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Writing the great incel novel, here is a passage from my book:

>Whenever a woman talks about "men," she's talking about a specific subset of the top 10% of all men who are unusually handsome, usually attending elite universities and with a wealthy background that makes them socially adroit and fashionable. When a woman says "Male book nerds, I..." you should remember she's talking to the handsome rich 6'2" guy who fucked her for two months, five years ago when she was still cute. She doesn't even know you exist. If you were to stand next to that "book nerd" Chad, and three other archetypal Chads she fucked (a jock Chad, a financebro Chad, etc.), and she looked at all four of you, it would be like when you meet your best friends at a fast food restaurant and a little dumpy Mexican woman sweeps up some trash on the floor 3 feet away. If someone asked you about that encounter 10 minutes or 10 years later, you would say the same thing: "I met my friends in McDonalds." Consuela was simply part of the scenery, or part of some sub-race of goblins that exists only to sweep. That's how these gabby opinionated women see you. They are not talking TO YOU. They are talking PAST and OVER and AROUND you, at the 10% of men whom they even consider baseline human, and then selecting the top 20% of THOSE men as "their type" and "actually worth caring about."

The thing that saves Consuela is that she doesn't give a fuck about you or your gay friends either. She is equally zoned out. All she sees is the hours left until she can go home and be with her brood of spiclings. YOU on the other hand are a Consuela who thinks he's hanging out with the gang, whenever a woman says "Ugh, book nerd men, here's a message for you:" and you actually listen. You are a PATHETIC CONSUELA.
Grow up, loser.
Good joke, that would be a retarded book
>great incel novel
we already have Catcher in the Rye and Houellebecq's entire oeuvre. Why would I read drivel written by some mentally stunted teenager?
you won't be surpassing my twisted world with that sorry
Who's the narrator addressing?
This. I also have trouble finding dates etc. but I'll never be an incel. Not getting laid doesn't make you an incel; crying about it online and making your resentment your whole personality does.
Kino and very redpilled.

But you aren't hating women enough in your writing. You're deflecting your hate to the simp, when you should be hating the whore.
How can you write this and not feel embarrassed for yourself?
I hope it's ironic
Did AI write this?
Same thing here.
>great incel novel
>it's just your typical ranting about chads, heights, and percentiles
Anyone who is obsessed with statistics is incapable of writing a great novel
can't stop simping huh? yeah you might definitely get a crumb of pussy for those good boy posts
inceldom is one of the only modern movements who born from written word and already have its foundation and masterpiece at the same time with elliot rodger twisted world.
there is no sense to try to surpasse someone who literally die for his believes and write extensively about it. you seem fake by comparison.
ya the weird shit about "consuela" or whatever makes me think it was written by a goblina not an alienated dude
I wasn't even moralfagging on the incel misogyny there. It's not about being anti-misogynist for me anyway; what makes incels so repellent to me is their slave morality, their self pity. Can't get sex? At least try to make something of yourself
What's the point of nonfictional opinion pieces.
Thats an X Premium post nigga not a novel passage
Bro is turning a forum post into a book. NGMI faggot
>using capitals for emphasis
Hoo boy.
You're just a resentful immature faggot, and boy does it show.
You are never getting laid, or published, ever.
If it did, it accidentally invented Artificial Embarrassment.
Holy fucking cope overdose
At least the blackpilled incel has accepted his lot in life. He sees the world as it is. You’re happy living in a fantasy world. Pathetic.
It’s alright but kind of generic. I could go on incels.is and find the same thing
You shouldn’t go on long explanatory rants like this, blackpill principles should just become clear from your writing. Take Watamote as your „shining star in the darkness”
you should write that so it destroys your mental well-being for good
I like it.
It's good to have fantasies and dreams. The problem with depressed people is not that they're wrong, it's that they've given up all their fantasies and dreams, and that they're unable to form new ones. As a result, they're so hopeless they never even bother to make an attempt at anything. As I see it, many incels have the same problem. It's not that they're completely wrong about the ruthlessly competitive realities of dating, or their position within its hierarchy; it's that they have given up on all hope, so they won't even try. And it seems to me that they have this defeatist attitude with regard to all aspects of their lives, not just on their dating prospects. I'm not implying that most people's fantasies and dreams are even realistic; they will probably never come true the way they've planned. But they will help them to keep moving forward. And if you're not trying, reaching toward new heights, you're not really even living, and your mind will start to decompose accordingly.
I am... a consuela?
Holden isn't an incel. He's able to get a date with Sally - he just spergs out near the end because he's upset. Also he can't be an incel because he rapes his sister, Phoebe.
How is he coping? If you as a cock care about the *opinions* of hens you are spiritually no different from a literal troon. There's nothing delusional about that. It's not being an incel that's gay, it's the "blackpilled" part that effete zoomer males invented.
If you lurk the /lit/ scene for self-published novels, there's already a great incel novel that came out not that long ago. Arguably there could be a better one, but you would have to address something bigger than what that one did, write it better, or some other kind of big improvement.
Pro-tip: you need an ending where sex is not part of the solution, if you want to distinguish yourself
It's been a good five years since I've seen this pasta
OP, I thought it was funny and it gets at a great truth.

Incel thought was laughed at 10 years ago but it has even penetrated the mainstream youth, who just want truth. Terms like mogged, -cel, mew, -max, and Chad are all common.
my 12 year old cousin asked me if I mew earlier this year
>it's the "blackpilled" part that effete zoomer males
Another delusional millennialtroon kek
Not very helpful, please be patient, I have the 'tism.
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Holy cope
delusional about what
In short, mewing is the idea that by clenching your jaw the right way, you can develop a stronger chin/reverse your physiological inferiority. It's very dumb, but incels tend to be. You can look up more details if you want, but it'll either be medical pseudoscience condemnation or copium from the cult members.
Zoomers did not invent the blackpill. It was millennials or even gen xers
I believe that yes, if you chew hard foods since a very young age that may be effective, but not for teenagers with their bones mostly calcified.
Thanks for your patience.
yea, all these newfaggots actually think im an incel writing a book about it. i was hoping there would be more simping for DFW's neice when i made this post.
Idk if an amalgamation of demoralization brainrot constitutes a "novel." If this is the path you'd like to spend the best years of your life pursuing feel free.
>t. consuela
>all those triggered faggots
Keep gooing OP, anons are just salty that they don't write shit.
Oh wow, another autofiction novel (what else) in sardonic language, how original and insightful
Good shit anon! Don't listen to the losers in this thread, they have no taste.

I'd lose the second paragraph though.

love this shit anon
>anon writes a book
>his message is that hot girl's lookism is just as bad as his ugly boy's racism
well, if that won't make them see the light...
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Show it, don't say it.
The word incel stands for involuntarily celibate. If you cannot get pussy you are an incel.
Mewing is just proper tongue posture, nothing more. You are basing it off of your nephew's definition which he infered from tiktok.
>I also have trouble finding money, feeding my family etc. but I’ll never be poor. Struggling despite working hard doesn’t make you poor; crying about it in left-wing circles and making your anti-bourgeoisie your whole personality does

I hate to break it to you, but the golden age of the incel is over. If you weren't on WizardChan during the Hot Wheels days, then you are experiencing only a pale imitation of the real thing. Like teenagers listening to boomer rock records and pretending that it's still 1969 without knowing anything about the time. It wasn't glorious, but it was at least a shared experience to commiserate over, instead of the elaborate universe of theories, statistics and terms that inceldom has become in the years since.
>If you involuntarily cannot get pussy you are an incel.
No, being involuntarily celibate makes you an incel. You're an incel. You're just not a crying fag on top of it.
Read some Weininger
If I want to read about gay losers I open a Houllebecq novel, dumbass.
This one?
>Published July 11, 2023
>28 ratings
If this is the future of literature then it's lacking an audience
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Reading the excerpt at this moment
>this word doesn't mean what it means it actually means what I want it to mean

I can see how you have trouble finding dates
She looked better with shorter hair.
Whats the point of your great incel novel? What do you want to achieve with it? The only place where this is good writing is if the it's exposition by some character in the book. But honestly this writing is sort of bad, and if you're problem with anyone is that they prefer better versions over worse versions of someone that they need to put a lot of trust in then you're simply unrealistic.
it just sounds like every post on here. that fake post of DFW talking about hooking up with chicks in psych wards was actually kino.
>Whenever a woman talks about "men," she's talking about a specific subset of the top 10% of all men who are unusually handsome
Shockingly original stuff. I can't wait to have to pay for your book to read this instead of getting it on /r9k/ for free
It certainly, uh, captures the thought process of an incel very well.
At least make the arguments solid and not some entry level black pill shit. This wont make any woman mad. They will just read "6'2 chad" and say "umm actually my first boyfriend wasnt that tall" or someshit
I actually hate that "incel" has been co-opted to mean "woman-hater" and not involuntarily celibate. There are plenty of virgins with empathy and plenty of narcissistic assholes that get laid all the time.

Also irks me when women call dudes incels. Like they have any right to make fun of something they will never have trouble with. It's like an Olympic sprinter making fun of a paraplegic for not being able to run.
femcels are real
Given up on what? Satisfying their irrational and unending will? A great and noble goal there, chump. All your "fantasies and dreams" amount to scratching an itch, getting your rocks off in any way possible and validating yourself. Have fun slobbering like a dumb animal.
No these are just the most basic "red pill" talking points concerning dating women. The talking points are just given from an incel perspective. The red pill tells you to work on yourself to become that man (go the gym and get fit, learn business/finance and become a successful entrepreneur or property owner, etc.). The incel takes the female viewpoint that they should be accepted and loved as they are, and they shouldn't have to be in shape, or have drive to better oneself in order to qualify on the dating market.
Basically, incels are lazy crybabies.
Noone sees the world as it is you blithering mong. It's not even possible for anyone other than God.
>all handsome men go to elite universities

Huh? Has she seen the average college goer? They're mostly nerds
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This is shit and Houellebecq already beat you to essential incelcore
lmao, sorry but "not getting laid despite wanting to" is the literal definition of incel, not just by implication but in that "cel" means that you don't fuck and that "in" means that it's not your choice. You're incels by definition (unless you like guys because fags can't be incels) and your cope to the contrary is pathetic.
Reminds me of those images I saw once of the absolutely hideous male redditors that were behind a lot of vitriol against incels, who are nuts (typified by Eliot Roger who wasn't close to ugly, and he was rich, but he was a retard), but their upset comes from a very real place of discrepancy between the way sex is talked about and the way sexual competition actually works.
you're probably both virgins as well
>Whenever a woman talks about "men," she's talking about a specific subset of the top 10% of all men who are unusually handsome, usually attending elite universities and with a wealthy background that makes them socially adroit and fashionable. When a woman says "Male book nerds, I..." you should remember she's talking to the handsome rich 6'2" guy who fucked her for two months, five years ago when she was still cute.
Actually anon, she's talking about me, the 5'9" effete, catty, homosexual who subtly insults her choices and opinions (along with her dress "sense") in her book club each week before I loudly recite a Melville passage for the sixth week running.
wellbeck already wrote 'whatever.'
You need to use "female" instead of "woman" if you want authenticity.
He could use “woman” but it would need to be spelled “w*man” as if it needs censorship
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Mother of God, I have NEVER seen this level of cope before. Truly an impressive feat, anon; I kneel.
show her this post, anon


Take notes anon

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