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Does /lit/ like Madlibs?
inb4 hating the libs, culture war talking points
>"Mad" libs
>They are all grinning from ear to ear
Holy rent-free, kek.
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I remember how, in grade school, the teacher would do a Mad Lib for us, and as she read the result, the enraptured class would laugh their ass off. I tried doing one once in front of the class, but when I tried to read it back, in the same sort of animated way I'd seen it done so many times, the entire class ignored me, and started talking among themselves. They were so loud, they drowned me out. I finished reading it, sat down, and never tried that again. At the time, I didn't realize that level of unpopularity would persist for the rest of my life. But things never really changed. In short, fuck God, fuck my creation, fuck life itself, and by extension, fuck you.
Thank you for reading my blog.
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"And then... i read my heckin' mad lib about the rooster named Bob who drove an ice-cream truck. NOBODY laughed, everyone just talked amongst themselves, all so normal, they're all so normal. I knew then that I was an incel, thats when I took the black-pill. That fateful day in 4th grade yep, when all the normies were busy talking about Spongebob, they didn't recognize my genius for what it was. My stupid stupid autist life."

If you are a grown man, and you are genuinely throwing pity parties for yourself about a pretty underwhelming/inconsequential event that happened to you in grade school, you are so far fucking gone man.

Just sitting here and actually thinking about this makes me so mad. Maybe you were unpopular in school because you were miserable to be around, obsessing and wallowing in self-pity over weird shit like this.

Everybody has had moments like that in their lives, the only difference is they just moved on and didn't become a weird incel fag about it. Nobody feels bad for you, and it is worryingly delusional that you believe people should feel bad for you. We all have our own problems.
That painful memory was on-topic. Also, thank you for reminding me why I'm obsessed with omnicide, shithead. Some people meditate and ascend to become one with God...I do it to end all life in all of existence. And people like you motivate me to do so.
>.I do it to end all life in all of existence

more dumbass words from a waxing crybaby. you can dream of omnicide all you want, doesnt change the fact you are a booger-picking faggot who thinks his life is a movie.
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"Anon's Sad Day"

>I remember how, in [noun] school, the teacher would do a Mad Lib for us, and as she [verb, past tense] the result, the [adjective] class would laugh their [body part] off. I tried doing one [adverb] in front of the class, but when I tried to read it back, in the same sort of [adjective] way I'd seen it done so many times, the entire class [verb, past tense] me, and started [verb, ending in -ing] among themselves. They were so [adjective], they [verb, past tense] me out. I finished reading it, sat down, and never tried that again. At the time, I didn't realize that level of unpopularity would persist for the rest of my life. But things never really changed. In short, [verb] [diety], [same verb as previous] my [noun], [same verb as previous] [noun] itself, and by extension, [same verb as before] [noun].
Thank you for reading my [noun].
I did them in the car with my parents on long trips and now I do them with my kids in the car on long trips.
FFA, grow up
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I remember how, in cat school, the teacher would do a Mad Lib for us, and as she ran the result, the fuzzy class would laugh their elbows off. I tried doing one quickly in front of the class, but when I tried to read it back, in the same sort of slimy way I'd seen it done so many times, the entire class jumped me, and started swimming among themselves. They were so bright, they shouted me out. I finished reading it, sat down, and never tried that again. At the time, I didn't realize that level of unpopularity would persist for the rest of my life. But things never really changed. In short, dance Zeus, dance my mountain, dance treasure itself, and by extension, dance castle.
Thank you for reading my dragon.
You'll be sorry.

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