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/lit/ - Literature

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Best books on Indian history?
It's irredeemable
Best books on how India became the world's largest toilet?
Sir, we’re not toilets sir
What period and/or aspect of it?
Also >>>/his/
Hahah nice one anons, keep going
All periods, every major aspect.
>What are the pros and cons of Buddhism vs. other Indian philosophical systems like the various schools of Vedanta? Finding it hard to make sense of what's what.

Well one works and the other does not work lol. Hinduism is a lot like judaism, lots of dogmas created by a caste of privileged people who keep saying that the dumb ignorant idiots in the population need this caste of privileged people to connect to some higher reality.

Buddhism is the opposite, the only claim made by the buddha is that he managed to end suffering by doing ABC, and that anybody else who does ABC will also end suffering.
You don’t know shit about hiduism.
Honestly, Will Durant is good.
"The Wonder That Was India"
Vol 1. Covers from the earliest days of civilization to the 1200s
Vol 2. Covers from the 1200s to the Mughal Empire to the onset of the British. So 1750-ish.

Smashing Tharoor's Era of Darkness for the British Raj.

There was also a good two volume biography on Savarkar published recently, whose ideology of Hindutva (essential Hindu Fascism) guides the ruling party in India, the BJP, today.
What's with this typo lol,
*Shashi Tharoor is the guy's name.
India isn’t fascist, dumbass American.
Hindutva shares some similarities with Fascism, but not enough to be meaningfully called a Fascist movement in any sense. There has never been a grassroots Fascist movement in India.
Good morning sir! *head bobble*
Haha great reference, do it again
That's Britain's fault
Read John Keay to start with. Whatever you do don’t read Indian historians, the level of retarded cope they’re on is akin to that of Indians in the dating sphere
The Discovery of India by Jawaharlal Nehru
Did Indians even have native historians pre-colonization? I've genuinely never heard about one.
As I typed this I checked https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historiography_of_India and even memepedia has to admit they couldn't into history.
Seems like the retarded views on time and existence of classical India are antithetical to studying history, and now they go full retard Nazi style except the Mahabharata is real instead of Thule.

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