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SAARS give me some good books on indian kundalini yoga or chakra related information. I find that stuff so fascinating desu

pls no racism, no im not indian, yes i get you all hate pajeets and its probably warranted pls
you forgto:
>inb4 shit in streets
Too niche. You’re not going to find a kundalini practitioner on /lit/. Also, I’m sure it’s potentially not safe without an expert. My ex used to practice it and she would swear that she would see all kinds of colours and auras and shit but even she agreed that it messed with her head.
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“The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga”, by Sir John Woodroffe, or pen-name Arthur Avalon, is a great work that gets into it.

A certain Swami Muktananda also was an important figure in popularizing teachings on Kundalini Shakti in the West, and made some very good English-language books that work as primers on it. However, he himself was punished with a stroke for giving out Kundalini Shaktipat too indiscriminately and to the wrong people, basically any interested Westerner who came and paid a fee. Also, he tried to keep his fucking of certain lady disciples private and secret, including of some rather young women, and also some who claimed he came on very aggressively to them, which was another failing. He should’ve just been more open about the fact that he was fucking women as a Tantrika, instead of being all secretive about it. Despite his failings, the intellectual, scholarly, and experiential knowledge he has is top-notch, largely as derived from his even greater and more morally impeccable guru, Bhagwan Nityananda, with books by his original guru or about him being worth looking into.

Some good primers by Swami Muktananda on Kundalini and related teachings are:
-I Am that: The Science of Hamsa from the Vijnana Bhairava
-Play of Consciousness: A Spiritual Autobiography
-Kundalini: The Secret of Life

An even more relatively innocent and uncontroversial teacher and writer on it was Gopi Krishna, a somewhat unique case in that he was self-initiated; he simply did meditation on his own time, including visualizing a ten-thousand petalled lotus at the top of his head (as the Sahasrara chakra is depicted). At 34, after years of this, he had an astounding awakening of Kundalini, with subsequent experiences ranging from the hellish to the heavenly as he integrated it, and he then studied the phenomenon deeply and wrote many books on it. His books about Kundalini include:

-Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man
-Higher Consciousness: The Evolutionary Thrust of Kundalini
-The Awakening of Kundalini
-The Riddle of Consciousness

Apologies in advance if any of you get flustered by the Deepak Chopra quote on the cover of pic-related, I’m sure some of you will hate all this and view it as the province of middle-aged New Age wine aunts, but that’s a risk we have to be willing to take, and a stigma we must be willing to bear, when getting into Eastern teachings as a Westerner.
true it does seem spooky for some reason desu
huge thanks anon will check these out

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