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>got to the part of the torah where it says i am specifically not welcome at the synagogue

work arounds?
I look forward to seeing you, brother.
this doesnt help me
What's are a couple surprising things in the talmud
theres alot of passages about overwatch, i was coming off shrooms when i got to the part of the big text pattern of meat prepeation for the ritual that lasts a week or something, that was my favorite part, just star wars and old westerns is what i could see
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>Tfw ethnically excluded from the religions you find to hold the most truth and so you can only observe and study them from a distance as an outsider
I know that feeling very well my friend.
You could try a back entrance.
For me it's the Amish
Will I be accepted as a tr00j00 or will real ones always view me as a poser?
Bewilderment that someone showed up

they know what a mischling is
I thought you had to fall out of one
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Have you read the Tanakh? Conversion has always been a thing (Ruth, Obadiah, and of course Abram > Abraham). Besides, mistreatment of converts is forbidden by halakhah [Devarim 10:19].
>t-the big book sez you can't bully me! stop laughing!!!
not sure that's the way it works pal
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Don't convert then, retard. If you're afraid of some grumpy old men giving you the stink eye when their daughters flirt with you, then you're not ready to be a man, much less a Jew.
>inb4 let me tell you about your religion
Here's a reading list for you before you do that: Devarim, Shemot, Vayikra, Shabbat 30b, Baba Metzia 59b, De'ot, Yoreh Deah, you know what, just read the entirety of the Mishneh Torah.
Deuteronomy 23
OP is a tranny
That nearly all of the evil verses /pol/ loves to spread around are either outright fabrications or taken wildly out of context. The only thing that really stands is whether the Yeshua mentioned in the Talmud is the same as Jesus Christ. Read pic related if you're curious. Never finished it, but regardless the author makes it rather clear that Jews are not fond of the Biblical Jesus.
I believe he meant something that will make normies hate the kikes if they found out what their holy book says
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Jesus invalidates the entirety of Judaism so I can't exactly blame the kikes for 2000 years of continuous seething.
is it 10 days long?

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