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>Drinks a fifth of whiskey before the show
>Humiliates the other panelists as pseuds within the first 5 minutes
Very based
>Drunkenly shills for Catholicism the entire time
Unbelievably based
>Compares himself to Dionysius the Areopagite
Ed is insufferable. Worse than drunk Kerouac.
>mfw Kerouac lights the cigar
Buckley sounds like a pompous fag
I'll punch you in the goddamned face
Does he humiliate Buckley? Hate Kerouac but I hate Buckley even more so I'll watch it if he does.
Because he was
Why does Buckley talk in a fake British accent?
No, he generally made a fool of himself and outed himself as a petty, pretentious retard who knows all the right topics, titles and figures but is little more than a parrot trying to impress the smart set. Buckley does get a bit flustered, though.
It's that WASPy transatlantic shit they were into back into the day. Was mostly dead by that time, but it may come honestly to Buckley and not be an affectation given the people and culture he was raised in.
On the contrary he was based. I have never seen so much contempt and disdain on live TV. He's barely coherent but he still makes fools of them all.
Oh, ok.
Buckley's Mid-Atlantic is affected and most likely learned while he was at Yale.
Is the letter K even in the French alphabet?
Possible, but unlikely, it's not as if the people he encountered at Yale were any different from social circles he was raised in
Mid-Atlantic accent was Upper class New England area, he did not spend enough time there to pick up on it naturally and did not go to school there so would not have been taught it. Very unlikely his southern parents spoke it. He would have had little exposure to it until he got to Yale and it would have been a minority in the English accents he encountered growing up in England, France and Mexico.

Most importantly his accent has an accent.
It's jarring to see how French he was when On the Road is so quintessentially American.
Was this podcasting for their era?
>Kerouac snickering and making barnyard noises while the other guys try to talk
>Ed the Hippy claiming to be part of the "classical tradition"
>Kerouac explodes him
> "the war between the north Vietnamese and the south vietnamese is nothing more than a plot between themselves to get Jeeps in the country"

>camera briefly pans to Ginsberg in the audience
>he looks exactly like happymerchant.jpg

Also amusing that Kerouac takes a homophobic jab at Ginsberg even though Kerouac was not entirely on the straight and narrow himself.
This is how I act when I get to beer 14 or 15.
He comes across more as an American Diogenes in this interview. I like how he scoffs at the absurd notions of peaceful protest brought up by the HIppie guy as well as the sterile and honestly boring observations of the sociologist. He's being an ass but I can sort of appreciate that because everyone else on that stage has such an inflated ego that it's refreshing to see him just mock their stupid ideas. You get the impression that he's a man that's in it. Somebody that has no pretensions about life. I didn't even like On The Road. Thought it kind of sucked.
>I didn't even like On The Road. Thought it kind of sucked.
I loved On the Road. To me, it's about this new force of American individualism and hedonism, and then the delusion and self-destruction that goes with it, Cassady playing the role of Satan especially at the end. As Kerouac says in this interview it's a Catholic novel. But I understand how someone could dislike it, not trying to le debate you. It's unfortunate that it's typically read as proto-hippy when it is, in fact, deeply opposed to hippies and all they hold dear. The only point in the novel when Paradise has a legitimately "mystical" experience is when he's starving to death with no one around him.
Maybe i'll give it another go. Your notion about how the book is really deeply opposed to hippies bleeds through in this interview for sure. You can tell that he thinks that they're all foolish idealogues that aren't dealing with reality. Sanders is there talking about how a non-violent sit in would have stopped the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and Kerouac is just laughing. Honestly reminds me of how Sam Hyde acts in hostile interviews.
Yeah I mean it's not a straight-forward 2-dimensional allegory, "pleasure bad asceticism good", it is in part a glorification of freedom and pleasure seeking. But that's only a part, the real point is how this all collapses and Cassady turns out to be a traitor. Also Kerouac hardly a champion of asceticism, he died from drinking like a year or two after this interview.
Buckley singlehandedly ruined the entire American conservative movement
>Do you hear me Ed? I was arrested, I was arrested two weeks ago. And he said, I am arresting you for decay.
>raucous laughter
It's sad because he was smart enough to know he was self-destructing and he didn't care if people laughed at him.
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>Ed: At fifty I plan to be an... emotional paraplegic smoking peace herbs
>Kerouac: A neurasthenic psychotic?
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>"Beware of false prophets who come unto you dressed in sheep's clothing, and underneath they are raaavening wolves. . ."
> "But who's that?"
this was mainstream televised public discourse in the 50s-80s. not a high watermark, by any means, but far above our current sealevel
Its because he spoke Spanish, which is a lispy faggot's language
i just wish his writing was good, it sucks huge cock

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