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Why are you still spending money on physical books anon? You know you can just pirate and comfortably read e-books for free right? Detractors, please provide good reason for this, no gay shit like “loving the smell”

There is no reason to be buying physical books in 2024.
Most pirated books are plain text. No sense of metatextual aesthetics.
I like the smell. Also, I'm more likely to grab a book off my shelf and reread some highlighted passages compared to a digital graveyard of ebooks.
It's simply a better experience. Why do you care retard
Tired of looking at screens all day. Need some reprieve. Like the feeling of paper between my fingers. Like that people are more inclined to talk to me about the book I’m reading if they happen to see the cover.
I spend at least one hour before I sleep each night with all electronic devices stowed away. Ereaders are useful for rare texts or things that were never published in mass market, easily available physical formats. Having bookshelves in your home also looks nice. Essentially, a binary mindset that you must exclusively use a screen like a bugman or you must reject ereaders on principle like a luddite is foolish. Both have their place
I read on my phone. I don't care about aesthetics. Books=words
I'm a quintessential phone poster.
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Anyone who reads e-books is a massive faggot who is responsible for the decline of western civilization.
I like e-paper displays, but I know I would download all the epubs just to never read them, which is what happened last year with my phone. so I buy cheap used paperbacks as I read through. I only get new books when I have nothing to read.
>Why are you still spending money on physical books anon?
I like owning things
I like the feel of physical books
I think they look nice
I don't like reading on a screen if I can help it, I already do it all day.
The only time I read an e-book is for university readings or because the book is extremely expensive.
I prefer ebooks to paper. I've always been bothered by the pages bending in towards the spine as well as accidentally losing my place by slipping my finger off the pages as I flip to the next one. Then the lighting. I hate artificial lights in rooms, but I don't have a particularly well lit area to read in for most of the times in which I read. So I opt to use a kindle. I'll still read paperbacks if I have them on hand, but if I don't then I'll usually just get the ebook version.
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My only three physical book purchases this year have been Market, Supermarket, Hypermarket Design (books 1 & 2) and Larousse Gastronomique, all three being hardcovers.
Anons, you know e-ink displays aren’t the same as blue light retina burning screens right? It’s just like paper.
>Why are you still spending money on physical books anon?
I havent bought a physical book in over a decade. Ever since I got an e-reader it's been straight pirating for me
I'm only reading ebooks day to day, and agree that most of the aesthetic arguments are draft.
However, I buy physical editions of books (mainly that I have previously read) if they are ones I intend to "peruse" and otherwise plan on returning to periodically for, e.g, spiritual comfort, artistic inspiration, etc.
Another reasonable justification would be preparation for a grid collapse.
I buy physical books so I can post to shelf threads on 4chan and collect You’s from strangers online.
My books don't need batteries. I've never needed to troubleshoot a paper book to figure out why it won't turn on or read a file or render properly. I can accidentally drop a book on a hard surface without it breaking and my whole library going with it, necessitating another $80 piece of unresponsive plastic Chinese touchscreen garbage.
It’s not just the blue light. It’s just the simply fact I’m staring at a screen. Relaxing by staring at another screen after spending hour and hours staring at screens irks me
I was going to buy a kobo, but they're like $150 and I'm poor as fuck, that's the whole reason I read ebooks in the first place
you can pay in installments at no extra cost from their website if that helps
>reading evola
I can fix her bros.
Didn't know that, thanks

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