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What economics books should I read if I just want to understand how the world works now and in history, but I'm not interested in retarded navel-gazing ideologues pontificating about which autistic utopia fanfiction is better, unless their faggotry has had a tangible impact on reality?
Economics in One Lesson by Hazlitt
The Law by Frédéric Bastiat
joan robinson's An Introduction to Modern Economics

ignore libtards >>23818729

remember: perfect competition is a useless theory for mental masturbation, reality is oligopolistic
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Economics splits into schools.
Keynesian, fisherite, chicago, misesian for capitalism. Then you have marx for the communists (I ain't citing em all).
George Batailles for "general economy"
For collapsology aka steady state I only know of Greer but I am sure he's taking his arguments from an older source.
Then you have Friedrich List for mercantilism.
I am sure there are more so please correct/add stuff if I am wrong.
Joan Robinson isn't even an economist.
He's a Marxist, and Marxists aren't economists.
They're retards who can't do basic or statistics.
SHE, and she was never really a Marxist she just thought Kim-Il Sung had some good ideas and the cultural revolution was good for Chinamen
Most of your list is straight up outdated tho
no one else here is going to give you the boring normal person answer so i'll just say it: mankiw's principles of economics is actually fine as an introductory textbook and you don't even have to be a keynesian to think this.
it's not going to give you the history of ideas component but it'll help you build a basic toy model in your head to fuck around with, which will get you closer to understanding economic thinking than reading a bunch of famous economists will. economics is usually classified as a social science but it's also sort of a branch of math, and like any other mathematical discipline you need to actually do it, not just read it.
Kim Il Sung was actually a decent leader until the 70s especially when contrasted to the gangster state RoK. It was under the famine of Kim Jong Il that the DPRK became really kooky.
>now and in history
Just go get a job and buy shit. That's how you learn economics. Then see if a tax hurts or helps you buy more shit.

Holy fuck economics isnt hard.
Ik. So add to it. I wrote this on a whim.
Psueds love to gatekeep economics and speak as if it were some sort of esoteric science with a single unified discipline.

You could learn the basic principles in an afternoon without delving too much into trig.
Recently i followed the work of Michael Hudson
his theories and research around the origins of debt and morality are illuminating.
but he's a hard marxist which has to be tempered out of his message, still has some interesting things to say about balance of payments and trade
He's also inspired some ideas I've had that better explain the motivations behind historical anachronisms and falsifications.
I don't know why he's so silent on the jews however.
What is a good book to learn microeconomics for someone who is mathematically literate? The denser the better.
go to a respected university's webpage and look at the course material for their micro courses. it's literally that simple
Aren't all the universities run by trannies?

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