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>doesn't describe the mc taking a shit and wiping his ass
Yeah, OK. Sure, "Mr. Real"
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Thankfully Joyce fixed this bug.
Imagine a novel where the narrator describes how the main character takes showers, brushes his teeth, defecates, rubs one before going to sleep...
you should try your hand and making a new genre: realistic autism
Nah, I'd prefer to contend with realism just being a fake genre for fartsniffers who think describing menial tasks performed by someone who is not rich or high-status makes something more "real"
What do you have against Tolstoy?
I'm sure you were thinking of him when you posted this.
Picrel. But it is his morning routine and he does not rub one out (we get a decent amount of that elsewhere in the novel), get lengthy passage on the intricacies of ass wiping, he uses 3 sheets folded over onto itself twice and repeats three times each time digging a little deeper. The following bit on breakfast is amazing, possibly one of my favorite bits.
Marc-Edouard Nabe Journal Intime and L'Homme Qui Arrêta D'écrire
Modernism isn’t realism/naturalism.
Those were its exact motives, you retard.
Naturalism and modernism are distinct literary movements. Do you think Ezra Pound’s Cantos and Naked Lunch are Naturalist literature?
(NTA) You are correct, but it does raise a fun contradiction in terms
>simple phrases telling the reader what happens in ways that assume a deep contextual knowledge of the setting and a flattening of any possible character
>coordination of symbols that attempts to convey an accurate depiction of the reality of being a subject in a world
and the latter is treated as some CrAzY eXpErImEnT because it doesn't pretend that inner life is pasteboard animation, to the extent that anyone who imitates its methods a century later is still treated as pretentious
>Naturalism and modernism are distinct literary movements
With the same objective: to get closer to real human experience.
Joyce didn't set out to write a "modernist" novel, the label is one imposed by critics and theorists after the fact, and you are misunderstanding the nature of literature if you believe that "realism" and "modernism" are entirely distinct and mutually exclusive categories. Literary movements are not discrete categories, the postmodern is not clearly distinct from the modern, etc.. You can't separate Ulysses from the legacy and context of the realist novel, as part of Joyce's project in Ulysses is an attempt to push the realist novel to its limits -- the Ithaca chapter, for example, is an autistic categorisation of all the minute and mundane details of Bloom's life (essentially the "realistic autism" that >>23818429 jokingly suggests). Several chapters of Ulysses, including the Calypso chapter in which Bloom is described shitting, are parodies of previous naturalistic styles, parodies of realism. Modernism is in many ways born out of realism, not completely alien to it.
There is no "real" human experience
If you think Truth Beauty Goodness etc. are Real than you are a Realist...
I'm talking about a literary genre
Read a suburban fantasy fiction like that, had 'dark' in the title and it was about how the government gave 25% of teenagers and children superpowers, and then wanted to use them as ordinary weapons of war. Wasn't half bad. They were sorted by 'colors', not related to some elemental effect, but to show the somewhat arbitrary danger level inherent in the five categories to their government handler.

The plot was middling, but the presentation of the US political system AND the peoples reaction to societal breakdown (not caring about their family, seeing their children as threats because big government says NEED help on the tv, etc) as things start breaking down was really really very good, especially since it was written pre covid.

Wish I could remember the name. Anyway, MC is a girl and it goes as far as it needs to to paint a very realistic picture. I swear anytime she cuts her hair, eats, drinks, or sleeps its mentioned- and it's mentioned how agitating government officials are when they want to account for every minute youre doing that so they can brownnose their boss.
AI got it for me, the darkest minds by bracken
You don't need to shit, it's all a conspiracy by Big Paper.
Dude you can't go saying stuff like that on the clearnet. These people have never seen a vegetable in their whole lives.
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Much profound
Such insightful

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