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>Reviews say this is bad because of unintentional racism
So it's worth reading?
>worth reading
Yes, if only because it gives you an idea how the more "intellectual" anti-racists view world history.
also, everything is worth reading. read the back of a shampoo bottle or the instruction manual in the glovebox of a car.
Isn't the point of this book to debunk racial supremacy theories and conclude that whites just got lucky?
The entire book is propaganda to "explain" why niggers couldn't build civilization and (((Diamond's))) entire argument is basically
>it's too hot in Africa
>Zebras can't be domesticated.
Discourse is this retarded when you aren't allowed to say the truth about things.

It's books like this why I don't read anything published after 1940.
he did make that argument but didnt have any sensitivity readers to correct for any problematic lines of reasoning
Why do people read this instead of more compelling works by people like William McNeill or Paul Kennedy perchance?
>Reviews say this is bad because of unintentional racism
Just added it to my cart. Thanks OP
see: >>23818458
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Yes, and it takes like 3 sentences to debunk the entire book.
>grand narratives
Do it then.
[...] of the importance given by some scholars to geographical location. I will not repeat my arguments against this doctrine. I will not repeat that, if the locations of Alexandria, of Constantinople, were inevitably suitable to become major population centers, they would have stayed so and would remain so in all times, an allegation belied by the facts. Nor will I recall that, judging by this, nor Paris, neither London, nor Vienna, nor Berlin, nor Madrid, would have any title to be the famous leaders that these cities have all become, and that, in their place, we would have seen, from the birth of the first merchants, Cadiz or perhaps better Gibraltar, Alexandria much earlier than Tyre or Sidon, Constantinople to the eternal exclusion of Odessa, Venice, without hope for Trieste, to monopolize a natural supremacy, incommunicable, inalienable, indomitable, if I may use that word, and human history to revolve eternally around these pre-destined points. Indeed, the places of the Occident are the most favourably placed to serve traffic. But, and this is very happy, the world has other and greater interests than those of the commodity. It's affairs do not go at the whim of the economist sect. Motives higher than the views of must and have president to its deeds, and Providence has, from the dawn of age, thus established the rules of social gravity, that the most important place on the globe is not necessarily the best disposed to buy or sell, to transit or to make goods, collecting or cultivating raw materials.
Domestication isn't hard
*Book debunked in 1 sentence
Taming individual zebras is not the same as domesticating the species.Unlike horses, zebras do not have a clear family structure or social hierarchy, which is crucial for domestication. Add in the jittery survival Instincts they possess to avoid becoming lunch for the innumerous predators that surround them and you have an animal with a nature too highly defensive and aggressive rendering full domestication unfeasible.
Whites didn't get lucky, they benefited immensely off the achievements blacks bestowed upon them.Then once they got their weight up sufficiently to assert their own power, sought to erase their now shameful past. As the maxim goes"History is propaganda of the victor". A fact that white supremacists would rather be forgotten.

The antithesis to "Guns Germs and Steel",and just an overall better book, is "The Ruins of Empires" by Count Constantine Francis Volney.

It was written in 1791 by the way.
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I'm not longer aghast at black crime in my neighborhood because now I realize, thanks to Mr. Diamond, that Africa was an especially tough continent to live on. Way too bumpy for the wheel to be useful. Thanks, big J!
A Jew writes it so you shouldn't believe anything written in it. I'm sure the libtards only disparage the book for not being radical enough.
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its bad because its retarded and full of copes trying to explain away niggers being retarded. The fact that his defense of nigger retardation is not vigorous enough for modern niggerfaggot communists is hilarious.
das rite, and dey was de original israelites
This is the Pseud Koran
It makes evopsych faggots seethe like holy shit, so it is worthy in that regard at least.
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The actual response is donkeys.
Africans domesticated donkeys. Donkeys serve all functional purposes zebras would have: they can pull a cart, you can ride them, they even have stripes and scream/bray(?) like a zebra would. I can't actually remember Jared Diamonds original point about zebras, but this entire dialogue is made irrelevant by donkeys.

Africans also domesticated the guineafowl and independently domesticated the aurochs (cattle had been historically independently domesticated several times).
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Book is wrong about everything
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> niggers can't into sailing
This gives me an idea.
>alt hyp video
>on a channel with a princess celestia avatar
>and a Madonna della Pietà banner
it's like I have a twin
would they survive the tzetze flies
Read it and tell me, you fucking retard.
Not an argument
Explain the Somali pirates then
Which Africans specifically are the ones /pol/ says couldn't build a civilization?
This book was written by a biologist with a poor understanding of history. He repeatedly fucks up basic historical facts and its clear he doesn't know anything about world or regional history. Most of the book is just conjecture and him pulling random stuff out of his ass.
I am baffled this is still the supposed rebuttal. Every animal was selectively bred for centuries before it became the tame dosmetic animal it is now. Zebras could have been selectively bred. You can guarantee if Europeans or Asians were in Africa first they would have been, but of course Europeans would never have developed higher intelligence in a region like that and thus you have Africans who can't conceive of the idea of domestication.

>Inb4 why haven't they selectively bred them now then huh

Because we already have horses. There is no point anymore.
They were just living tools essentially, nothing more. The only way they helped cultivate arts is that the cultured elites could focus their efforts on the arts instead of labour themselves, which is something that has happened throughout history. Using this logic and to imply then, that the serfs of Russia or the plebs of Rome were responsible in shaping the art of both of these nations is a retarded understanding of history. The way in which you speak of our past, I’d be curious if you are either a seething non-white we wuzzing or from a slave race of whites who didn’t get a slice of the pie, ie a Pole or Slav.
cochran's book (the 10,000 year explosion) is worth reading in full, it's not directly intended as a rebuttal to diamond but it does provide an alternative account
oh hes pulling facts out of his ass without any historical facts? like you are doing now?
probably the nigers
Is this the book that argues Europeans developed civilization because wars pushed them to innovate and then later on says Africans couldn't developed because they had too many intertribal wars?
Wasn't supposed to be
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You really don't get it. Sure you can "selectively breed" any animal. That doesn't mean you will get the same outcome. All of the animals that have been selectively bred were initially selected because they already had certain desirable traits from the beginning. There is a limit to what selective breeding does. Genetics are genetics and you can't magically undo millions of years of evolution. Cats have been selectively bred and they are still mostly just a feral animal that lacks the intelligence necessary for useful training and control. You cannot force a cat to become a dog or vice versa no matter how much you selectively breed them.
>You cannot force a cat to become a dog or vice versa no matter how much you selectively breed them.
You absolutely can, there's just no need for us to do so because dogs and cats already exist.
People are usually too low IQ to train cats.
Count of Volney was also a fucking retard who believed that sub-saharan Africans were the ones who built ancient Egypt, so right off the bat he's immediately discounted as a sham.
More like Africa was a cesspit of over-growth and disease that made stable life fucking impossible.
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Everything in the world makes sense when you realize Africans are not very good at planning, forethought and abstract thinking.
Jesus Christ how can you be so fucking wrong. Domestic cats are feral? Do you even know what they were selectively bred for? Maybe not the same things as a dog? Absolute retard.
>kill feisty zebras
>breed passive zebras

You really think over several hundred years you wouldn't have a very complacent reliable meat source?
He wrote this as a way to rationalize there being no white European racial superiority when it is obvious some countries lack any sort of development throughout history.
The funny part is now that the Overton window has continued to shift his rhetoric is not anti white enough so now the mob considers him a racist.
yes, it's their only "scientific" explanation for their inferiority and they can't even comprehend that much with their little monkey brains
Diamond divas.. I'm not feeling too good...
>breeding zebras
Furry alert
>no one can provide a better book than this
Someone already did >>23818642
This was never answered. It’s not a rhetorical question at all.
Pursuit Of Power or The Horse, The Wheel And Language.
The soviets literally bred foxes to be dog-like, and the russians continued their experiments. You can literally buy a pet fox that is trainable to a level of certain retarded dog-breeds. This experiment lasted less than 100 years. You think you couldn't breed zebras to the same extent?
infinitely easier to do the same thing with horses because horses have a pack leader that they can associate with the human. to a point that the humans that domesticated horses, sailed to the people who lived with zebras, and dominated them
>everything is worth reading
wrong. most things are not worth reading at all
libtard retardation countered with 18th century afrocentrist nigger retardation
Volney was a white nobleman.
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Whites would sooner rewrite history than remember their humble origins.
What a joke.
This mystical black race never existed. The only black race that left Africa to dominate Europe and Asia became Europeans and Asians.
And? Afrocentrism has nothing to do with one's individual race. There was a decent amount of nigger worship among Europeans at the time, partially out of pity.
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>a random quote that's probably completely fabricated, as it has no citations and cannot be found online references anywhere

Imagine stooping to obscure, niche, occultists to prove your superiority, lmao.
>>(((Reviews))) say this is bad because of [buzzword]
just read it
Slit your throat and eat shit in hell.
You have no Buddhanature.
You have no soul.
You are beyond the forgiveness of God.
I hope one day you livestream your suicide. I would love to watch your blood flow.
Eat shit, and I pray you die a slow and painful and excruciating death along with your entire wretched, disgusting, and inbred family.
>problematic lines of reasoning

Such as?
>of body and mind
Did he know about BBC?

watch this you arrogant!

zebrabrained libtarded kamalolcow
I merely spoke the matter-of-fact truth. The fact that it imparts more hurt to you than any banal insult or impotent verbal voodoo you could ever hope to mutter to me warms my heart.
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>This mystical black race never existed.
The ancients beg to differ.
>cannot be found online references anywhere
I translated the passage from its original in French.There are no English renderings to my knowledge.
>a random quote
>Imagine stooping to obscure, niche, occultists to prove your superiority, lmao.
At one point in history such sentiments were so universal as to not even be up for debate and to say otherwise you would have been looked upon as a fool. The fact that an "obscure, niche, occultist" echoed them just means he was a knowledgeable man unblinded by prejudice, especially for the time he was living in.Furthermore "occult" doesn't necessarily always refer to the mystical or preternatural. It can simply refer to things that are or have become "hidden" which the truth often is.
>quote from Thomas Jefferson
Ironically enough Jefferson fancied Voney's book so much he had it anonymously translated into English.Although I imagine he hurriedly skipped over that inconvenient part about whites owing all their coveted achievements to blacks.
You can have buddhanature if you follow pure land anyways
Still not answering the question. Saying it's easier with horses doesn't take away from the fact that it is very possible to do so and Europeans likely would have.
Get bent

Shut up big-mouthed!
In the book of Ezekiel,God warned Israelite women against pursuing lustful sexual relations with Egyptian men stating that the latter possessed penises that rivalled horses and donkeys.I find it interesting that this stereotype has only followed around black males.
Not trying to claim this as proof of the Egyptians being Negroes or whatever just an interesting bit of trivia.
Saying Europeans got lucky is not good enough for the modern academic.
they think it "problematic" that he says that if not for geographic luck, the Inca and Aztec might well have crossed the ocean and conquered the Europeans.
which means that you can't really morally condemn the Spanish, because historical outcomes are more the result of geography than human moral decisions.
And that is of course at odds for shaming European civilization in their whole decolonisation grift.
YES, I'm egyptian and I can approve this and this is the only piece of text in the tanakh that makes sense being said by god, I affirm that Egyptians are not blacks the only egyptians with black skin are in the far south in Aswan and Nubia and they are a minority also there are blond blue eyed Egyptians and can be found randomly in the cities or as full families that occupy villages in the country side
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Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
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>this is the only piece of text in the tanakh that makes sense being said by god
Why do you believe that?
>domestic cats weren't selectively bred for the same things as dogs
>uh uh uh
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>I don't know shit about horses or domestication: the post
this is where I guess if you're afrakan or yiddish.
They didn't "breed foxes to be dog-like" FOXES ALREADY ARE DOG-LIKE
You can take a wild fox like you can take a lot of wild animals and turn it into a """pet""" with no breeding at all
100 years of breeding does jack shit it certainly doesn't turn a fox into a german shepherd
>Genes don't matter at all!
>Author proposes genetic testing for Israeli citizenship to make sure non-jews are weeded out.

What did he mean by this?
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Sir Richard Francis Burton thought this proof positive that the original Egyptians were black.
So white people were just fighting back?
>Reviews say this is bad because of unintentional racism
When did that happen? It was the lefty bible when it was published and John "cock cheerios" Green fired a trannie who made a video under his Crash Course banner criticizing it as racist after backlash from his libtard audience.
>John "cock cheerios" Green fired a trannie who made a video under his Crash Course banner criticizing it as racist after backlash from his libtard audience.
Looks like all memory has been scrubbed including Green's apology. If I remember correctly it was "Crash Course Anthropology" and that Sargon of Akkad guy did a response video to it that seems to have been scrubbed as well (most of that guy's videos are gone so I'm guessing YouTube demonetized him at some point and he took down his vids).
The reason it's memorable is Green threw the girl under the bus by saying it "wasn't her fault" but his excuse was "I didn't read the script before it went out and didn't view the video." So basically, "that content wasn't my fault and I totally didn't agree with it but blame me because I should have had more to do with the video going out."

I'm kind of sad that little pocket of drama seems to have been forever erased from the internet. I'd like to look up the girl who never appeared on Crash Course again and see if she went full FtM.
Only thing that exists now is a Reddit thread. Green even deleted all the tweets they reference though.

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>Selective Breeding
ftfy midwit
I mean yeah, you could gentle zebras after a dozen generations or so just like everything else, but why would you bother? As someone else pointed out they had access donkeys, which are better than zebras in every way except aesthetically. Why spend twice the effort to domesticate an animal for only half the payoff?
Donkeys are shit for hunting. Hell, Why't was so good at domestication he made breeds of horses for racing, breeds for farming and breeds for ranching.

It's not that they did or didn't or why or what for: it's that they never bothered to try at all.
>you could gentle zebras after a dozen generations or so just like everything else

> had access donkeys
true. they also had access to horses.

why would they if they had no use for them?
I could domesticate a zebra and i could do it easily
You can literally domesticate anything with a higher central nervous system and many things without one, though for a much reduced value of the word "domesticate". You being ignorant to the facts of animal husbandry doesn't change that, anymore than a couple of short-lived efforts a hundred years apart. Hell the fur industry accidentally domesticated both foxes and mink, two species previously thought to be completely incompatible with the process. The only thing really standing in the way of semi-docile zebra is a viable commercial application.
>donkeys are useless for hunting
First of all no they aren't and I'm not sure why you'd lie about that. Donkeys are frequently used as pack animals on long hunts, treks, and occasionally in war zones. Mules are generally better just on size alone but the smaller animals also have their place. Second of all so what? I'm honestly not sure where you were going with this. Racing and ranching are related to mobility, which is only necessary if you want or need to go farther to kill your neighbors or hunt than you can comfortably do on foot, and farm horses are a much, much later development in the history of animal husbandry than the first domestications. Even after the general adoption of horses strong enough to plough oxen were still the more popular option as they were sturdier and cheaper to keep. Dray horses only surpassed oxen in farm use when the cost of buying and keeping a good team of horses was outmatched by the price of beef on the hoof and even then it wasn't by nearly as wide a margin as the general public seems to believe. To sum up: donkeys are fine for hunting (depending on what your point in bringing it up was, I guess), racing and ranching are too nebulous as concepts to be easily addressed, and more people used oxen than anything else for farming until machines made both obsolete.
TJ owned more slaves than any other American president. Knowing Americans' obsession with black penises I find it difficult to believe that he would never watch his black servants during their morning shower
Thought it was Ernst Junger and at first glance and was going to say yes. But no, it's not worth reading, how could you be such a pleb?

Coping black idiot.
*Subsaharan Africans.
oh he's jewish too? LMFAO
You mean shitskins? LOL, not real Americans.
You have no clue what you are talking about. The ancestors of our horses that the first humans started to domesticate were closer to zebras, stripes and all, than to modern horses. Selective breeding in dogs has led to all kinds of different sub-species with specific behaviors and looks. If you don't think the foxes mentioned are significantly different from wild foxes in behavior and attitude, then you probably have never seen a wild fox.
>Knowing Americans' obsession with black penises
Left field assertion
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Because Egyptians really possess penises that rivalled horses and donkeys, this is the only true thing in tanakh that can be affirmed the others are just fairy tales.

Are you joking? you are referring to someone who travels the world to play with people dicks so he can know if they are negros I bet he has The BBC Complex and he just taking his studies as a cover I'm sure he was secretly getting fucked by the dicks he was playing with so he can truly judge by not only measuring and observating but also by feeling it.

Don't be jealous of our Egyptian dicks as we are the only nation that achieved the nearly impossible thing which is huge thick dicks with high intelligence.

This is a sample of Egyptians and you can vividly see that we are not blacks:

-Faten Hamama
-Maryam Fakhr El Din
-Zubaida Tharwat
-Soad Hosny
-Nadia Lotfy
-Hend Rostom
-Reem Moustafa
-Hana El Zahed
-Mona Zaki
-Menna Arafa
-Asma Abul-Yazid
-Yousra El Lozy
-Sawsan Badr
-Menna Shalabi
-Nilli Karim
-Aya Samaha
-Ghada Adel
-Sameera Moussa
-Nawal El Saadawi

-Omar Sharif
-Adel Emam
-Ahmed Ezz
-Amr Diab
-Khaled Abol Naga
-Mohamed Emam
-Mostafa Amar
-Amr Waked
-Bassem Youssef
-Taha Hussein
-Naguib Mahfouz
-Hussein Fahmy
-Ahmed Zaki
-Ahmed Zewail
-Youssef El Sherif
-Rushdi Abazah
-Ahmed Ramzy
-Khaled El Nabawy
-Basem Samra
-Mahmoud Ellisy
-Ahmed Shaker Abd El Latif
-Abbas Mahmoud al-Aqqad (Born in Aswan which is the farthest governorate in the south and he wasn't black)
-Anwar Sadat
-Ali Moustafa Attia Mosharrafa

Google this names and see their picture, analyze there eyes, skin color and facial structure.

You can vividly see in this sample that Egyptians have black,yellow and brown hair and there skins are of all colors there eyes are black,brown,green and blue, we are neither blacks nor whites we are heterogeneous subsequently more superior than even yellowish nations you can find in us beauty, intelligence and big dicks which is the best from every race of the main three.

I recommend you see this tutorial by the Egyptian Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawas: https://app.almentor.net/courses/Cleopatra-The-Truth-Revealed .

Here in Egypt Nationalism is Rising as never seen before, while proportionally immigrants too as the Egyptians are now more aware with there heritage we are in intellectual war with Afrocentrism and the vison of white nations and the Arabs(Muslims) on us, even if we are under an implicit Arabic-Islamic occupation.
I forgot to say this picture is for Sherihan roleplaying cleopatra an Egyptian actress refered to above.

Fuck Netflix
I've never heard any stereotypes or myths of Arab men, be they Egyptians or otherwise, having massive endowments, only black guys. Burton is saying modern Egyptians aren't a good representation of the ancients.That the Arab penis is smaller than the European penis which is in turn smaller than the African penis.He's saying that Egyptians were originally Negroes who became whitewashed so listing a bunch of names of current day Egyptians is going to prove as much as listing names of modern day Australians is going to prove ancient Australians were white.
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>Because Egyptians really possess penises that rivalled horses and donkeys
How do you know this?
>Get BTFOD repeatedly about domestication
>Get BTFOD about agraculture
>Spend the rest of the time crying, lying and talking about black penis

Typical libcuck cope. The seething is epic.
Nobody is seething here except you.
I’m not the one who started talking about cocks. You did.
Why,of all the things God said in the Bible, Egyptians having big dicks makes the most sense to you? That just just seems like something very bizarre to say.
Lol, your argument got ripped to shreds innumerable times in this thread to the point it's now moot.The BBC posting is at least humorous.
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of course he is
What are the quintessential Reddit "history" books like this?
One has to start somewhere.
>absolutely seething
Nothing can.
Tsetse flies are the only thing biology cannot evolve past. Ever.
Hence slavery.
t. Bestselling author
More birds = less flies
More frogs = less flies
More biomass in plants paradoxically = less flies.
The problem is darkies cut down all the trees and have completely fucked the watersheds.
-t Don't give a shit about your fantasy books
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>so as you can see the environment has a profound affect on literally everything except of course for the human brain which evolved in perfect unison across every disparate group of humans across the globe over hundreds of thousands of years because... because it just did
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are you proposing that blacks are...
less intelligent than whites???
How do I level up after being reddit for a while?
Cochran 10000 year explosion
What books are good counters to this one?
cochran and also if you still need a jew author david reich who we are and how we got here is amazing. against the grain by.. fuck i forget one of those guys with a first initial for a name
Black Athena
Any book on animal husbandry
Any book on permaculture
Any statistics book about intelligence not written by a yid
I've met plenty of very smart blacks and plenty of whites that are dumb as bricks. Most of the deserts and arid lands in west Asia are a result of centuries of human habitation. Even in modern times the Aral Sea was obliterated by farmers with barely more than hand tools--as an example of humans fucking nature into desertification.

The smartest people in Afrika were the Pigmies. They would have lived in the Amazon forever without a care in the world if why't hadn't convinced the "natives" to start logging for plantations in exchange for booze and cigarettes.
*Congo Pigmies
my bad
The Amazon had them as well.
>Points to zebras while ignoring the other animals and plants domesticated by Africans.
>Tells you to read books on a subject but only those that agree with him.
How convenient.
Ethiopians arent subsaharan bantu and much better thats accurate. subsaharans remain useless
What classified as an ancient Ethiopian isn't synonymous with the populations in the country that bears the name today. Every source or reference to the physical appearance of the ancient variety throughout history leaves zero ambiguity to them being Negroes."Sub-Saharan" is a modern term.
Haiti was a thriving jewel before the blacks took over.
Now you can see the border from space.
Arr, the Red Sea be less than 400 km across, matey!

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