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/lit/ - Literature

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I got this from one of the book charts.
If these guys know so much about ADHD, why did they unload on the reader a fucking boring preface and introduction full of academic trivia?
i downloaded this also and put it in my queue. but then I downloaded a book about how ADHD was manufactured by the drug companies and greedy, clout chasing psychiatrists, and now the book doesn't seem so appealing
I bought a physical copy of that myself, lol. I have only flipped through it however.
>I downloaded a book about how ADHD was manufactured by the drug companies and greedy, clout chasing psychiatrists
Name? Diffrent perspectives on things like this are interesting.
it's okay

the problem with adhd self-help books is often not their content, it's that putting the content in practice is exactly the problem people with adhd struggle with
It’s not a hoax, I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and ever since I started taking the meds my life completely changed, I read and study everyday now which was unthinkable for me before.
What do you take/what is your dosage?
I take 20mg of methylphenidate and it helps make things less daunting and keeps out the mental noise, but I wonder if I need a higher dosage as I still can't read every day, just do 2-3 productive things a day instead of 1-0
30mg of Vyvanse every day. It’s working fine for me so I don’t feel the need to raise the dosage to 50mg or 70mg right now. My main issue was internet addiction, I couldn’t do anything at all other than browse the internet all day long, now I usually read for 1~2h in the morning, study languages for 1h everyday and study for college from 3 to 5 hours depending on the day, at night I even play some videogames sometime which was also something I couldn’t even do anymore because of my ADHD. To say that my life changed completely after taking Vyvanse would be an understatement, I’m a whole new person right now, I can finally envision myself becoming my ideal self and achieving all my dreams.
> but I wonder if I need a higher dosage as I still can't read every day, just do 2-3 productive things a day instead of 1-0
This change didn’t happen in one night for me either, took around a year for me to get used to this new routine and develop healthy habits. One thing you should keep in mind is that those meds, despite being extremely helpful, aren’t magic, a lot of it also depends on yourself, you need a place free of distractions, a clear objective and the will to change. Some people think the meds will solve all their problems alone and they keep all their bad habits without making any effort to change, then they blame the meds saying that they lose their effects too fast when that is not the case at all. Most people never develop tolerance for those meds, it’s something like 20% or so that do. In any case, if you want to raise the dosage I would advise you to seek the opinion of your psychiatrist first and foremost, always trust their judgment instead of doing self-diagnoses, they know more than you or anyone here.
It's not for socially inept, cell phone addicted adults who apparently have adhd to read.

It's for normal adults to read to identify and help actual cases of adhd, and laugh at the rest of the cosplayers.
people with adhd are not reading prefaces and introductions lol
You're right, I've been exercising consistently now, but I need to sleep better, and to clean/organize where I live
>start taking amphetamines/methylphenidate
>life feels different now
Wow, you've convinced me that ADHD is really real.
Probably the lowest-IQ post I've read all month.
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It's all so tiring
You probably couldn't read to the end.
I would love to read such a book. All discussion around ADHD is how such people need to be "fixed."
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Doing 2 to 3 productive things a day is a lot. Societal pressure to be "productive" is to be ignored.
There are a few useful but unoriginal ideas in it like lists/planners and micro-steps, but the authors just drone on and on repetitiously. Everything useful in the book can and has been stated in ADHD-friendly short videos and blog articles.
Nah, it's just a low-IQ post, mate. It's the kind of post someone writes when he wants to be aggro for the sake of being aggro and when being cogent is of secondary importance. You got your sniping in and that's all that matters.
Good for you.
I accept your concession.
adhd is not real and the moron that has "changed his life" because he is taking an extended release amphetamine is going to have a psychotic break
I just want to do "productive" things for their own sake. Reading, hobbies, art.
I bet you say that to all the girls when they disagree with you.
and this is the smartest place on this website lmao
/sci/ is the smartest board, not /lit/, which is /pol/-light.
>/sci/ is the smartest board
Ten years ago it was. Not anymore. Now it's just retards having Lang struggle sessions.
Kek, you're such a retard you don't even know that /lang/ is from /int/, not /sci/.
That's /mlp/
i found this, which is intended for the actual sufferer

anna's archive:
forgot picture

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