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/lit/ - Literature

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Not even 10% of La Pleiade's catalog is available on Anna's Archive. Most good German editions of classical books are also not available, the only editions available of most French and German classics are very barebones public domain stuff with almost no commentary or notes.

Meanwhile, almost all of Penguin, Norton, Oxford, etc catalogues which are references in the English language when it comes to annotated and critical editions are available online. What do the French and the Germans have against freedom of knowledge?
they're legalcucks who won't pirate games etc either
"mein gott I vill have to report you to ze Buchpiratinrichtungskommando eef you upload zis book on ze internet..."
Modern Germany is such a cuck country. They will never produce a worthwhile author ever again.
I‘ve had pretty good success with major German works in either those public domain books on Amazon or on Gutenberg.

Less commonly if I‘m looking for somebody, not really obscure, just who non-students of the language aren‘t familiar with, like Lenau for instance. But I blame this on the anglosphere default in publishing outside the native countries of these languages.
Who even are the german penguin norton and oxfords? I will get access to a german library soon but im still a bit lost as to which publishers are the most trustworthy. As you've said, even finding works by Herman Hesse is difficult, the ones that are on Anna's have the ugliest covers known to man and a barebones editorial work.
Also idk where i can get into the german lit scene, i know hispanic book communities, english book communities, but all i get when researching for german literature is aimed at students? German anons, send some reccomendations our way!
S. Fischer and Reclam, maybe? I'm still learning German so I don't know much about their major publishers, but I know that those two I mentioned have some really good hardcover editions.
Insel, Fischer, Suhrkamp, dtv, Reclam, Klett-Cotta, Rowolt are the big ones
I am also learning german, good luck friend!
Thank you anon, i'll look at their catalogues :)
The problem is that English is obviously a uniting language, meaning the people who use it and read it and pirate it will be in the billions. For German or French that number is far far smaller.
yeah it's funny
Took too long to be posted, but OP wants to pirate new editions.
Yeah I've had the same experience as you
Libgen had barely anything and when they did, it wasn't the edition that they pulled the cover from but just a standard public domain text
Anna's Archive is a bit better, generally I can find a GF edition but it's funny searching up a French book and finding 1 edition available whilst when I search up the same book in English I get a few editions from Penguin and Oxford
False, people pirate a shit ton of here and have at least since early 2000s.
The only problem is that the music/film industry is actually targeting you and going after people.
One of my mates actually got a letter from Sony the other day, because he downloaded an Album when he was 14 in 2009.
Thank Americans for the re-education they inflicted on the country after the war.
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>blockiert deinen Weg
Many germans dont read
As previously stated, many legalcucks.
Due to legal cuckoldry, very little technical proficiency with the more grey sides of the internet, which makes them scared of using shadow libraries, let alone upload. The vast majority of people who know about shadow libraries in the first place are STEMcucks who barely read /lit/ anyway.
Those who read mostly prefer hard cover (in my experience)
Lastly, the majority of german works are available on Kindle for literal cents. Theres a collection of 100 famous german works for 1€ up there. All works of Freud for 1€, and so on. This gives very little incentive to pirate at all, especially when the average german is scared of using the internet for anything but downloading games and streaming.

Maybe I will one day put this task upon my shoulders.
Games too, a mates parents had to pay a 1000€ fine because he pirated Euro Truck Simulator 2 when he was 13 lol
It's just easier to control their markets compared to english. If english publishers could they would do the same.
I downloaded fucking Nightcrawler when I was like 19, had to pay...I don't know 500 euros or so. The movie was not even good. But I kept pirating, that one time I relaxed and thought I did not need VPN, bad mistake. But the value I received from pirating is far greater than 500 Euros.
I think the real reason is that Germans are just less technically capable and also not as socially inclined. People that upload vast amounts of files dont get anything in return, and often pay money for that too, such people are rare, Germany is anti-social and I think many people do not understand how anti-social and anti-communal german society truly is.
How the fuck can people use Anna's Archive? Their downloads fail so much you have to stare at the screen for over an hour just to click retry over and over to have a chance of anything finishing.
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So germoids are very individualist? Is that what you're saying?
Absolutely. The society forces "solidarity" upon us via taxes and shitty laws and regulations and people in fact just spend time on their own, with their family and a few friends, even the voluntary stuff like working at a fire department is just an excuse to drink beer and spend time with friends. There is zero communal labor in this country, no spirit of giving, no real community that would not be based entirely on some mischievous agenda (networking or some dry, stale boomer nationalism) and this country is absolutely bone dry when it comes to people sacrificing comfort or even suffering a minor inconvenience so that someone else may benefit. It really is like that and I am not trying to shit on my culture here, this country has no communal spirit, everything extends only to the family and at most friends. I think it has to do with the fact that public life was villified for decades and that everything is co-opted by governments and politics otherwise. There is no organic communal life in this country and honestly I think even under the Nazis this was just enforced. Germans are very secluded and isolated from one another and there is a coldness in this country that is hard to ascertain if you have not lived here. It is depressing but it is how we live so you barely notice it anymore. Japan is totally different for example. I think Japan and many asian cultures, even Turkey — in fact mediterranean cultures in total — are much more collectivist and this collective culture is the basis for doing things for others. Germany is the antithesis to that. It all has it's pros and cons I think, but when you are in these cultures, but you do not adhere or fit in, you will suffer.
Yeah, Anna's archive is ass but it has many more available titles and desu, I would even get a premium account, but I dont use crypto anymore and also dont want to bother with the other shit. They dont take credit cards, so yeah...
Anna’s Archive is a search engine, it’s not for downloading, you retards. You search for the book that you want and you click on the option “show external download options”, then you download from Z-Library or Libgen or Archive.
diogenes and Hamburger Lesehefte also come to mind
Should i give in and give kindle my money? Since they're not going to be translations there won't be translation issues.... Maybe... Maybe... If there's good editiorial work on them i may aswelll just go for it, maybe one day i'll learn enough tech shit to pirate and publish that stuff myself. One of my life goals, give back to the community and all
Only when its not a lot. I wouldnt pay anything above 2€ there if avoidable.
I even needed to give them more money once as I wanted to read some obscure books that literally werent available anywhere but on Kindle
Not an excuse. Any piece of literature that was ever published in any country or language is available for free in Russian.
for German i can totally see why you'd be pissed off by their cuckoldry but French ? Zlibrary and gallica have anything you'd need. Sure its not as extensive as english or russian but still
>Not even 10% of La Pleiade's catalog is available on Anna's Archive
La Pleiade is a meme , you can find in epub form every book that's in that catalogue and in a better form given how they'd chop up some of the books (especially the number they did on Lévi-Strauss's work)
>Maybe I will one day put this task upon my shoulders.
Was ein Held. Fang schon mal an keine widerwärtige Unwahrheiten über nicht-lesende Deutsche zu verbreiten, du abstoßendes, heuchelndes Lügenmaul.
Siede härter
What do you mean?
Siede in Siedewasser wie ein Brocken aufgeweichtes, augelutschtes laugenstück.
He's mad that an already big physical book of selected works made a selection and only included parts of some books whereas his computer version obviously has the complete collected works.
That being said it's true that La Pleiade is not necessarily best suited for reading on a screen. A big draw of the collection is the luxury build quality. Those aspects either become irrelevant or are detrimental when numerized in picture form. For instance the ink and paper they use is the best for a physical book but it doesn't translate well on a screen.
The only reason would be to have the critical apparatus which is often the world leader, for big parts of the collection.
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