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Flash Edition

Welcome to /pg/, where we discuss all things pulp fiction. No, not the Quentin Tarantino movie, we mean actual pulp fiction. Pulp fiction originated in the early twentieth century in the pages of fiction magazines that printed all manner of genre stories on cheap wood *pulp* paper. They offered cheap thrills for the common man to pass the time and let the imagination soar. While the pulp magazines eventually went away, the spirit of the stories survived and evolved over the decades. We here at /pg/ like to talk about all of the imaginative worlds, characters, and stories that graced these magazines and paperback books. Some of us even entertain writing our own stories...

So come on in and join the discussion.

The Pulp Magazine Archive: archive.org/details/pulpmagazinearchive
The Pulp Magazines Project: https://www.pulpmags.org/
Project Gutenberg Sci-fi: www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/bookshelf/68
*The Shadow Anthology (Books 001-336): https://archive.org/details/the-shadow-anthology-books-00-walter-b.-gibson
*Note: I haven’t combed through this one, but I think it’s legit.
HorrorBabble’s Cthulhu Mythos Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJDIvebdG8U&t=14s [Embed]
The Cybrarian’s Conan Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmd1kGz5gLg&list=PLlFcav_ti8rkUvq2sqnHxKQ6AmeSN-2QK&index=3 [Embed]
Gentlemen of /pg/, I brought up the idea of flash fiction pulp stories last thread. Due to my work schedule I became a faggot who failed to deliver.

Until now.

Tonight was my night off, so I knew that I must deliver on the idea of a "Flash Pulp" (alteratively,"Micro Pulp," "Mini Pulp," "Pulpypasta," etc) or be gay forever.

As per flash fiction, a "Flash Pulp" should be 500-1500 words long. There should be a beginning, middle, and end to the story. It needs to be in the spirit of the pulps. Thrills, action, plot-based, genre, probably a bit on the graphic or lurid side. Go hog wild with adverbs and purple prose. One knows pulp when one sees it and vice versa after you read enough of it. Don't write anything for the slicks (i.e. "literature" or "general fiction") here.

The idea is to dip your toes in the pool. No pressure to write a full novel here. We're not even asking for a Lester Dent 6k word story. Just 500-1500 words. No more, no less.
At last, I present my first "Flash Pulp." This one is a western yarn about a black hat with a gift for injustice against the vengeful will of a man he wronged.

I call it "The Reckoning of Chuy Cortez." Enjoy, and may it inspire more of you out there to create Flash Pulps of your own.

Whoops. Forgot to post a link to the last thread, so here it is: https://boards.4chan.org/lit/thread/23751153#bottom

Furthermore, here's a corrected list of links:
The Pulp Magazine Archive: https://archive.org/details/pulpmagazinearchive
The Pulp Magazines Project: https://www.pulpmags.org/
Project Gutenberg Sci-fi: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/bookshelf/68
The Shadow Anthology: https://archive.org/details/the-shadow-anthology-books-00-walter-b.-gibson
HorrorBabble’s Cthulhu Mythos Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJDIvebdG8U&t=14s [Embed]
The Cybrarian’s Conan Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmd1kGz5gLg&list=PLlFcav_ti8rkUvq2sqnHxKQ6AmeSN-2QK&index=3 [Embed]

A book on writing pulp fiction: https://ia801801.us.archive.org/21/items/how-to-write-pulp/How%20to%20Write%20Pulp%20Fiction%20by%20Bell%20James%20Scott.pdf
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Anyone ever read Operator #5?
Bump because this looks like fun, but I gotta go to work.
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So evidently, there were no Sasquatches in this story, but one of the villains did, ironically, have exceptionally big feet. The cover is also a little misleading because the Doc is never put in chains before the spider, although at one point he is tied up with ropes and offered to the spider as a sacrifice, so as always the cover exaggerates certain elements of the story for dramatic effect.

There is also a good amount of racism against "Orientals" and "Eurasians", oddly enough, which I found to be funny. Injuns got a pretty fair shake, though.

I preferred this one to "Quest of Qui" because in that one they spend half the story just looking for Johnny and Ham, whereas in this one they just get to the action right away. The last few pages had me legitimately wondering "How the hell are they gonna get out of all this?". Not to give away any spoilers, but they do, with a bit of an ironic ending just to wrap things up.

I don't wanna give away any more details about the story, but I would definitely recommend this one as a fun, compelling read.
literary pulp is obsolete hipster shit in a world where anime, vidya, and other such stuff exists
How are the Zorro books? I only see the first one really being talked about
I loved the first one. It is really something special. Just captures a romantic heroism so well. I have downloaded the second one but havent read it yet.
If you read the first Zorro, be prepared to find yourself drinking red wine, sword fighting with a broom handle while listening to flamenco music.
>Implying liberal hipster fags would enjoy Conan or The Shadow
The sheer amount of what they would view as toxic masculinity and racism would preclude them.
I love dark haired women so much it's unreal.

Also, love the thread, OP. Hope there's some discussion of Conan in here
Well let's get that discussion started. What's your favorite Conan story? For me, it's hard to decide, but I would say a three-way tie between "The Scarlet Citadel", "The Phoenix on the Sword", and "The Tower of the Elephant"
Good job, Anon!
I enjoy the story quite a bit, but I feel like the epilogue could’ve been cut, so you could dedicate more words to “purpling up” your prose, or add more descriptions.
But who am I kidding? Pulp is all about charging ahead, revisions be damned. I should definitely try to write something of my own instead of bitching about somebody else’s prose.
Beyond the Black River.

I picked up a collection of original Conan stories at a used bookstore entirely on a whim. BTBR was the first one, then I read the rest of those stories in about an hour in a mad frenzy.

Now I have the complete collection of Howard's Conan stories on my shelf in addition to all of Jordan's particles.

Conan is such a pure example of pulp that it wraps back around to having actual literary quality. It's the Iliad, but campier.
*pastiches, not particles
I take you watch Michael K. Vaughn?
Never heard of him until now lol
Ah, he's a YouTuber that talks a lot about pulp and pastiche seems to be his favorite word.
Anime is gay, vidya is boring and everything else in the modern world sucks.

Enjoy the shit, retards.
Light novels are the new pulp.
Good shit, anon.
That was cool anon. I enjoyed that. Its a nice length as well. If I may, maybe add a little more description. Help people feel the story. I love when I can taste, touch, and smell a story. When in doubt, just describe one of the sense
>hear the clock tower and the shuffling of feet
>taste the dust
>feel the sweat running down his back and the sun burning his face
>see some buzzards overhear
>smell the stale drink and rancid sweat of the saloon
Where do I start with pulp? And graphs?
>Conan is such a pure example of pulp that it wraps back around to having actual literary quality.
Damn it, you convinced me. I'm going to order the first Del Rey collection of Conan stories along with the Solomon Kane collection (apparently those are more horror-ish)
It was written in a night, but I don't mind criticism. I wasn't sure how to conclude it either. Thanks for reading, and good luck in writing one yourself.
The links in OP or >>23820349 are good starts.

No graphs, but that's a good idea.
>apparently those are more horror-ish
They are, but Kane is still essentially a superhero tackling the horror, just so you're aware.
I still have my Sven Hassell novels and a shit ton of sword & sorcery and sci fi novels. I haven't read them in years but cannot bring myself to part with them. They're like fond memories that sit on my bookshelf
Thanks, that's cool with me. Just to round it out I think I'm gonna get the volume of Howard's horror too.
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I like that the pulps were home to characters that would be superheroes by any other name but their stories are not as pigeonholed as the comics could be. I also like how individualistic they are. Something is lost when superheroes are so common that they can form communities.
He doesn't, but Remo could easily use Sinanju to drive the snake if he wanted to.
* seduce the snake
It is a form of transport, and fuckable, just like a BMW.
I did some initial planning for a second "flash pulp." I hope to write it and post it within the next few days.
Anime only appeals to 10 year old children, twink-boy faggots, and trannies.
If only there was a market for light novels (by any other name) written by western authors. Many say that YA does the bill, but that is only an age demographic overlap.
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There a whole pulpy male oriented sci-fi / fantasy market on Amazon, but you wouldn’t know that since Amazon’s search engine is ass. You just gotta look up a book and hope the recommendation tab lead you to the promise land.
I have the suspicion that it is more than just "ass" in this day and age.
Looking forward to it. I think the flash format is a great idea.
By that, I meant that I would not be surprised if the modern publishing industry downplays and drowns out that kind of fiction in favor of YA slop. Can't have straight, white men easily finding what actually appeals to them.
Like Hell Divers?
It was fun to write once I was able to. I have written longer stories before, so it was a creative challenge to tell as much as I could in so few words. I'm sure I'll figure out new things as I write more of them.
And beyond. I don't think pulp needs to be prescriptive in its demographics, but these things tend to settle upon demographic results. SWM have to search for what they like.
I am going to!
that was fantastic! I might throw my hat in the ring soon
Please do. 500-1500 words is a low bar in terms of word count, but it actually takes creativity to contain a story to that few words. I hope that it becomes a regular thing in /pg/.
Today I will try and find some time to do a flash pulp. I've been thinking it over the last few days and I cant really think of a story, but I think I've been using that as a convenient excuse. So I'll dive in today, just write the first thing that comes to my head, and see what happens.
Start with genre. Pulp fiction is genre fiction. Crime, Detective, Mystery, Weird Menace, Horror, Weird, Sword & Sorcery, Sword & Planet, Space Opera, the list goes on.

From there, you only have enough to write about one, maybe two ideas. In turn, you have only one to three scenes to tell it. Lean into simplicity.
I will admit to overthinking when it comes to writing which is why pulp seems to attract me. It is, essentially, an art form of action and adventure. Even writing seems to be about action (write first, think later) and adventure (let the story develop itself).
which original Conan stories should I read before diving into Blood of the Serpent?
>which original Conan stories should I read
All of them
Can't go wrong with "Tower of the Elephant."
Anyone here ever heard of this so-called "Pulp Revolution" or "PulpRev?"
Do you have a notebook or memo pad for brainstorming ideas? I recommend getting one. Over time your brain will subconsciously come up with new ideas and it will train to be able to do so more efficiently.
When you see it...
Followed a few of the accounts of the more vocal members of the movement, and they seemed pretty spergy, and the novels I tried skimming read like Whedon-tier slop.
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Well that's a shame. Let me guess: the movement became detached from its original vision and purpose and the people who are part of it miss the original point. It's "Pulp" in name only.
Why don't we write our own then?
More like it's just writers going too far in the other direction. Everyone in that movement is so concerned about being fun and "pulpy" that they don't dare have their works actually say or do anything of worth that wasn't already done decades ago. In other words, there's no reason to read their works when you can just read the authors they were inspired by.
Which pulp series is best for an unrepentant coomer?
If you're talking golden age pulps then the best you'll get are the "Spicy" or "Saucy" pulps, but those are positively tame compared to modern smut.
Pick a familiar genre and we will see about finding writers, stories, or characters that might satisfy you.
Spicy/Saucy/Ginger: vintage nude photos plus stories about women cheating on their husbands (so you know these were aimed at the female demographic. The adverts definitely gave it away.)
Spicy Mystery/Adventures/Detectives: this is where the good shit is, as long as you don’t expect to see actual sex.
Lesbian pulps: they will put you to sleep.
50s-60s tramps: bad girls, sluts, cock teases, sin.
1960s sleaze: orgies, spies, more lesbians, and more cheating.
1970s and beyond: the erotica market has been completely taken over by women. Think your average femgoon book, just with better covers.
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Just finished reading pic related. As the cover says, this is a book that provides an overview of the golden age of pulp fiction with a particular focus on the "Weird Menace" genre. "Weird Menace" is something of a blend of the horror, mystery, and gothic genres that emerged during this period. Think *Scooby-Doo* but sincere and not for kids with actual violence and edge but no meddling kids or talking dog.

It's a good book to read alongside *Paperbacks From Hell*. It is a spiritual ancestor to the latter.

For that matter, as I read it, I also came to think that certain media could be seen as spiritual descendants of "Weird Menace." Besides *Scooby Doo*, which was basically kid-friendly Weird Menace, *Scream* and *Saw* both come to mind. I would also say that many Italian giallo movies have some weird menace DNA floating around.
Sup pulpbros

Just finished reading the second volume of Captain Future at my media library - the first six were published in France back in 2017. I need to look for other space operas as pulpy and straightforward but also good, cos it seems the vivid imagery is the best thing you'll get from this series. I'll have to check Starwolf from the same author.
Good shit, anon. Not just saying it to make you feel good but I wouldn't mind more of that red character and reading more in that vein.

As someone who's completely new to pulp but has written a lot (although what I've written is genre shit so they might not be too different) what do you think is the best way to understand purple prose?
Nta, but…
While we like to joke about pulp being purple (thanks to the Lovecraft circle), the vast majority of them are pretty snappy and straight forward. After all, pulp is what gave birth to paperbacks and the genre fiction of today.
(I knew I should’ve recommended putting some hardboiled detective stuff in the OP, given that they were by far the most popular of all the pulps back in the day.)
Here, read a few passages from this book and you’ll see what I mean.
The Thin Man: https://gutenberg.ca/ebooks/hammettd-thinman/hammettd-thinman-00-h.html
*Understand* purple prose? Start with knowing that pulp writers were paid by the word. They would grab a thesaurus and go to town. However, >>23834785
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Anyone read Mickey Spillane?
What crack are you smoking?
>I wouldn't mind more of that red character and reading more in that vein.
We shall see. Next story I plan to work on will be a different genre. But noted. Who knows what other deals this mysterious man in red and black could have made?
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Since reading this, I must admit that the "Weird Menace" formula for covers is strangely appealing.
The majority of woman in the world are dark-haired.
Gentlemen of /pg/, I present my second "Flash Pulp." As before, this was written when I finally had the free time to do so and it was done in a night. Unlike last time though, I could not contain it to 1.5k words. <2k was the best I could do, please forgive me. 2k is a nice limit though, don't you think?

For this, I also experimented with form. As I read >>23833782, the author explicitly lays out that the pulps were 6.75" x 9.75" and that there were ~65k words on 128 pages per issue. Furthermore, I have pulp reprints of my own that I could source from to get a good idea on how to make something "look right," and that meant having two columns, size 12 font, and I settled on 0.5" margins to achieve ~500 words per page. Maybe I'll construct a guide for those that want to do the same.

I also included a blurb at the beginning as anthologies are wont to do. This story is a shift in gears from my first "Flash Pulp." Where the last one was a western with a supernatural twist, this one is an adventure story with a touch of horror itself. I promise that not all of my flash pulps will go in a horror direction though.

Regardless, enjoy this latest offering, and I look forward to seeing others work up the courage and energy to post their own.

Enough talking. Here it is: "The Voodoo Captain."

Before I go off to bed, I thought of one more thing: https://pastebin.com/G4g4Z9YT

I'll add every Flash Pulp posted in /pg/ to that.
The fuck is your point?
Sometimes I see this banner ad. Is this zine any good?
Yeah... no.
Your heart is in the right place, but that pdf... that formatting... it kills me, man.
I haven't even read it, but here's another attempt at pulp formatting.
Voodoo Captain Remastered, The: https://files.catbox.moe/xljzs8.pdf
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Wow, nice! Much better. How did you make those touches? I will replace my version with yours in the pastebin when I get the chance.
Yeah... maybe fix up your typos before you do that. I avoided editing the text beyond adding commas and hypens here and there, since anything beyond that is up to the author.
My hate for the Hell Divers series is limitless. Never have a read a book with such inconsistent character writing. Nothing like the star hero who is a Hell diver vet acting like he has never done the titular activity in his life. Does inspire one to write though if this is what passes in today's age.
I can do that. I later spotted some typos in my first story too. If I fix that one, mind reformatting that one as well?
Damn, fine job anon.
I enjoyed the story, anon. And the revised formatting is an improvement. The original resulted in some very short lines, I think.

I'm inspired by this thread, but have no writing skill or experience.
I wrote some flashpulp that's about 1200 words long. What's the best way to upload and share it?
Flashman is literary kino
Make it a PDF and then save it to here: https://catbox.moe/

Copy the link and you're good to go.
I tried making a PDF but Adobe is trying to jew me for a "free" trial and 25.99 A CUNTING MONTH

Do you mind if I just share the raw Open Office link? I could also convert it to a Microsoft Word 6.0 .doc
nvm, Catbox only likes .odt
I could also do a .txt file if that's any easier for you
Do what you must. It's the content that matters most.
Open Office > File > Export as PDF
hold on, gimme a sec. I'm cooking dinner simultaneously

Ok, it actually fucking works. Fuck the Acrobat kikes and thank you, anon.

If you guys enjoy, I can make plenty more with this character.
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I noticed that the first line is a bit sloppy (can't believe I didn't notice it with all the proofreading I did) so here is a cleaner copy:

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this one is much better, actually


sorry for all the rough drafts, I'm retarded and I have no editor.
Don't worry, none of us do. Well, there is this kind soul >>23837476 >>23837147, so we at least have that. I look forward to reading it soon.
Added >>23838815 and >>23837147 to the pastebin. I still plan to make revisions to my own work though.
We can use all the help we can get. I have part 2 partially completed. Should I post it on it's own, or do you think I should just add it to part 1? If each edition is supposed to be under 2K words, then I can keep it separate.
I updated the formatting to make it more "pulpy" and more kino overall, so please us this one for the pastebin if you don't mind:

It is done. Also, I read your story. I like the unapologetic tone of action movies. Gives off something of a sleazy exploitation movie vibe to me, what Joe Bob Briggs might call "the drive-in way."
Given the flash fiction element, I suggest posting it as a separate entry. Since it is a serial, people can pop in and out, reading part to part.
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Thanks, that's the tone I was going for. I was also inspired by the "Otokodate" trope in Japanese culture.
Understood. Even if you're not caught up on the characters and plot, I think it's still easy enough to follow what is supposed to be going on.

More on the way.
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Here is part 2


I'm gonna start part 3 and 4 tomorrow
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No. Do it yourself, nerd.
Basic pulp template: https://files.catbox.moe/t5c17o.zip
I already tested it with Libre, Open office, Word, and Docs.
PS. Ask chatgpt how to add drop case in your program of choice. (The auto hyphen shold already work with Libre and Open.)
PPS. For the love of god, don't actually use Times New Roman. The fact I have to use it for compatibility sake makes my eyes bleed a little.
>Basic pulp template
Where did you find it?
Are there any more sites with templates like this?
Alright. Today I WILL write a flash pulp.
>don't actually use Times New Roman.
What would you prefer?
Probably Garamond or Georgia.
We really need an official pulp font
>writing S&S
>only about 1k words in
>realize the MC is basically just nonstandard Conan
Should I abandon the character? Keep the story with a new MC that's different from Conan, like a ranger or holy warrior instead?
Just keep writing bro. If you liek the character and enjoy writing him, other people will like the character and will enjoy reading him. And as you spend more time with the character, you will turn him into something that is more yours.
Conan is cool. The world needs more Conan.
Also, you can put this story out first and then write another character later.
The thing is, the more I think about it, the more I feel unqualified to write that kind of character.
There is no qualifications for this. If you are doing it, you are qualified. Do you need board approval to think you can write a conan pulp adventure? Think of it like this. No one writes conan adventures. If you write just one, you are the expert.
Judging from the reprints I own, it's clearly some kind of serif font. Times New Roman dates back to 1931, so it was brand new in the golden age of the pulps which therefore means that before it proliferated there were other fonts in use. Contrast with Garamond (15th century) or Baskerville (18th century). Those would both be better candidates than Times New Roman, which is ultimately a "slick" font simply by origin.
I redid parts 1 and 2 with Georgian font. These can replace the ones already in the pastebin:


I already have parts 3 and 4 planned out, but I've been busy with other things lately. Shouldn't take too long to write once I actually get going, though.
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I think it's about time that I read another Spider novel. Each one I've read so far has been delightfully nuts.


This will be the first time that I read a full on pulp magazine reprint too, so I'm going to read any other stories contained in the same issue.
My big concern though is coming across as a pallid rip off, something barely worthy of the name "sword and sorcery"
What S&S have you read?
Just remember that this is pulp. The primary goal is entertainment. We were lucky that there was something under the surface with Robert E Howard's work, but that was woven into what was meant to entertain first and foremost even in his case.

In order to make sure that your work is not a pallid rip off of Conan, remember that Conan was not just a meat head who raged like he was the Hulk. He had his own opinions and beliefs, his own attitudes, and he had his own ways of problem solving.

There is also the fantastic imagery. Different S&S authors were trying to entertain by presenting worlds of wonder, danger, and adventure. Write from the heart.
I have to finish off a few books and then I'm gonna do a Shadow and a Spider. Love the Spider. I've been working through his books and they are getting weirder and weirder. Love it.
Since reading "The Shudder Pulps," The Spider makes a bit more sense in context. Norvell Page did work for a publishing house that did a lot of "weird menace" and genre adjacent stories. He used a lot of that energy when writing The Spider. It's sort of like a horror movie director transitioning to action movies or superhero flicks.
>It's sort of like a horror movie director transitioning to action movies or superhero flicks.
Thats exactly what it like. Great description.
Conan (obviously), Solomon Kane, a handful of Clark Ashton Smith's stuff, and a few of Keith Taylor's Kamose stories. I'm probably forgetting some that I read before I even knew what sword and sorcery was, but those are the ones that stand out in my mind.
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So mostly golden age pulp S&S. I recommend checking out the Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser stories by Fritz Leiber, the Elric saga by Michael Moorcock, and the stories of Kane by Karl Edward Wagner for a 60s/70s "silver age" or "second gen" pulp S&S feel. I think when you read a different generation's sensibilities and responses to earlier S&S stories you may become more comfortable telling your own with your own style and spin on it.
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Come to think of it, that description fits Sam Raimi to a T, and he made Spider-Man. Hell, the sequence when Doctor Octopus wakes up and attacks the medical staff with his tentacles is basically an Evil Dead movie in the way it was shot, edited, and directed. That said, people who liken The Spider to Spider-Man have no idea what they are talking about.

More to the point though, Sam Raimi made Darkman who, while an original character, was a pulp hero to the core and he totally had horror elements to him. Would have been neat if there had been more Darkman media. Instead we got two mediocre at best DTV sequels.

So there's that little rabbit trail.
That is a little rabbit trail. And I have nothing to add because you are right.
S&S is more than Conan. I know you know that at least intellectually, but perhaps you just need to be shown how that is so to drive it home.

Tell you hwat, my next flash pulp will be a S&S tale about a character who is distinctly not Conan and who is not even from the Hyborian Age. It might not even measure up to Howard, Smith, or any of the others, but perhaps it will invigorate you with that sense of fun, action, excitement that pulps were written for.
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I've got 2 more flash pulps for you guys, they're a continuation of my previous story but they're under a different title and are fairly self-contained.


I also updated my previous 2 stories once again, scrubbing the last traces of Times New Roman from them, so you can go ahead and update their entries in the pastebin.


More to come soon!
Cranking 'em out. Man I wish I wasn't so occupied right now. I'd be right there with you. Keep the fire alight, Anon.

Updated Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/G4g4Z9YT

I have yet to check out that template. Haven't had a chance yet. I will when I can write my next flash pulp.
>fuck-oo off-oo
gave me a chuckle. Really good anon. You write the fight scenes really well. but man, I am shaking my head because I finally came up with a cool character/story idea this morning, and lets just say, you and I on are the same wavelength lol or at least very close.
>S&S is more than Conan
I get that, but he's the most recognizable character from that genre, so anything that's similar to him will quickly be compared to him.
I had to crunch my time pretty hard to get them out there, so don't feel too bad. We all find it eventually.
>Keep the fire alight, Anon.
Thanks, I've got the next parts planned out in my head, just gotta get it in print.
I'm glad my mild racism tickles you and that we're on the same level. You're probably gonna like where this all leads.

I look forward to reading the stories from both of you and I hope that I inspired you to bring out the best that your imaginations have to offer! The brave Anons itt certainly inspired me.
I wish we could have illustrations for these stories. Old fashioned like pic related or something more modern, it doesn't matter. It's about the little touches.
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We might as well try adding AI images in flash pulp. It’s not like we’re selling them.
We can give it a whirl at least. If people hate the AI art then we can stop doing it. If they like it or don't mind, then it'll make things look all the more authentic.
Here's one for my first story.
>What's your favorite Conan story?
Tower of the Elephant with Queen of the Black Coast as a strong second.
An illustration for each story would be a bit much. Is there a good archive of illustrations specifically, or would I have to comb through all the different magazines to get a feel for them? Any pulp mags that specifically had good illustrations?
No idea. The illustrations for the Conan books from Del Rey (pic related) were nice, if unlike 1930s pulp illustrations. There can be range.
Parts 3 and 4 of Hidden Crow Style are done:


I'll probably go back to the "Angels in Hell" motif for now, but don't think that we've seen the last of the 12 Crows.
Man, you guys are sitting here posting all this awesome flash pulp and I can't write to save my fucking life.
The Frost Giant's Daughter. It's only like 5 pages and it's one of the best stories.
cool man i will check it out
Flashman is based af, my mom gave me a five-volume collection for my 25th birthday and I couldn't put it down. I dunno what to say really it's just well-written, good pacing, some kind of patina of legitimate historical research behind it and simply based overall. The best bad.
Which part or parts are you having trouble with?
Nothing in particular. I just suck at writing.
Do you wish to be a good writer? Do you want to write in the first place? If you say yes to either, then let's see where we can get you started on the road to success.
Added both parts. Currently playing around with adding an illustration to my second story. Then I want to play around with the template.
these were pretty fun anon

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