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/lit/ - Literature

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does this book provide some new unique insight or is just same regurgitated shit for midwits and housewives?
Do animals have rights
Suck my nuts, from the back.
Sara pls
What dumbass would even entertain the idea that some modernist, vile jew, neo-con/neo-lib could have any (more than 0) new ideas, even reformulated old ones, about the world and mankind?
There’s better macrohistory out there.
such as?
the latter. he's also a neolib shill. I only found the chapter on the economics of infanticide even mildly interesting. everything else is just "imagine if you were a caveman whoooaaaaaa"
Just read it you fucking faggot. For a 15 year old who doesn't know shit about history and shieet it's an ok book. For people who already read a lot it's pure goysloppery.
It's kikeshite. End of thread.
dawn of everything

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