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Is Marxism fundamentally an incel philosophy?
for you
reminiscences of lenin was written by clara zetkin so we really have no idea if he said that or she made it up, lenin was a midwit and a german agent, but still sus source.
I don't think it's fair to categorize Lenin with the overall concept of Marxism since he was he's attitude we're different in that way "I have a bike and you have a bike" perception that disregards current communism and snowmobiles.
Glownigger unironically trying to domesticate the redpilled inceldom.

Lol, lmao even.
Whenever communists brush up against social issues and find that they don't have a laissez Faire attitude, I'm reminded of the fact that communism and fascism are the same idea

Statism is for bums with good genes who can leverage their popularity stemming from their good looks to get everything they want in such a system.
In that sense it is not really an incel philosophy.
Marxists are incels for other peoples' money.
Its an ideology for cafe dwelling failsons with unworked hands.
>for other peoples' money
Stupid narrative. Marxism never sprung up in areas where "other people's money" was a thing.
It always emerged in regions with very stark inequality: aristocrats and serfs or something of that genre.
So in practice, nobody is thinking of taking your money because that was never really the environment in which marxists emerged.
Engels is the best Marxist writer on this because his whole thing was liberating the whole female sex, and as the family is abolished, only then can free-and-easy individual and mutual sexual love emerge as the dominant form of sexual relationship. The communal care of children would also loosen inhibitions on sexual relationships, because the fear of pregnancy would be obviated. He was also a bit of a romantic character himself.
Marxists really don't understand human nature, do they?
God, why are they so fucking blind when it comes to this dimension of life?
>What is culture
The natural state is to eat or to be eaten
>Marxists really don't understand human nature, do they?
They have a remarkably flat conception of human nature.
What does any of that have to do with the simple fact that girls won't fuck you if you're ugly and short?
>abolishing the family is liberating the female sex
It's literally what most women live for FFS.
They're all theory and no practice.
Effete academics have nothing to teach anyone.
scientific black pill IS Marxism
Boomer retard thinks that the glownibbas of the US government approve of communism lol
This board is cooked. Shit thread
I don't think they believe in human nature. Basically they think that what we call human nature is largerly culturally constructed; that human behavior is determined much more by the historical context than by the structure of the human brain
Why do midwits pretend to have an objective grasp on human nature?
The only thing marxists actually care about is the ability to get their rocks off in whatever way possible. Engels hated commitment and only ever cared about getting to fuck other people like a dumb monkey
You say that, but have a conversation with any marxist and they will inevitably devolve into biological reductionism. Remember, they don't believe humans actually determine anything. They are historical determinists and think everything is just a matter of inevitable cause and effect. It's all just brain chrmistry in the end to them, though they often refuse to admit it.
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Lenin was quite literally a german asset. A glowie, if you will.
This is partially correct, but it's important to remember that the claim that all humans are identical blank slates IS a theory of human nature (one that Marxism adopted from empiricism).

Yes, Marxists are often almost entirely blind to the importance of status (this is a consequence of their emphasis on "class" in the most precise and narrow sense of that word). More than anything else—far more than the LTV or whatever else—this is what makes Marxism so hopelessly unscientific. At least on this specific issue, "woke" identity politics is actually much more insightful than Marxism (woke people are blind to the way status actually operates, but not because they completely rule out the relevance of status ahead of time).
How so? He wanted the german government to be overthrown as well.
seeing braindead toddlers speculate about what they think marxism entails is amusing tbf
>everything will be perfect if everyone acts in the exact opposite way they've evolved to act across millions of years
seems legit
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>seething bunkertroon can't handle his cult of retardation getting the attention it deserves
>immediately with practiced reflex appeals to conformity
Serious question, do you think anyone falls for this anymore or can be impressed by it? It's so overdone, even the dumbest and pettiest of the bourgeoise normalfags has begun to see through this tactic even if only an instinctive and emotional level.
he surrendered to germany you buffoon
>and as the family is abolished, only then can free-and-easy individual and mutual sexual love emerge as the dominant form of sexual relationship.
There are polycules in capitalist systems. Also, what even is love to you? Because it seems like you just want to have an orgasm.
You do yourself no favors by alienating further from the female sex. OP's post is telling you to have sex but also the right kind of sex, arguably your 'redpilled' retards should be in favor of it as it denies hypergamy.
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>um actually sweetie direct quotes from Lenin aren't REAL Marxism if the result isn't positive or useful for our ideology and you're a child who AMUSES ME if you dare to disagree, I'm definitely not triggered btw
Yeah, I know about that. But his long term plan was predicated on the fall of the German government in a proletarian revolution. His view was that the Russian revolution would be doomed otherwise
>implying you ever read Lenin
kek even
>In Saratov, for example, the provincial welfare department issued a 'Decree on the Nationalization of Women': it abolished marriage and gave men the right
to release their sexual urges at licensed brothels. Kollontai's subordinates set up a 'Bureau of Free Love' in Vladimir and issued a proclamation requiring all the unmarried women between the ages of eighteen and fifty to register with it for the selection of their sexual mates. The proclamation declared all women over eighteen to be 'state property' and gave men the right to choose a registered woman, even without her consent, for breeding 'in the interests of the state'.

wtf I love communism now.
>OP's post is telling you to have sex but also the right kind of sex
What the fuck are you talking about? Lenin is just bullshitting. Not even sophistry. Just unfiltered bullshit. Go back to eating out your obese girlfriend or something
>It always emerged in regions with very stark inequality: aristocrats and serfs or something of that genre.
It didn't "spring up" anywhere. It was imported by Jews to Russia, and then Russian jews exported to countries that didn't want it.
the quote is not from lenin you gullible retard
"Niggers tongue my anus"
Marxists don't believe in genetics, or that race is real, so their ideas end up being really fucking stupid lmao.
if you read the op you read some Lenin
cope and seethe commiecuck
>literally found in the state archives of the former USSR with an attribution to Lenin
We're reaching levels of cope not thought possible
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Wtf, I love Communism now!

Why didn't you guys tell me it was so based and redpilled?
>fast forward to current year
>literally every communist is a faggot
Unironically, that whole subculture wouldn't be a thing, if feminists had just listened to them, and allowed them to have a place in the progressive stack.
They only have themselves to blame.
You're right, Engels was right, the retards on here can not live with the fact that true love and beauty can not exist between people that are fundamentally at odds with each other through economic exploitation of one by the other — the woman through the man — as we can see in most male dominated societies. These societies can procreate and exist but they will always be shitholes because of that.
lmao you're a carbon copy of the cuckold tenant from crime and punishment

pretty fucking wild the world has been rightfully mocking you guys since the 19th century
No. Not even remotely.
I used to watch Contra back when he was a male (he still is btw) and there was something about his physiognomy that made it certain he would troon out at some point. I think we lay too much emphasis on the eluctability of transgenderism, for some people there is no saving and you just know they're bound to troon out sooner or later. I had a friend in high school who had a similar phenotype - weak jaw, narrow rat-like face - and sure enough he trooned out as soon as he left our hometown for college. What makes less sense is how tranny craze psyoped normal and okayish-looking men like that PhilosophyTube guy to troon out

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