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/lit/ - Literature

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Favorite prison novel?
Just finished On The Yard and it was really great.
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miracle of the rose
The Damage Done:Twelve Years Of Hell In A Bangkok Prison (Warren Fellows)
Homeboy is a masterpiece. It's the only book Morgan wrote. He got killed in a motorcycle accident with his girlfriend in New Orleans many years ago.
If you like non fiction.This was the basis for the very good film by Robert Bresson.About a french resistance fighter that engineers his own and the ecape of others during Nazi occupation.
Do not know about best but I started this novel by Rachel Kushner ,enjoying it thus far.
Follows a main storyline of a female prisoner with flashbacks of her youth and life before prison.Has other secondary POVs.Seems to be critical of several parts the justice system as well.
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I liked this book. Not much "drama" or action though, more about the crushing tedium and hopelessness when doing LWOP, the sheer impossibility of getting anything done at all (which, though lightweight in contrast with the gangs and violence and what have you of stereotypical male prison depictions, is its own nightmare). Ending was retarded but there you go.

I'll rec this one as well. The bit about the kid with a burst appendix screaming himself to death in the hole will stay with me forever.
Hard Rain Falling has been on my to read list for a while.It grabbed my interest at first because of the cover.
Kolyma Tales (don't read Solzhenitsyn he's a grifter)
lmao that faggot Brandon tore her a new one over the new book, in the London book review some time ago, was pretty funny
Falconer is pretty good. Does Little Dorrit count?
Agree about the ending to The Mars Room. Absolute nonsense. Was she trying to hit some MFA beat about muh protagonist must display agency or something? I was thinking if this turns out like Brazil and she's imagining it or some shit, it will be retarded, but less retarded that what she's actually doing
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This one is close enough and 5/5
This was nowhere near as gay as the movie
But if you’re paying attention and read between the lines a little there is some subtle gayness
Still on the whole it’s pretty funny and entertaining.
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Whoops forgot pic
First Circle

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