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Stop using adverbs.
I politely refuse.
I was going to post the essay on adverbs from Garner's but it is 5 or 6 pages and don't feel like going to the effort for a meme thread. It is a pretty good essay, does not go into the reasoning behind the avoidance of adverb logic but I suspect that is because the people who advocate for it do provide reasoning much beyond "because I think so" and he tends to avoid conjecture. As always he gives enough depth into the topic to get you thinking more about your usage and intent.
What's an adverb?
an adjective for a verb
Doing something somethingely
I am a little world made cunningly
Of elements and an angelic sprite,
But black sin hath betray'd to endless night
My world's both parts, and oh both parts must die.
You which beyond that heaven which was most high
Have found new spheres, and of new lands can write,
Pour new seas in mine eyes, that so I might
Drown my world with my weeping earnestly,
Or wash it, if it must be drown'd no more.
But oh it must be burnt; alas the fire
Of lust and envy have burnt it heretofore,
And made it fouler; let their flames retire,
And burn me O Lord, with a fiery zeal
Of thee and thy house, which doth in eating heal.
I wish you had taught my highschool English classes.
you already lost me
Sadly, the adverb is often reduced to "modifies verb," but it is quite more capable than that and can also modify adverbs, adjectives, phrases or even qualify a sentence.
I sincerely wish you had playfully taught my high school English classes.
Stop encouraging others to communicate unorthodoxically.
Very penisy
I wish wishely you had taught taughtely my high school English classes.
OP here. You guys are UNIRONICALLY making me ANGRILY seethe with these replies.
That's an adverb too
>OP said homosexually
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Don't get cunty.
and also an adjective for adjectives and an adjective for adverbs
I promised decades ago NEVER to take another order from Anne Hathaway. Lord knows I learned my lesson...
It's something you purchase from a store called Lolly's. Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, get your adverbs here
Adverb, what's that? Coca-Cola©ingly?
Sometimes I am unsure whether Jews are real people or if they are demons, some of whom are sex demons, Anne Hathaway, however, is just an average, run-off the mill demon.
Who is this semen demon?
he kvetched demonically
I'm still so mad she married a Hebrew
ashkenazi, not hebrew
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Could you use "Jewish" in an adverbial sense?

Would it be appropriate to say that someone did something "Jewishly"?
I'm so sick of these fucking charlatans belligerently wanting everything to read like newspeak. I giddily make up a new word everytime I run in to one of these freaks; hopefully one day the English language becomes so resplendently bountiful the mere thought of it makes them kill themselves.
I adverbly refuse
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>Giant Jewess jugs jiggle Judaically.
>Huge heavy hooters heave Hebraically.
>Ample areolas appear Aramaically.
>Spacious snout sinuses snort, sniff and sneeze Semitically.
>Tremendous turbinates tremble Talmudically.
I shall speak adverbially. OP cannot stop me trollishly.
Who are middle left and middle right? Asking for a friend. So he can fap. Instead of applying to jobs.
>bagel chasing
Here herely I confidently stride into the brightly lit room with a smilingly smiling smile on my face
Jokes on you because, oddly enough, I don't know what an adverb even is. I probably use them daily if not hourly.
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Eva Green and Alison Brie.
"Daily" in that context is an adverb, so yes you do.
I'm suddenly wondering if I've been using them in a fairly consistent manner. It's likely that I've been regularly doing it absentmindedly despite not knowing what an adverb is.
You can like seriously suck my cock and balls.

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