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Where does one go from Deism? Midwits compelled by a faith their immediate family holds to need not reply.
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Religion has been dying outside the Global South because of rising IQ levels (Flynn effect).
The Deism phenomenon of some centuries ago was the last hurrah of the intelligent White man. Admittedly I'm still quite fond of it.
>incapable of reading more than one sentence at a time
>America closer to Nigeria than to Britain
checks out
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Nishitani, Stirner, Spinoza...
Deism makes no sense
Buddhism and Taoism. If you reject it because they're established ideas/religions then you're a faggot
Deism is the ultimate midwit belief system
Atheistic materialism is the highest IQ and most fulfilling and meaningful view.
becoming an anime girl pfp
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Process-relational nontheistic pan-creativism.
"The co-creative tapestry of existence."
"The eternal poem of the universe"
It is to not only perceive but engage with life as a creative medium of creative mediums l, to be a universal artist where the distinction between art and non-art as all is creativity.
This is science based because the history of the universe and life demonstrates the arrival of many horizons of novel interactions - emergent creativity. The emergency creativity of the universe is a consequence of its interconnectedness; creativity comes from the Many. The vastness of the world and universe allows for massive exploration of a wide variety of potentialities.
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Change is the nature of all things, and the metaphysical nature of change is expressed in one way as the fundamental theorem of calculus, which interpreted as an instantiation of a metaphysical principle describes a romance between the creation of possibilities and their destruction by the arrival of a determined actuality; instantaneous and cumulative change. This romance is expressed in the creative alchemy of biological evolution as the dynamic between variation and selection. And it is also found in the nature of time itself as the continual production and determination of endless possibilities with the passing of each moment.
>Midwits compelled by a faith their immediate family holds to need not reply.

Why even ask the question if you're going to immediately reject one of the most obvious areas of exploration and just cling to your assumptions? Just believe what you want to believe.
>rising IQ
Empirical study. Today's mysticism is tomorrow's science.
>Where does one go from Deism?
An analysis of the various miracle claims made by prophets. A determination of their validity.

Then coming to see that the miracles of Jesus are so well-attested that He really did speak with the voice of God.
Mr. High IQ doesn’t seem to understand correlation doesn’t equal causation.
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Cope, IQlet. It's a great day when Godcucks are reduced to Reddit-tier cope.
wow, you really had to dig deep for that one image on the internet that's so obscure it doesn't even reverse-image-search appear. nice job. flynn effect is legit.
Well, since it’s so obvious, please prove that increasing secularism is the cause of rise in IQ and why any other more sensible variable such as access, quality, and importance of education and management of environmental and physiological factors which contribute to lower intelligence.
Meant to add, “why these things are wrong”.
>secularism is the cause of rise in IQ
You're so low-IQ you've even reversed the putative causal direction. That poster is implying IQ rises caused lower religiosity, not that lower religiosity caused IQ rises. lmao. Done with you, IQlet.
Well, the nice thing about nitpicking is you don’t have to answer the question you know the meaning of. Have a nice day anon :)
he wasn't nitpicking, foid
>Religion has been dying outside the Global South because of rising IQ levels (Flynn effect).
is distinct from
>increasing secularism is the cause of rise in IQ
glad to help, foid
But this ties into the theme of your original post which is a bad faith interpretation when other more sensible explanations are available. It couldn't be that I messed up the semantic ordering of my sentence, which I can admit. But, honestly, I think you actually know that. You're just doing a rhetorical minesweep to avoid the sensible criticism I made. Again, have a nice day anon :)

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