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What do you guys think of Edmund Burke?
>Father of conservatism is just a moderate cuck
Many such cases.
From what I can see, all 'authentic' 'right-wing' political movements (in the western world) have been utterly crushed, and increasingly outlawed.
'Conservatives' were always moderate, it's just that today there isn't anyone to the right of them, so they de facto became 'the right'.
For instance, I've heard someone describe American politics as a "ratchet": the Democrats pull left, and the Republicans keep it from going right.

You can't expect anything interesting or novel from "conservatism". They're just playing catch up indefinitely, picking up scraps along the way.
Inferior to Carlyle, still worth reading though
Mogged by Carlyle as another anon mentioned, plus he was also a capitalist cuck.

>"The laws of commerce are the laws of Nature, and therefore the laws of God."
>Father of conservatism is just a capitulator to capitalism.
Only good for his aesthetic theory, and even then his politics keep creeping through, so it’s an obnoxious read.
Explain political Islam then
I’m as socialist as the next guy but even I realize the biggest critics of capitalism are just resentful little peons that are mad they can’t compete in the real world.
>From what I can see, all 'authentic' 'right-wing' political movements (in the western world) have been utterly crushed, and increasingly outlawed.

This has literally started to change only within the last decade. The Alt-Right, NRx, whatever you want to call them, and maybe they're a little pathetic, but they're decidedly not "conservative" as we have come to know it since Burke.
Good, I like him.
Boring cuckservative garbage
When I first read Burke I found him appalling, but he’s come to be one of my favorite writers. He saw the world with a clarity few others have, before or since.
Kek what are you talking about americans are about to elect a fascist
Who? where can I find a fascist?
>Trump: Now, If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country.
Leftists are dysgenic
>Clinton-style progressive
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>a literal MSNBC soundbite
>americans are about to elect a fascist
He is a 90s democrat who wants to deport some people.
>>Trump: Now, If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country.
You can criticise capitalists in the same way, since they seethe over authoritarianism that crushes their market. Certainly, martial authority is more representative of the 'real world' than commercial enterprise.
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I don't understand how Burke could defend the English Revolution, could defend the American Revolution, but was horrified by the French Revolution. I don't understand how he didn't see that it was all of a piece, and that the events in France were a natural outgrowth of the events in America, which were in turn a natural outgrowth of driving out the Stuarts. You don't get the French Revolution without the English/Glorious Revolution. It's all one big movement of history. If you were going to stop it you should have stopped it earlier.

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