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I don't get it
>Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
What's with the racism towards birds, chickens, ducks, geese, etc.? Was Orwell retarded? Was he not aware of the existence of birds on farms?
>inb4 commandment two
If I logic check with commandment one I conclude birds are enemies. If I logic check with commandment two I conclude birds are friends. This is a contradiction, assuming something cannot be both a friend and enemy. Looks like Orwell needs to retake kindergarten logic or rewrite commandment one to exclude winged creatures.
Stay dilated out there, trannies.
There was a whole segment where they go into this and whether wings count as legs
They do, ultimately, because they are appendages of momentum, like legs, not tools to oppress, like human hands.
Birds are friends.
Also read the book it's really short.
You need to watch three hours of cuck porn in order to understand Orwell.
Squealer updated the living document to remove the inadvertant and problematic bipedalphobia of Old Major.
Why do people say its a book about communism when orwell was most likely writing it as reflection towards his british classist system. Such a book is less likely to be written by an american even if they were writing about communism, since they have a poor conception of class
Yes, I should. I'll admit I've been avoiding it. And now I'm 28 and feel I'm too old for it, even though such a sentiment is peak pseudery.
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He deserved so much more... RIP
They could now because it mirrors the social justice ideology. According to the ideology, in the United States, White people (racial Europeans) are the upper class and everyone else is at least one tier below them. This obviously doesn't map to economics, but it's like Marxism except it's racially based. I don't know why people try to deny this exists. They argue over words and definitions, but there are people who will argue these concepts, so obviously it exists. It does get conflated with the economic ideology, but that's just a matter of misunderstanding. Someone conflating Marxism with the racial ideology that mirrors the economic one is wrong, but they're not wrong that the racial ideology exists.

Many leftists will argue that it doesn't exist because someone said "cultural marxism" and marxism is an economic ideology. That's not exactly a refutation and it's a cheap tactic. It's straight out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals and i don't know if it's done intentionally or not. It seems like many don't realize what they're even saying. Definitions and terms get changed and then they can argue that it doesn't exist. It's downright creepy and they're just regurgitating talking points when they do it.
Isn't it about stalinism?
Orwell lived as a cottar as he was dying of tuberculosis and kept hens so I very much doubt this. Apparently his diary towards his death consisted of short entries such as “no eggs” and “3 eggs.”
Clearly, that anon is probably a commie coping with its accurate parody of his ilk and to top it all off it was done by one of their own!
I was like this for quite a while and then I actually read it and it's really good
go figure
It's actually just enjoyable. And short. So I'd do it.
If only he had worked harder..
Well it's about Marxism and the communist manifesto literally says that retail workers are part of the oppressor class, so it makes sense that the rules would be stupid to begin with.
Except that classism is older than marxism or stalinism or communism. It's the hearkening to feudalism that the pigs were trying to mask, if anything the pigs could be said to be more nationalistic or fascist than communist in their goals to maintain a class system that benefits them. I think orwell had a fundamental misunderstanding of communism. Would it be accurate to portray the american civil war as communist/stalinist because black people did not want to be slaves, but still desired to be paid for their work, its the same with the animals. Just because you are fighting to be treated equally does not afford the monicker communist or stalinist.

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