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/lit/ - Literature

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that depends, if you are handsome then yes.
I'm reading manga and no woman has approached me
Reading comic books is clearly on the 'unattractive' scale.
I'm not reading silent manga
No, of course not. Hobbies aren't even attractive to begin with. When's the last time you ever heard a guy saying
>damn bro the way she bastes that turkey is soooo hot I want to fuck her while she's cooking
Do try to spend 10 seconds engaging in critical thought before asking the next retarded question that comes to your mind.
>Yeah, my hobby is drinking. Yeah, alcohol.
>my hobby? pornography of course!
listening to women's opinions is a waste of time
Reading is one of those hobbies you say you look for in a partner just to make yourself look more intelligent.
Yeah, just quoting an author makes women think you're an intellectual
Noone cares about women's hobbies
Hobbies could indicate something about a person, making them a more desirable mate. Reading is connected to being intelligent. Martial Arts indicates fighting prowess. Body Building is strength and so forth.

Of course both people need to consider each other attractive, that is the first prerequisite. Once that obstacle is breached, they can begin to learn more about eachother. The Green and Red flags so to say.
How is shitposting a hobby?
Attractiveness is about looks.
Why do you think "Hot Guys Reading" is a thirst meme but not "Guys Reading"?
What if all of these are your hobbies?
No, but they think it looks better if they feign an interest in it. You must remember they’re very vain and almost ubiquitously illiterate. What this is intended to reflect are hobbies affiliated with status; what actually occurs, or whether it occurs at all is irrelevant.
Hi there, RedditGPT. Thanks for your insight.
Not sure why you people keep spamming this when the amount of women polled is so small and specific as to be borderline insignificant.
>Our sample was a convenience sample of 814 participants (48% female). Consistently in the samples that we run we see a pretty even split for politics and feminist ideology, so we don’t expect much political ideological bias. However, our samples skew disproportionately toward women of high social status, high level of education (45% had a Master’s degree in the previous survey), and who are predominately White (> 90% in the last survey). Popular hobbies like “clubbing,” which was rated low in our sample, may be perceived as more attractive in other populations.
Yes, all the other replies are coping.
>the fuckin retard can't use the brain to the point of needing a machine to do the thinkin for him.
being a drunk and junkie actually gets you way further. being a little knowledgeable in literature is necessary but if you're just a dominant faggot in conversation, you can stir up way more emotions. but seriously being on speed and talking to woman is hack.
Women like the idea of a man reading, but not necessarily that you actually do it.
My latest lay seemed to be mostly amused by the fact that I carried around a book when hanging out and reading it during downtimes, but she seemed to enjoy it when I sent her quotes and I think she found it cute and novel that I read a lot. She also was super insecure and defensive when telling me she was reading some self help book with the word fuck in the title, dunno why, I never shamed her for that
Also I've been seeing this girl lately and when she told me she just can't sit down and read and her mind goes blank when trying to do it I realize that was quite a turn off for me
For me it's drinking, cigars and gambling
>When's the last time you ever heard a guy saying
>>damn bro the way she bastes that turkey is soooo hot I want to fuck her while she's cooking
cooking is very sexy
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>I do enjoy a good ol' round of gambling
>when's the last time you ever heard a guy saying "damn bro the way she (performs mundane skill) is soooo hot"
you've never been with a woman and it shows. good luck champ
>Yeah, my hobby is Funko. Yeah, pop.
Anon what the fuck are you talking about
First of all we’re talking about men’s hobbies and second of all, YES a woman cooking of playing sports is much more attractive than the same woman watching reality shows and TikTok or listening to Taylor Swift
>"your health is declining rapidly due to your severe alcoholism"
>"yeah, i'm very passionate about my hobbies"
>"... the tests show that you suffer from cirrhosis and extremely high blood pressure"
>"i'm willing to die for my love of the arts, doc"
What does this even mean? Funko? Are these people sitting there with their little spiderman funko pop moving his arms around and making noises like a small child? Pew pew yeah go spiderman shooting webs at the bad guys pew pew whooooo!
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I don't know man, I invest all my available time into the first 5 on that list and no woman except for my mother ever really cared for it.
It depends. I will demonstrate.
Sartre read more books than Camus and was more studious. He was also more refined in his writings.
Camus also looked like Camus, and Sartre looked like a hobgoblin with a birth defect. Camus got pussy regularly. Sartre didn't.
Camus wrote a philosophy about how life is meaningless but if you learn to laugh at that, you can enjoy the experience. Sartre wrote a philosophy about how life is marked by constant pain and confusion and a permanent sense of dread, where the only response is to succumb to the void, or, live a lie. Both men read a lot, two very different outcomes though.
It's a collecting hobby
Sartre slayed puss like a motherfucker what the hell are you talking about?
You have to talk to women also you autismo
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Sure he did.
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The question is more likely 'what hobby do you think is acceptable' rather than being attractive. I don't think any woman cares if I read, learn languages and play an instrument. Because I do those things, and I don't believe anyone other than my friends and family care.
In my experience, women do find reading and writing attractive if it shines through in how you talk to them. Charisma, that they then can link back to your literacy, is attractive to a lot of them. Being a grubby dork who reads and barely talks isn't, and makes them think you're just a dork.

Conversation is attractive to a lot of women and literacy makes you a better conversationalist.
I do, I'm not complaining here. The place I do most rough woodwork at is a cultural house a truck ton of 18-25 year old girls come together. My point isn't that I don't engage with them or that it's of no use. What I'm saying is that I don't look for validation of someone else and just do my thing. But so does everyone else there so perhaps a 40h a week office woman will find more creative hobbies super attractive but the people I tend to engage with usually don't think too much about it because they follow their own creative undertakings and passions. Reasons why closer relations develop aren't really attractiveness of hobbies but some form of common ground and general chemistry/interest in the other.
Look it up. He was a notorious womanizer and had numerous affairs. Simone de Beauvoir even seethet about that in the second sex since she had an open relationship with him to show her independence but she ended up being the one getting constantly cucked
Yeah nah I know that, I just don't believe any of it
Yes it’s one of the only hobbies I have that girls I date actually enjoy discussing. Sports, athletics, etc are also attractive but more in how they affect your body and demonstrate that you’re socially active rather than being something they really want to discuss. They seem to find “classics” reading more attractive than genre fiction as well. The hottest woman I ever dated found me more attractive because the night we met she had seen me reading Moby Dick. of course most women don’t actually read that much and when they do, it’s mostly genre fiction, romance fiction (romance like Barbara Cartland, not like Orlando Furioso), biographies and self-help books. Though to be fair to them that’s also true of most men that read as well, indeed even here a lot of people are much less interested in literature than they are in seeming like they’re interested in literature.
But remember that reading doesn’t make you attractive, it enhances your attractiveness, if you’re already good looking then women will find you more attractive because you read but if you’re ugly and unattractive, it’s unlikely to win someone over. Also even if you are attractive, you need to be able to talk about it in an appealing way, you can’t be a complete autismo, or you will be back to a position where talking about your hobby is tolerated because of your attractiveness, as if the hobby in question were vidya or anime.
Cooking skill used to be a significant criteria for choosing a wife, not only are you wrong but you chose one of the worst possible examples to demonstrate your point, truly retarded.
Molesting students and being manipulated by social climbers doesn’t count.
It’s fucking insane that a post like this even needs to be written. This website truly is populated by giga-autists (I love you guys).
I have to autistic somewhere, and those girls like it when I quote Melville and Elliot, they don’t like it when I amateur psychoanalyse them
no, reading is for faggots
Why are you here?
>Having hobbies
>Not being on the grindset 24/7
You're already genetically dead, bud
He's really into cock.
The fact that you have triple the odds of success gooning than being redpilled is really funny.
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Literally the opposite, people who only care about productivity and not at all about art are hylic peons in spirit. On top of that having interests makes you more employable, my boss told me that my interest in literature helped me get my current job, which is in finance.
>he’s really into cock
Why is /lit/ such a homosexual board? I remember a few years ago there were some twinks posting that some anons would thirst over
>porn better than redpills
I would guess that most women don’t know the full extent of gooner depravity and that they consider watching porn in general to be unattractive, which is based of them.
>I love gamer dudes
No woman has ever said this even about a really hot guy, the others are things that enhance their attraction because they indicate other desired quality in addition to hotness. Gaming is something that women tolerate from you because they’re attracted to you
I would continue to read even if it was an unattractive hobby.
>Why is /lit/ such a homosexual board?
Reading requires a level of emotional intelligence seldom reached by dudes who are conditioned by the entire species to suppress and never express their feelings so we never learn except for the wiener bandits whose woman dominated upbringing gives them a leg up in that sense. It's elementary.
>don’t know the full extent of gooner depravity
You hope. Worst case is the reality of being redpilled is such a knuckle dragging nightmare they'd rather live in a goon cave which is hilarious.
Are you intentionally being obtuse or did this meme go completely over your head?
Reading is the most attractive hobby if you ask a woman to rate hobbies on the spot, because it signifies intelligence. In practice though, being a good cook or speaking french or building furniture are way more attractive than sitting on a couch reading a book.
All learning includes reading. That's a key ingredient of knowledge. Your cart is before your horse.
It’s pretty dependant on what you’re reading, because reading good stuff is usually indicative of a person with a rich inner life that will probably have other high quality hobbies. People who read crap are more likely to have other crap hobbies
Are you being obtuse or have you literally never interacted with a woman before because you’re a gamer? Women will say any of the others so long as the guy is hot, I get that but it still doesn’t completely reflect the fact that they don’t like literally everything a guy might do even if he’s hot. My point is that no woman says that about gamers, gaming is really not an attractive hobby to them at all, it’s an active put off rather than something that they only care about superficially like the others.
I don't think the content matters much unless you are reading things that signify you are juvenile or a pervert. Other hobbies have demonstrable value and women value men that have value. A man who spends his Sunday afternoon reading a book will be less attractive than a man who spends his Sunday afternoon building things.
>I don't think the content matters much unless you are reading things that signify you are juvenile
This means that content matters because a lot of things out someone as juvenile.
I wouldn't disagree that language learning, or woodworking are more practically useful but I think another factor in the choice of reading is that women relate (or think they can relate) more strongly to it than those more practical skills, I don't think it's the most genuine interest in the sames kind of literature as men like those here usually read, but they think it's the same interest as the kinds of stuff they read, which is usually on a level of "literature" for men that they would find reprehensible.
This demonstrable value stuff sounds like a man trying to apply a greater level of absolute rationality to women than anyone who has had significant interaction with women would ever apply.
>12.3% of women count arguing online as an atrractive hobby
So there still are some good women out there
Sorry anon, but those are all women who argue online, which means they're twitter users, which means most of them aren't actually women
>Reading is connected to being intelligent.
Is it though? Almost everyone in modern times is literate, so that's no real accomplishment. And judging by the trash that is most popular, I'm inclined to believe people choose the absolute worst material to read, showing they are not very intelligent at all.
I've had multiple women say how sexy it was when I told them what I was reading then they asked what and I told them and they googled it and said it was problematic. Just tell them you're reading female goon adjacent or YA or something, it's all their children's brains can fathom
Of course, because if you're reading that means time not spent paying attention to her. I've seen it happen a lot with sports. They say they don't care if you like football, but the second you sit down to watch they won't leave you along, bugging you to turn it off and tend to them instead.
Yes, of course
Watching niggerball is a pointless and brainless activity thoughbeit
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what were you reading?
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brought back a girl home once
>wow anon so many books have you actually read all of these
>yeah except for those on my desk I am working on those 2 right now
she looks closer on my shelf
>anon none of these books are written by any women
>that is not a good sign you know, you have to read books by women aswell
>she leaves
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The 48 Laws of Power, Storm of Steel, and The Camp of the Saints
Who in the world is getting into crypto as a hobby?
Why are video games so shunned? I thought 50% of gamers were girls these days.
She didn't even answer? Now we'll never know why.
Going to start playing video games just to spite women
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>12.3% find my hobby attractive
We are all gonna make it.
that is, unless you are attractive.
There exist books that are neither female porn/ya slop nor chudcore
Yes. The glownigger who is trying to groom me said that she thinks Im really hot for that.
Wrong answer, anon. They don't wanna you to know how ugly their soul is.
You should tell them you read classic, or something that society considers respectable literature.
I read, I cook, I hike, and I photograph, yet I'm a khhv. On the other hand I also debate, drink, anime, arguingonline, porn and gamble.
You need to read fucking romance books. They just change the way you think, trust me.
More likely than not it would, but is it worth it to open a whole new world for me, when I'm quite content with my life currently? It would make me desire women, possibly a companion, which as of now feels like a very distant thought. And if my desires wouldn't be met, that would cause frustration, anger, and dissatisfaction with my life.
Give me some recommendations, and I might look into them.
>It would make me desire women, possibly a companion
Nah, mate. Stuff made for women doesn't make you horny as a man. And the fact that the protagonist is a woman, will make you knowledgeable of what women desire. It's like saying that 48 laws of power made you more attracted to humans in general, because you can now manipulate them more.

The love hypothesis by ali hazelwood is the only one I will recommend. It's fast read.
What's wrong with magic tricks, i think they are fun :/
thread should have ended here
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>The love hypothesis by ali hazelwood is the only one I will recommend. It's fast read.
Not that guy, but holy hell this is awful. It's like it's written by a 12 year old.

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