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>The fairy/folk tale universe is inhabited by character archetypes, seen here in the form of Little Red and The Wolf, who embody unconscious, ‘eternal’ psychic forces and processes.’
>Accoring to Maria S. Kardaum, ‘Fairy tales are to be considered as raw archetypal material […] hardly influenced by the conscious mind at all, or only ex negativo, in a compensatory way.’
>Little Red Riding Hood then, is the classic female figure, the ‘Angel in the House,’ unquestioning, willing and virginal.
>Innocent and touching in her naivety, she doesn’t hesitate to volunteer information to the very first wolf she encounters.

>The Wolf, on the other hand, is the classic base male – representative of the id, he is predatory, driven by instinct and hungry with desire. Little Red Riding Hood and The Wolf mirror one another – both masculine and feminine counter parts to the same character.

>The dark forest of the mind – Red’s sexual awakening
>If the forest is symbolic of Red’s unconscious mind, then it’s possible that The Wolf is a manifestation of her latent desires. Little Red, in her red cape, the colour of lust, desire and mestrual blood, strays from the safety of the path into the dark, dense trees which hide her secrets and harbour her deepest thoughts. The story can now be read as one of female sexual awakening.
>“The uncanny is in reality nothing new or foreign, but something familiar and old – established in the mind that has been estranged only by the process of repression,” Freud, ‘The Uncanny.’

>Because the wolf is a manifestation of her own repressed and dormant feelings, Little Red recognises the animal when she reaches Grandma’s house, allowing herself to question his ‘big ears’ and ‘big legs,’ but reluctant to piece together the whole. The hungry wolf gobbles up the young girl, feasting on her innocence until they are at one with each other.

This is BS, right?
>Having sex with teenagers is based
That's what it's about.
She isn't a teenager.
People who talk about fairy tales as if they're describing the different components of a shoe deserve to be strangled.
>Pedophilia, cannibalism and zoophilia
This shit was made for children?
What the FUCK is wrong with Europeans?
It's a distorted European totem myth about fucking a wolf.
Is she not saved by woodsman in the original
Not in the original.
So it's about child sexuality and not about scaring children into being careful and observant of danger in the world
According to some Freudian feminist, this is it.
They're not going to let us have anything nice ever again are they
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>be woman
>read a story with a wolf and a girl in it
>immediately think about sex
What do you mean?
It's just intuitive symbols that can easily be allegorically applied to other situations, but don't themselves directly "allude" to anything in particular. Trying to find "deep, hidden" meanings in fairy tales is a fool's (worse than a fool, a pseud's) errand.
>don't talk to strangers
>don't go into the woods alone
>don't try to befriend wolves
there is nothing sexual about Little Red Riding Hood except the one or two versions where the girl takes off her clothes before getting into bed with the wolf.
I think there's some implied sexuality.. that you could be killed or raped if you're not wary of bad characters.. but the idea that the progenitors and preservers of this myth over the ages had the idea that it was about a little girl's sexual awakening and lost innocence.. well c'mon, that's some coomer shit
The original version has Red Riding Hood getting distracted by the flowers (which are sex organs of plants).
Red Riding Hood is also rescued by the positive masculinity of the woodsman.
Definitely a sexual story.
>so your cunt has started to bleed.. well, now are ya gonna fuck good dudes, or bad dudes, little girl?
I think the idea is that it's a representation of their own subconscious, so they weren't aware.
>one or two versions where the girl takes off her clothes before getting into bed
Climbing into her grandmother's bed wearing the travel clothes she'd been in all day would be rude. Also sleeping nude was fairly common in the medieval period.
You should read The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter. And also watch the movie that was loosely adapted from it.
The wolf is a trans woman
And the Huntsman is the doctor giving her gender confirmation surgery
Then it died from complications
And of course red riding hood is the girl the tranny was trying to rape
This story arouses me.
When literary analysis goes too far...
Everything goes too far with Freud.
Revealing the true maiden within; pre and post-wall variants. Truly, a timeless tale.
So whats the interpretation of the Wolf pretending to be the grandmother then?
It's about being careful about sending your children out alone to travel to a relative's house. Wolves used to be a lot more of a danger in society.
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Your own family ain't what it seems to be.
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They tried warning us about the jew, but we didn't listen.
Archetypes are fractalline superstructures. The analysis is not wrong, but it definitely isn't what kids first learn from it, aside from the innocent blabbering too much.
That's really cleaver.
Grandma was molesting her
Pierre Woodsman?
Any random reading of classic fairy tales is not necessarily accurate or even makes sense however it's undeniable that they more often than not have young girls as primary characters. There is a clear focus on femininity, purity, innocence, etc... in fairy tales. The safest reading is that this merely reflects the general views and material reality of the time they were written which in most ways have not changed at all since that time hence why these stories remain relevant.
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This frankly tells me more about who wrote it rather than the fairytale itself. It's hard to truly claim death of the author when there are no real authors to the folk tale, just some german historian brothers who were possibly homoaffective taking notes on popular folk tales. This feels like projection and bullshit as everyone in this thread pointed out.

On another note about fairytales: The only reason the prince chose Cinderella over the other rich kiddies at the ball was because her abusive aunt gave way so she could be able to humble herself. Had she not suffered, she would have been equally as disgusting as the other spoiled brats present. I grew up in a upper middle class enviroment and these daddy's girl types are insuferable and rot my soul to the very core, only later after marrying a woman who was relativly poorer than me and lived a harsh life struggling in and out of mental illness did I come to realise that capital enables the most snot nosed behaviour in bitches and without proper suffering they will be eternally filled with a sense of arrogance not even some of the greatest figures in history could yield. The only reason the prince truly sought her was that the suffering had cleansed her soul off material wealth and thus freed it ffrom the trappings of all the other whores he could marry off, no wonder he went out of his way to seek Cindy off.
It’s about me getting my fuck on.
Source: I am a wolf
I am... the steppenwolf...
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>The story displays similarities to stories from classical Greece and Rome. Scholar Graham Anderson has compared the story to a local legend recounted by Pausanias in which, each year, a virgin girl was offered to a malevolent spirit dressed in the skin of a wolf, who raped the girl. Then, one year, the boxer Euthymos came along, slew the spirit, and married the girl who had been offered as a sacrifice.[9]

>The earliest known printed version[1] was known as Le Petit Chaperon Rouge and may have had its origins in 17th-century French folklore. It was included in the collection Tales and Stories of the Past with Morals. Tales of Mother Goose (Histoires et contes du temps passé, avec des moralités. Contes de ma mère l'Oye), in 1697, by Charles Perrault. As the title implies, this version[31] is both more sinister and more overtly moralized than the later ones. The redness of the hood, which has been given symbolic significance in many interpretations of the tale, was a detail introduced by Perrault.[32]
>The story had as its subject an "attractive, well-bred young lady", a village girl of the country being deceived into giving a wolf she encountered the information he needed to find her grandmother's house successfully and eat the old woman while at the same time avoiding being noticed by woodcutters working in the nearby forest. Then he proceeded to lay a trap for Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood ends up being asked to climb into the bed before being eaten by the wolf, where the story ends. The wolf emerges the victor of the encounter and there is no happy ending.

>Charles Perrault explained the 'moral' at the end of the tale[33] so that no doubt is left to his intended meaning:
>From this story one learns that children, especially young lasses, pretty, courteous and well-bred, do very wrong to listen to strangers, And it is not an unheard thing if the Wolf is thereby provided with his dinner. I say Wolf, for all wolves are not of the same sort; there is one kind with an amenable disposition – neither noisy, nor hateful, nor angry, but tame, obliging and gentle, following the young maids in the streets, even into their homes. Alas! Who does not know that these gentle wolves are of all such creatures the most dangerous!
Thanks for the added info, I had no clue about this stuff!
Im the wolf btw
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I would say the archetype is about loosing your virginity naively and is a warning to young girls as opposed to the princess/prince motif which ones waits for holy matrimony after your future husband kills the dragon for you thus proving his worth and devotion.
Where is the implied sexuality?
>the original version
You mean the one by Charles Perrault? Because no. That doesnt happen.
Tell that to my boner.
>Can someone explain to me what the Little Red Riding Hood REALLY is about?
Be careful around strangers you don't know.
It is not a rocket science anon. It is a cautionary tale for children.
Loli is fine too.

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