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Tolstoy was an obnoxious crybaby libtard
Even his best early novels aren't that good. It's realism taken to an autistic extreme where quite literally nothing happens for hundreds of pages. I could just go outside and learn anything I could gleam from a Tolstoy novel. Oh some people grow to hate their partners? Thanks for that I truly learned something after sludging through 50 pages of their non-existent lifes before this great "revelation". Also his prose is nothing special either so he has very little claim to fame. It makes sense that he ended up dropping fiction for boring pie-in-sky social and political commentaries because the guy has no soul at all.
I bet you're a soulless American.
Shut up bitch

i really do love him but there was a few stories where i felt like he crossed the line into being bitter and mean-spirited in away that felt completely contradicted his whole shtick

in a way though I guess it just makes him more relatable
If you were watching your country on the verge of collapse with everyone you know either dying from illness or dying for some shitty political ideology they got brainwashed into, you would turn into a cranky old man too. He faltered in trying to promulgate his own ideology though.
>he crossed the line into being bitter and mean-spirited in away that felt completely contradicted his whole shtick
Something about Tolstoy does indeed give off incredibly bitter vibes; those vibes are just hidden behind mushy pacifism. He seems like someone who is incredibly jaded with the world but halfheartedly hides it behind hippie utopianism.
It seems like you’re expressing a strong opinion about Tolstoy. Could you clarify what aspect of his works or ideas you’re referring to? Tolstoy was a complex figure—known for his literature, such as War and Peace and Anna Karenina, and later in life, for his radical views on religion, nonviolence, and politics, which were often controversial. His pacifist and anti-establishment views could provoke strong reactions. I’d be happy to discuss any specific elements of his philosophy or works if you’re interested!
hey chatgpt
There is some of that to him desu, despite the indisputable mastery of the language and aristocratic soul.

>If you were watching your country on the verge of collapse with everyone you know either dying from illness or dying for some shitty political ideology they got brainwashed into, you would turn into a cranky old man too.
Tolstoy spent most of his life getting it there - abusing and draining his peasants and wasting the extracted wealth on hedonistic excesses; killing his fellow man in wars; fathering rootless bastards doomed to grow up in destitute poverty without a father figure; killing his fellow noblemen in duels over petty insults or, whadda ya know, shitty political ideology - all in his own confessional words.

For the supposed humility he learned by his twilight years, he really fails to show much understanding towards people who are fucking up objectively less than he did for most of his life. Especially small and tiny people. I have a very strong impression that for all of his romantization of pastoral village lifestyle, he never really saw menials as actual human beings, more as animalistic partakers in the Blessed Lifestyle Without Thought, which all to a man disgustingly fail to be each a Platon Karataev.

For me this is strongly contrasted with his vision of, say, Hadji Murad. Yeah, a man brutally killing himself and a lot of other people out of primordial pride and unwillingness to bow to any masters is noble and beautiful and inspiring - as long as it's le exotic highlander chief. When a peasant who never knew anything but a lash does the same thing well that's just stupid and foolish and shortsighted and they should just learn le humility and le know their fucking place.
name your top 5 books rn
>never read Thoreau
He was a Christian anarchist and hated libtards.
How on earth is Tolstoy a liberal? Can't think of a major 19th century writer who is less liberal.
Most of his later work, Hadji Murad apart, is rubbish. It's doesn't really matter; when I say I love the Rolling Stones you know I'm not talking about Voodoo Lounge or Dirty Work
Tolstoy isn't trying to teach you some unique concepts that you can't learn from life, he's just telling a great story with phenomenally fleshed out characters. Do you only deem a book worth reading if it teaches you concepts you have never heard of before? So all books that deal with interpersonal relationships and stuff most adults have dealt with in their own life is not worth reading to you?
>Most of his later work, Hadji Murad apart, is rubbish.
>Tolstoy isn't trying to teach you
Now that's just a lie.
Resurrection is awful anon, you can admit that here, you are among friends, this is a safe space. It's sappy victorian nonsense.
Those stories about the blind old cobbler who gives his last copek to a paraplegic midget - they are really stupid aren't they?
I think Ressurection is ok, mostly held back from being a masterpiece by how disgustingly patronizing and didactic it is towards the audience.
>Master and Man
>The Death of Ivan Ilyich
>The Kreutzer Sonata
All masterpieces. A genius fully realized.
The Bell jar
Great Gatsby
It ends with us
The alchemist
Honey and Milk
Bless your heart. Of course you wouldn't get Tolstoy.
Just like me fr fr
I recently read "The kingdom of God is within you" which resonated with me quite strongly up until:
"I see that a man I know to be a ruffian is pursuing a young girl. I have a gun in my hand—I kill the ruffian and save the girl. But the death or the wounding of the ruffian has positively taken place, while what would have happened if this had not been I cannot know. And what an immense mass of evil must result, and indeed does result, from allowing men to assume the right of anticipating what may happen. Ninety-nine per cent of the evil of the world is founded on this reasoning—from the Inquisition to dynamite bombs, and the executions or punishments of tens of thousands of political criminals."

What a retard, Christ would beat the shit out of the ruffian. Anyway, fuck Tolstoy.
True and correct
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C’mon Anon, have some courage and speak seriously about the five books that are your real favorites.

I’ll start for you. I will name one of your top five:

>Blood Meridian
>they are really stupid aren't they?
You have no heart, that's your problem. Simple fables like How Much Land Does A Man Need and God Sees the Truth, But Waits are masterpieces
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>Christian anarchist
Great authors tend to, for some reason, have absolutely retarded political stances.
There's an interview with Geoffrey Hill somewhere, I think with a BBC journalist, where you can almost see the journalist begging him to be a nice old elder statesman talking head I can use in my program, come out with the usual bromides' and getting increasingly terrified as Hill continues to pontificate with great seriousness about the inescapable and holy duties weighing on subjects of a Christian monarch

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