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Literature students btfo.
The great beauty of Hemingway's work is that so much meaning can be derived from them.
Yes, beauty is when books are exploited and their meaning bottled for mass consumption.
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What’s the point for a work to refer to an outside set of values which necessarily would subordinate it to those values? You elude the intrinsic and thus the essential.
retard, "the intrinsic is the essential" is an outside set of values. if a work only wants you to read the "intrinsic" in it then you cant treat the "intrinsic" as essential because that is not "intrinsic" to the book. this is why all books are retarded, because either you write and read them because of some retarded aesthetic theory, or you write and read them out of a mechanical habit, which is retarded because there are better things you could be doing.
>looking for depth in Hemingway
Hoo boy.
Jew or hole detected, opinion discarded.
The artist doesn't have a monopoly over the meaning of their art.
They do actually. When McCarthy is describing a horse, he doesn't intend for mlp diaper fetishists to get hard and jerk off to it.
Cool opinion, pseud. People would rather listen to them comment on it than some fag who decided to pay 40k a year to read books at young adult daycare.
Okay, and if they do that it doesn't really matter what he feels about it.
That does not mean it is just plot, just means theme is not driven through symbolism, which it obviously isn't, things are what they are.
Okay, people preferring to listen to an author over a critic still doesn't mean that the author has a monopoly on the meaning of their work.
Hemmmmingway was clearly taking the piss. Now stop making threads just to lash out at your 9th grade English teacher.
It means your opinion is vapid and I'd be shocked if you had anything insightful or interesting to say about art. It's almost time for fall and pumpkin spice you basic bitch.
Yes he does. Anything else is schizo babble
and undergrad English essays
Who gives a shit what the author thinks? They’re just the channeler. The story itself comes from the unconscious.
The author never dies but he can make mistakes and lie
>The story itself comes from the unconscious.
From God.
And yet he can't stop them from doing so
>They do actually
They don't and you just proved it. Mlp diaper fetishists are the true killers of the writer/artist.
authors do dumb stuff like this and then people wonder why they killed them
As to Hemingway, I read him for the first time in the early 40s, something about bells, balls and bulls, and loathed it.
There’s a form of writing where the deeper meaning is supposed to derive from the actual story that the lit student or “it’s all interpretation maaaan” people don’t seem to understand. Especially in man vs nature type stories. Life is hard enough as it is without making it a madlib for philosophy.
Seems like people lost touch with that perspective in an increasingly virtualized world. Or they don’t value it at all so they have to “dig deeper” by inventing a fanfiction where everything means something else.
Okay, Commie. Go democratise texts or whatever.
Most literature students and /lit/ posters don’t care much about Hemingway, either because they’re leftists who don’t like his macho side, rightists who don’t like his tranny or commie sides, or people who possess the minimum of intelligence and taste needed to recognise that Hemingway is extremely overrated and the influence of his journo sensibilities have been corrosive to literary quality in both style and substance since.
Hemingway said this because he was blatantly writing himself as the old man, then writing the old man as a christ-like figure. He was blowing smoke up his own hole, and when he was called out for being a narcissist he shied away from interpretation.
Words are literally symbols already, any form of communication uses symbols lmao
* the muses
HeMIDway btfo
hack cant into symbolism
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Literature has more meaning than what their writers Consciously put into them. The subconscious mind is powerful
That's just you being schizo.
He’s right and so are you.
Schizo’s are better at tapping into the lower layer of intrinsic meaning and connectivity that pervades everything, this fundamentally universal reality is also why there’s meaning in art that the artists didn’t intend.
You can’t interpret literally anything from a work of art, you need to be able to adequately explain and justify it, but it’s common for unintentional meaning to come through.
Moby-Dick seemingly contains a description of the development of modern cosmic theory out of an origin of the Jewish domed cosmology that it’s unlikely Melville intended, it also has prophecy for early 2000s politics.
Finnegans wake seemingly predicts the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki.
Nope, they do, and you just proved it. MLP fetishists can do whatever they like, but their fetishes have no bearing on the original text or its meaning. They have to change it themselves in order to comply with their desires.
>All is superficial
And then his son trooned out
Thats fine and all but there are so many parallels you can draw between this story and life situations. Whether hemingway intended it to infer a specific metaphor or not is largely irrelevant

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