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File: based_schuon.png (2.1 MB, 1637x2015)
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it really do be like that
>faggot > niggerfaggot
you don't say
File: count to three.png (2.43 MB, 1577x1682)
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What are their fundamental differences? I'm not particularly familiar with the Traditionalist school. I recall that Schuon is received better as an anthropologist while Guenon seems to be more theological.
I'm quite interested in Schuonian Praxis (hitting that Indian cunny)
>Schuon :
>basic "I'm above and outside any tradition" guru, "I get tantric sex and get nake type of new age sect leader"
>into sex scandals, outside of any tradition (supposedly above them
>"I get to take up Guénon's movement and inspired tariqa and make it mine and use it to criticize him"
>Go to america to have his own sect
>No heritage, as the sect just dies out

>But Guénon :
>Denies he is a master
>Humbly directing people towards already existing tradition, thus making guénonians enter a lot of tradition and making it in fact very perenial by it's conformity to tradition principles
>Get a wife and children as a normal individual in a traditional society

The point of criticism of Schuon against Guénon here was Schuon's defense of papism and of any type of christianism. It's juste plain stupidity, because of course the papism is defficient, heretic, in crisis and we all know it birthed the modern world. In all of this, it shows Schuon was far less strict and serious and much more sentimental and and a victim of religious wishfull-thinking.
>It's juste plain stupidity, because of course the papism is defficient, heretic, in crisis and we all know it birthed the modern world
muzzie/orthocuck cope. Schuon was right.
How is it cope?

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