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/lit/ - Literature

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What are some of the worst written books of all time?
>widely considered one of the greatest directors of all time
>fails miserably as soon as he puts his pen to paper to write a book
Really activates the almonds. And basedtard cinephiles would have you believe that cinema and literature are equals
Potato chips
I've never read a fictional story that felt like a non-fiction book. Literally Tarantino just rambling about the film industry
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>*makes one of the best horror movies and writes kino*
duras and robbe-grillet, too
kiarostami was a published poet
He just puts his drug-induced, homosexual, brain-diseased hallucinations to paper. Not that impressive. Any faggot having a half-stroke from poppers could come up with Hellraiser.
>Any faggot having a half-stroke from poppers could come up with Hellraiser.
Made me laugh. Here's an upviote!
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I don't like this book
Don't look for it, do not seek it out. This novel is one of the worst pieces of literature known to man.
>widely considered one of the greatest directors of all time
Plotfag fears the Quentin.
Writing a script and writing a book are two different skills
i can do neither of those
Frankenstein and since we're talking Tarantino, that one book by Charlie Kaufman was awful
you are a dumb nigger or pajeet who can't understand literature. Go back to /v/ ghetto.
Why is this book badly written? It was a basic book adaption of his movie, which is a personal favorite of mine
I enjoyed this book and I don't see what the issue is. It's not bad. It's not literature either. It's literally PULP FICTION. But it's great pulp fiction. Get a life, loser.
Cocteau was quite good i guess
KEK touchy are we? Frankenstein is typical Tarantino gobbledegook pulp slop. Both the Shelley's are overrated hacks. I have no idea why that book is revered so much. It says absolutely nothing of value.
It's one thing to be able to recreate a visual image or scene from your mind. You can lean on other senses with film. When you are writing you have nothing but your own words. Tarantino's dialogue is campy and fun but it's not really impactful. I think this is where the disconnect occurs. Keeping someone's attention in front of a screen is drastically easier than keeping them flipping a page.
Duras, Robbe-Grillet, Cocteau, Pasolini etc. were writers first, filmmakers second tho
Castle of Udolpho. /thread
I read it a few years ago thinking it would be something fun and 'spooky' for the Halloween season and because I love Northanger Abbey, words cannot express how shitty it is and I can't believe I finished it. Stupid plot devices, pages on pages of landscape description (not in the sense that people shill against Tolkien, I mean this literally), unrealistic dialogue. It was A T R O C I O U S
You have to like movies or the time period to like it.
He’s right, you know.
Did you mean Castle of Otranto? Because that's good. It's basically a prose tragedy.
Is the Bruce lee scene included? How does tarantino describes him?
>what if gay bdsm was evil!
it writes itself
No I meant what I said that's why I chose the words.
That’s why they don’t suck
So, you meant The Mysteries of Udolpho, then?
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The Thomas Berryman Number. It's Patterson’s debut novel, he's written plenty of slop but this one is a true dud.
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Tarantino is one of the best directors in the sense that Stephen King is one of the best writers.
The Plot Against America. I went into it thinking it'd be about Nazis taking over America. Instead, I read the ramblings and "experienced" the angst of a retarded Jewish teenager. I should've read "The Man in the High Castle" instead.
>Both the Shelley's are overrated hacks.
Woah son calm down. Disliking Mary is fine but P.B.? Have you lost your sense and mind?

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