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/lit/ - Literature

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I haven't been doing much reading lately.
Me either
I haven't been doing much reading since I turned 12
figures, heh heh...
ESL or autism?
you tourists are so many layers beneath the rest of us it's hardly believable.
I stopped reading too. Spending my time solving random mathematics problems that pop into my head.
most spergs use projecteuler but you do you
Me neither
Based EFL.
me neither =/= nor have i, you pseud. you should of kept quiet.
Your one stupid motherfucker
you're so fucking retarded spergy
>I was merely pretending to be retarded... see how I know what bait is guiz?!
slit your skinny wrists
Me neither doesn't make grammatical sense in this case, deal with it.
me neither = I haven't been doing much reading lately either.
you will never be proficient in English.
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I wanted to work on my novel today (on the last chapter) but my mother's car got her tires ripped off last night so I was with her the entire day trying to get this mess sorted out. I swear, everyone we spoke to - the cops, landlords, insurance agents, and towing - were all a bunch of clueless morons.
>I haven't been doing much reading lately either.
>I either
>Me either

Yes, thank you for making my point.
Men either
>I haven't been doing much reading lately.
Well, you've definitely come to the right board.
your autistic
Yes, my autistic!
i have trouble starting books but i blow through them once i start them, haven't read anything in about 3 weeks.
Haven't read anything for a while too after finishing Moby-Dick so many good ones to pick
pick one up today, bro
this is the encouragement you've been missing
go on, I believe in you
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>Tfw My mind has rapidly detriorated from years of grueling, mind numbing wageslavery and so I have lost the abitity to visualize my thoughts.
Reading isn't fun anymore and writing is nearly impossible unless it is something analytic.
Same, everything bores me now.
Election is still 2 months away Kamala.
Control yourself.
not good, anon
time to pick back up on the reading
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He also won
Go read some short stories. Bradbury is my go to guy there. Or try some Borges.
I read about 10 pages a day or less.
oh hell yeah brother
The absolute state of this board
for me consitent wake up time and morning ritual is necessary to read
if you fuck up your sleep you can't read but if you get it down you'll read a ton
I prefer the evening.
I agreed so vote Kamala then
same here
been playing plenty of games instead
I have ceased to even consider it a board. It is the equivalent of an army turning into stragglers
why is english so hard? retarded language that makes no sense
It’s “neither have I”. The I/me distinction is as simple as it gets.
t. 150 verbal IQ
Same here. It's a start. Hopefully I go to 50 ish pages per day by the end of this year. At that point I can reliably read a decently sized book in 1/2 weeks and not be stuck on a book for literal months.
Agreed once you have your sleep in order you literally become happier. I've noticed myself when I get adequate sleep and a non fucked sleep schedule, I'm much less irritable in general.
I read a bit yesterday (on audio).
just make some tea and find a reading spot that's comfy, like your bed or your couch
I like listening to an audiobook while I'm having a weed sesh.
>posting on /lit/
>doesn’t read books

Many such cases

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