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Hello people! I'm looking for the grimmest of grimdark, the kind of stuff that leaves the 40k universe quaking in its boots, the kind of stuff that would make Bakker recoil in horror. Let me know what I haven't read out there.
The term is just dark fantasy. Grimdark is a meme word made up by 40kids and games workshop marketers to make it sound like warhammer is more unique than it actually is. Sadly people started taking the term seriously.
Okay fine, dark fantasy then.
Do you prefer super serious dark fantasy like Conan or so-bad-it's-good dark fantasy?

Salammbo is basically the original dark fantasy novel but it's old and a little hard to get through.
I'd prefer things that lean towards serious, but a bit of humor isn't a bad thing.
Kane series by Wagner is a pretty good sword and sorcery and proto-dark fantasy. I hear Book of the New Sun falls in this category but I haven't read it yet. You've already mentioned Bakker, and the only thing I remember hearing was similar is the Broken Empire series by Mark Lawrence.
Between Two fires
nah that author is a literal cuck
Bakker is already grimderpslop to the Nth degree. I love his books, but they are the apotheosis of grimdark to the point of ridicule, humor, insanity.
All "grimdark" series are made for cucks, by cucks. Real fantasy doesn't call itself dark fantasy or grimdark.
there has to be something even furher beyond
pre christcuck mythologies
also chinese romanticized history
what would you consider real fantasy?
maybe, I enjoyed the book though
you read any of his other works?
gimme list
shit novel
nope, hadn't even heard of him till anon recommended it to me last week.
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I enjoyed it
it's alright, him being a literal cuck takes away from the work imo
You could try Throne of Bones by McNaughton. Also seconding Wagner’s Kane starting with the Night Winds collection. Wouldn’t say it’s the derpiest of derps or anything, it’s just some fine dark fantasy kino. ToB is actually kind of fucked though I’m not sure anything really trumps Aspect Emperor…
>Throne of Bones by McNaughton
Manifest Delusions
Abercrombie, First Law
The Ascians in BOTNS are pretty grimdark. Instead of depression like 1984, what little you hear of their country gives you a strange feeling of dread.
vinny vinesauce is a cuck btw
>at least the AI robots will be told by humans who to shoot
Right now an AI decides if your weird truck is a truck or a missile launcher. If it decides it's a missile launcher it will send a human to kill you.
Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence.
Same as you. I know Citadel isn't very popular, and I agree that it drags on a bit, but just for the description of Ascian culture and some of the war scenes, I'll defend this volume.
what do you mean by "literal cuck"?
He wrote a werewolf book where the MCs wife is corrupted by nigger werewolf dick
>super serious dark fantasy like Conan
Conan has nothing to do with the shitshow that is the Warhammer fantasy setting.
If either is dark fantasy then the other isn't.
Grimdark has become a catchall for bleak and amoral fantasy
I don't know anything about warhammer fantasy. Conan has tons of dark stuff like dead ancient cities and lovecraftian monsters. So I'd classify it as dark fantasy.
Interestingly the words grim and dark show up in chapter 17 of The Hour of the Dragon
>They traversed a long, dark, vaulted corridor in which, Conan noticed uneasily, the skull on the staff glowed phosphorescently. He felt a surge of unreasoning, wild animal panic that urged him to rip out his knife and slash right and left at these uncanny figures, to flee madly from the grim, dark temple. But he held himself in check, fighting down the dim monstrous intuitions that rose in the back of his mind and peopled the gloom with shadowy shapes of horror; and presently he barely stifled a sigh of relief as they filed through a great double-valved door which was three times higher than a man, and emerged into the starlight.
So GW might've ripped the phrase off from Conan.
Isn't that some Simpsons episode?
I liked this one alot

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