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>Whatever happens, I am with Israel. I am with Israel when Israel suffers. I am with Israel when Israel suffers from inflicting suffering. I cannot say anything more. Certainly, I have my political preferences. I am for Peres. I think Begin was wrong, very wrong, to encourage colonization. But I do not feel I have the right to preach, when what is closest to me is at stake.
I know pic rel is one of the chud authors, Blanchot(?), but you chuds really need to include a name with the quote or rename your "IRL Chudjak" pictures to be the person's name.
it is completely opaque to me how all these fuckers devoted to an ethics of the Other (Blanchot, Levinas, Buber) are also devoted to fucking Israel. Who is the Other of the Other if not the illiterate palestinian for whom so-called liberal values are nothing but the discourse of men wishing to dominate him?
If it's "completely opaque" you're probably just an antisemite honestly.
jews are not privileged corpses and jewish extermination is not a privileged form of ethnic cleansing
Anon its just jew lies, it’s not that deep. Whatever privileges the jew is what they’ll say.
Jews spreading views that just so happen to unilaterally benefit Jewry? Really, Jews would really do that?
Next you'll act surprised that marxism has always been a front for jewish ethnonationalism.
Retard alert
i can't tell if you're joking or not
In Blanchot's case b/c he was close friends with Levinas and probably felt guilty about being far-right before the war
Yeah I suppose it's a good thing to see flaws in the man. I knew Buber and Levinas were ultimately zionists, but I thought Blanchot was a bit more weary on it given his comments on Israel as a state in an endnote of The Infinite Conversation. I can make sense of it, sure, but it's disappointing that, ultimately, Blanchot's ethics of the Other is just a way for him to deal with his own guilt. Nietzsche is right again: every philosopher's system is just a sign language of the affects.
Who? Sounds based, honestly.
retarded faggot
Gay, yes, but I'm certainly smarter than you.
pick one
they just nuked 4000 arabs with pagers yesterday, they clearly are high iq
Vast majority of non-grifter scholars support Israel
How would that even make sense dolt
desu frenchies just like being contraries. purely the reason genet went and hung out with the palestinians (besides perhaps being an oppurtunistic pederast) they gotta zig where others zag god bless them

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