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Is he the most reddit of all dramatists? His agitprop/epic theatre" seems to be the most obnoxious thing ever formulated.
Brecht is subpar agitprop nonsense but I enjoy Weill's melodies.


The actual drama part of it is far too on the nose. Capitalism is like a LE serial killer.
I hate rich people who take up for the poor
His political message goes nowhere considering only dramafags bother with him anymore, not even Marxists waste time on him.
Was Brecht rich though? Shilling for communism but then living in the west after WWII is a much bigger mark against him as is the fact that a few of his agitprop actors from Dreigrochenoper moved to Russia and were murdered in gulags there showing that even his loony brand tier commies weren't safe from prosectuion.
you going to piss your pants
That would be DH Lawrence. Brecht at least had a novel approach and theories about theater.
Whenever I broached the question either online or in real life of just what was it really that one is supposed to find so impressive about his work, people practically never try to explain it rationally but just start to shake with indignant fury and try to browbeat you into accepting that he just is, at most throwing out how the V-effekt is such genius because it's like, the play calls attention to itself as a play because the reverse is like, literally fascism or something. Really I think my distaste for most twentieth century lefty authors and philosophers comes from this bizarre cult-like air of veneration that follows them wherever they are, where you can't dislike them or even think that they weren't perfect all around without people calling you names and appealing to their choice of authority figures about how X artist is the most sublime thing ever since Wagner because Y and Z critic said so. That authoritarian attitude towards art or philosophy just holds zero appeal to me.
Don't think his actual plays are revived much these days; he's mainly revered for the directorial innovations. We can't go back to that Victorian proscenium arch stuff now we've seen the new toys and what they can do
>people practically never try to explain it rationally but just start to shake with indignant fury and try to browbeat you into accepting that he just is, at most throwing out how the V-effekt is such genius because it's like, the play calls attention to itself as a play because the reverse is like, literally fascism or something
Did the whole class clap?
He was a talented engineer but a dreadful artist.
As a playwright he‘s in a "never tried, never will" class unto itself for the fact that all his efforts are inherently bound to the message, which in every case seems to be a minute expansion on the premise that liberalism is thinking for yourself. I can‘t even extend the benefit of the doubt that good execution might redeem this kitsch because it deliberately isn‘t supposed to.

As a poet I‘ve read a bit of him in an anthology once and found it Rupi Kaur-tier. Actually somehow worse because he leans on the inherent terse power of the German language to diverge into his saccharine drivel. A prime example that weak men are incapable of art.
Dreigroschenoper is pretty much a standard of amateur musical theater companies now.
I got assigned Life of Galileo for a class, but covid happened and we never ended up getting to it. Should I read it for myself?
Why does he look exactly like that smug wojak that people tend to post?
>What is the robbing of a bank compared to founding a bank?
Impossible to refute
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Somme in Andern und some Im licht

Und die andern leben in dunkeln. Diese in dunkeln sieht Mann nicht!

I completely butchered that btw.
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Society is LE BAD
Hölderlin mogs.

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