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After mao died, China managed to leap frog countries with a century+ head start in industrial capacity in mere decades, I demand an explanation as to why. Not confucius says bullshit, I want a book that explains how they did this under a less restrictive regime than mao. I refuse to believe it's only structural stuff like surveillance. How do non-diaspora Chinese feel about this? I know if I was born in 70s China, I'd be fucking ecstatic, I have a way easier life than my parent did, and I make way more money. In the west, this would be seen as an individual success, it would be an insult to credit the government for someone's hard work. Now they have a stranglehold on our culture through tiktok as well.
National socialism works lmfao, helped that they tricked Yankee into supplying the financial capital to do so.
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isn't that mao on the left?
Just read german philosophers because Japan stole their justice system and China stole their communism. East asians just copy whites and make their ideas cringe on a national level.
>leap frog countries with a century+ head start in industrial capacity in mere decades

Not difficult when said countries also spend decades purpsefully deindustrializing in favor of service industries, which are more profitable and cleaner. The rest of China's success is due mostly to economies of scale, a huge domestic market, and yes, to a more limited extent, pretty astute government policy. But this policy is no different than government policy that led to Japan or Korea's economic rise. Has nothing to do with Confucius.
>I demand an explanation as to why

You know that we know that you know you, Deng Xiauping liberalization of the nation, replacing a planned economy based on Lenin project for mainstream economics. That's also the CCP official stance btw they don't even deny it.
tl dr capitalism
China isn’t even the best Chinese society at doing that. Look at Singapore.
Most of economic development occurred after China joined the WTO in 2001.
China was a very populous and still predominantly rural country in 1978, so they had a lot of potential after they gave up their communist ideology and took advantage of their large population to run sweatshops.
They went capitalist

and even then there is nothing unusual about this growth, just look at Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore etc
Watch this. It will give you an insight into the worldview of modern China. Basically Confucianist society paying lip service to Marx.

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That low quality propaganda video is mocked hard by the chinese tho
"America against America" by Wang Huning
>Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore etc
ie east asia. I was reading that basically the only success stories in global poverty since the 80s come from east asia. Their successes are hiding the failure of africa and even india/pakistan/bangladesh to some extent. All of which are not industrializing like east asia did bc there's no demand.

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