself to it
anon i saw ur post on /lgbt/ seething about not being a pretty tranny
How can you tell it's the same person?
I think Shingon is cooler
I believed myself of no worth. That is why I try to only win I am highly competetive
Zen has always been a cringe religion. And even today the zentards are still mad about buddhism


Pretty funny to see how the gurus of an artificial shitty religion get mad at vipassana movement claiming it's a debunked shitty religion kek.
They really fear the novel popularity of buddhism both through the academia studying the suttas and the enthusiasm for buddhist meditation by the lay people.
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you are such a weird, broken person dude. Zen and Buddhism are one and the same. Zen is just focusing more on the practical side of buddhism, in particular sitting in meditation, whereis traditional buddhism has more traditions and rituals and stuff like that.
And we know "translators" consider faithfulness to the original their highest ideal. They wouldn't sacrifice accuracy in favour of ideological or religous propaganda.
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you can't , im not them , reusing their picture
the chants are so cool
ur mad (!)
idk, theravada is pretty divergent, tiandai also much more philosphical in nature
>university of haifa
If you're not a dumb mutt, you can compare the translation with the original, as scholars have done.
No, he's right about Zen being cringe. Pretty much every Buddhist school except Zen (which was influenced too much by Taoism) says something intelligible, whereas Zen is about deliberate obfuscation for the sake of appearing wise. That's all it is, showboating. Anyone can imitate the manner of speaking of the Zen "guru" and go around collecting upvoooooots.
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Niggas will sit in one place for 12 hours a day trying to make their thoughts and emotions not real instead of talking to their parents for 10 minutes a week
I guess this explains why lgbt types, women, and other such undesirables are so attracted to zen.
>non-gradual enlightenment/training
see this is what happens when you don't follow the buddha's teachings and vinaya
you can't just skip shit and act like you've achieved the goal
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I never read this before but this is great. This book's almost good enough to make me stop being an anti-semite. 1916, huh? Were there any earlier works in English that dealt with zen in similar depth? Idk the history very well, before this the earliest zen book I probably could have named was Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. I mostly just sit around and read translations of Dogen for my zen practice.
Maybe if you're on reddit. Reddit's a peculiarly ill suited place to talk about Zen. Which I think speaks to Zen's benefits (zenefits™).
>seething this much

you sound like you need to practice some zen lol.
>Doesn't understand koan
>It must be meaningless!
The western mind is so tiresome
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except the only thing zen states, is that your thoughts aren't you... they're malleable , like an object in your hand, this is likewise found in egoism

you meditate/zazen, to practice manipulating them, they come, you make as little comment on them as you can, then you pass to deeper thoughts

and a wave satori/awakening, is a moment of sudden liberation from a prior bias, as if a snake having shed skin
oh i meant to (you) for above
You have no impulse control.
learn to read, retard
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you were doing well, but your ego is starting to show
lots of ego in this post
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r u like a shill/psyop employee? is this a research thread?
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you sound like such a fed honestly ..
lots of paranoia/shizophrenia/anime mind-rot/pedophilia/degenerate foot fetishism in this post
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desu, im interested in starting my cult, and ive never understood the appeal of this man or of other "perfect" gods. nor of unspecific demons...
i speak truth/yes/yes/yes
speaketh the mutt :)
>there's a huge /r/zen thread about
Go back
>turns out making dogmatic sects in Buddhism involves falsehood
You don't say
Your thoughts are you though
So I google this book and besides you and the reddit guy, every other website I found talks about this book like it's a beautiful introduction to zen thought and teaching. You and the reddit guy are the only one's I'm seeing saying that this book debunks (or tries to debunk) zen.
they're you as much as your clothing is you... replaceable.
I don't get from what perspective I'm supposed to change my thoughts. It seems like if thoughts, desires, attitudes change it's because there is a stronger desire or a higher ideal, all of these seem contingent. Seems like this chain of thoughts changing other thoughts will only end when I die.
Koans actually are meaningless, like haiku. Zen koans are intended to demonstrate that logical reasoning can't solve everything. Haiku, meanwhile, translates to "light verse," meaning they're supposed to be playful, not serious. The whole premise of Zen rejects the Western passion narrative. It's anti-egocentric whereas Western religions are highly, even violently, egocentric in comparison.
the entire discussion around this book seems schizoid. Some of the discussion on the reddit thread may as well have been a different language. I still don't know if the replies on the reddit thread are for or against the book

apparently they think the original is good but the translation of it OP posted isn't good? I think
Nta, but I quite being a christian because of you people so that’s an overall result of -1 from your proselytism
Post reddit belong on reddit
>for the sake of appearing wise
>Anyone can imitate the manner of speaking of the Zen "guru" and go around collecting upvoooooots
Internet zen is fake and gay and oxymoronic. The entire point of zen is living monastically, shutting the fuck up, and practising. Lay zenfags don’t represent anything let alone westerners at that. And do you not see that it’s not fair to besmirch a religion based on reddit? Zen is the most iconoclastic version of any religion. More religions should zen-ify if they want to survive the modern world without becoming a larp club. Although it’s true that zen, especially as practiced by the western layperson can be pretty larpy too, the spirit of the religion lives on.
Haikus aren’t meaningless, they’re imagistic. For some reason English speakers seem to be under the impression that meaning can only be derived from moral and logical reasoning.
I looked up Yoel Hoffman on Wikipedia and this book is entirely glossed over, and then I checked alternate languages - he doesn’t even have a Japanese-language wikipedia article. Odd, given that this book is supposedly super controversial and caused a giant uproar in Japan and debunked zen

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