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They added entirely different, sadistic torturous endings that don't do anything to help the actual message get across.
>He had Cinderella sit down, and, putting the slipper to her foot, he found that it went on very easily, fitting her as if it had been made of wax. Her two sisters were greatly astonished, but then even more so, when Cinderella pulled out of her pocket the other slipper, and put it on her other foot. Then in came her godmother and touched her wand to Cinderella's clothes, making them richer and more magnificent than any of those she had worn before.

>And now her two sisters found her to be that fine, beautiful lady whom they had seen at the ball. They threw themselves at her feet to beg pardon for all the ill treatment they had made her undergo. Cinderella took them up, and, as she embraced them, said that she forgave them with all her heart, and wanted them always to love her.

>She was taken to the young prince, dressed as she was. He thought she was more charming than before, and, a few days after, married her. Cinderella, who was no less good than beautiful, gave her two sisters lodgings in the palace, and that very same day matched them with two great lords of the court.

Beautiful, and much better than the shitty version of the sisters having their eyes plucked out. Fairytales being dark doesn't help get their message across. It's simply added in to fit the authors sadistic fancy.
What are you, a woman? Grow up. Bad people get gruesome deaths. Get over it.
You seem to be one of the people who believe that awful things in a story possess inherent artistic value by themselves. And before you strawman me, they CAN possess artistic value, but there needs to be a reason for them to happen in the context of the story. Narratively, the stepsisters getting blinded is just a particularly gruesome punishment for the villain, not a lesson that "bad things happen". It's only the way it is in the original because of the mix of the creator's life experiences and sadistic fancy. But them getting punished in any other less gruesome way does not change the meaning of the story. It's not inherent to the tale in any way.
It belongs to the creative vision of the Grimm brothers, and I think they had more of a sense of the weird and spooky nature of fairy tales than you do.
>You seem to be one of the people who believe that awful things in a story possess inherent artistic value by themselves
Literally what europeans believed. Faust goes to hell, witches will burn for eternity, children who follow strangers will get murdered. Get over yourself and your anachronistic self important mindset haha. What a fag
Anon, stop being such a close-minded projecting strawmanning autist for one fucking second please. You don't know anything about me as a person. I write torture porn fanfiction. Just reading about people getting their eyes pecked out is not enough to make me uncomfortable. But I have enough self-awareness to realize it's still gratuitous. I am occasionally unsatisfied with how villain deaths in media are not graphic torture fests where they have to explicitly suffer for everything they've done on-screen, but I also realize it's not entirely healthy to fantasize about stuff like this and most people would find it weird, disturbing and question the hero's morality for doing something like this, no matter how deserved it may seem.
You do realize that the grittiness of the old fairy tales did not exactly originate from high quality of life, right? Next time you fawn over a "mature" culture of the past, be sure to remember that parts of said culture were also inhumane by modern standards and you wouldn't have half the rights you have now if you lived there.
The modern Western society's quality of life on average is unquestionably higher than at any point in history beforehand. This is literally how civilization develops. Technical progress leads to a more comfortable lifestyle, which leads to a changing morality. What was once the norm becomes the abnormality. This may make people coddled compared to their ancestors, sure. But that's a relatively small price to pay for a society where you don't have to worship strength anymore.
>I write torture porn fanfiction
Stopped reading there
>leftist meme format
Dumb nigger, they originally didn't write anything. They collected oral folk stories from all over Germany. If anything, they toned down the brutality in their later editions when they started rewriting them.
This is a copypasta OP's using for (You) farming (check the archives), just don't respond
>I write torture porn fanfiction
tranny hobby
My argument, to put it broadly, is that this melodramatic notion that cautionary tales are necessary for a "mature" society is a bit infantile. Yes, the culture surrounding us plays a huge part in how we perceive reality. Fairy tales and media we consume as children are a large part of that. However, simply "having terrible stuff happen in fairy tales prepares kids for real life" is a gross oversimplification to begin with, for several reasons. It ignores that fairy tales are far from the only product of culture accessible to kids. In a modern environment, kids are going to be exposed to the fact that there are terrible things happening in the world either way. The argument also ignores that they have a limited effect. Even if a fairy tale gives someone a basic idea of death, it's still gonna hit hard when their loved one dies for real. Regardless of how many gritty stories they've read, because experiencing something by yourself is always different than just being a passive observer to a fictional scenario. I know you're gonna reply with some vague slogan like "oh but reading these stories is gonna make them more prepared", but that is an extremely moot and vague notion that also leads me to my next point: there are so much more factors influencing how a person grows up than the culture they consume. It's also about their parents, their peers, their upbringing, their social environment. It's possible for one to have never read a single Grimm brothers story but have seen some horrendous shit as a kid.
>As children's tales, kids still love them because kids like to be excited, swooned, and frightened, and these stories do that, so it's not dumb in that regard.
It is. If a teenage girl reads a hundred YA dystopias about the evil government killing and tornuring its helpess citizens in cruel ways, she's not gonna get a comperehensive understanding of how governments like this are actually formed, how they realistically rise to power, or how governments work in general. Works like this are not going to make her a better, smarter person, they're not going to make her more prepared to become a politician and change the society in productive ways herself. All they are going to do is pander to the feeling of rebeillous youthful maximalism. No matter how overly dark and edgy they are, they are worthless in actually preparing one for the complexities of the real world.
Engaging in dark fiction is still escapism. For an average person, there are mundane things much scarier in life than the distant horrors of dark fiction. Watching someone get dismembered on-screen is easier than having to struggle with a job you hate. It does not make you a more "mature" person, you can still end up a fucking failure no matter how much dark fiction you consume.
Modern audiences need something more fulfilling than "Grugules the Demigod killed a snake-monster and stole a mystic doodad." Stop pointing to precedent we've evolved beyond.
Copy pasta or not, I agree with the overall point in the OP. Grimm brothers changing fairy tails to edgelord slop always feel incorrect and reddit-like to me. Losing the ancient wisdom in the process for cheap shock-factor.
>Fairytales being dark doesn't help get their message across
Yes it does. You've just misinterpreted the message.
What message is there?
1. Don't be a bullying cunt or you'll lose your eyes.
2. Don't try to hinder the liberation of the Anima from the prison of the unconscious.
>Fairytales being dark doesn't help get their message across. It's simply added in to fit the authors sadistic fancy.
Fairytales are cautionary tales for children to learn moral lessons. Them being dark does get the message through, because bad people should get what is coming to them.
A villain can get punished in myriads of ways. The stepsisters getting their eyes pecked out is not even remotely a realistic consequence of anything they did. It does not teach a kid anything aside from a vague notion that horrible things happen to horrible people, which, again, can be taught in a variety of different ways. So yes, in order to come up with something like this, there has to be some sort of a sadistic drive inside a person. No matter how uncomfortable it is for you to admit that.
If anything this particular instance probably ended up being more "mature", since just because Cinderella gets to live a better life doesn't mean the shitty people from her previous life are gone. They're still out there to make someone else's life hell. Just like real life.

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