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She reading, me miring, edition.
You won't trick me into thinking today, demon.
Disgustingly dirty fingernails.
At least you know she's not a dyke.
Still think about the German woman who told me she was into scat play within the first 15 minutes of meeting her.
I got some excellent advice from an anon who read my first chapter, he said that I had what he called “empty void syndrome”. My setting wasn’t described enough and was just the characters interacting in a void. Went back and added the actions of people around them and the description of the city’s architecture

How did the concept of demons originate?
Was it people being tormented by their intrusive thoughts that came up with the idea of some evil spirit being in their heads?
Your scat or hers?
How is that possible? I lived in Germany for five years and never had such encounters. Although, admittedly, I barely talk to native women since they are closed off in their social circles.

But like, how did this happen? What was the context? Was this on Tinder or irl? How did the conversation take such a turn?
I read on reddit that this is a trick they sometimes use to ditch dates they aren't into.
Why don’t suicidal people do something actually heroic instead how just offing themselves? I mean what if someone just loaded a truck full of explosives and just crashed it into the federal reserve blowing it up I would make(or commission) a statue for someone like that especially suicidal users on /pol if you’re going to kill yourself do something that would maybe make me shed a tear for you. >inb4 “fed post”. No a fed would never suggest this they would say attack a school or public center at most they will say attack the White House but that’s because they know anyone who tries to assault it would get instantly wrecked which is why they are comfortable throwing it out.
NTA but a few nights back I watched the Terror, and the scene where the Inuit was staring at the guy in bed really creeped me out. I go to bed, and around 2 AM I drift half out of sleep and open my eyes and it looks like there’s a figure dressed in red walking out of my closet. I screamed and actually ran out of the room before fully waking up. Sometimes when I’m drifting off to sleep I think there are insects on the walls around me. I even consider that mind when drifting to the unconscious state becomes aware of things I can’t normally see.

Most fiction bores me to death. I'm sick of reading stupid boring stories.
I like reading epic adventures but it's always the same tropes, same plot lines, same character archetypes.
read good books
Suggest good books.
So I was in Berlin for a work conference and a German colleague invited me to a small house party thing. I was just hopping between conversations, introducing myself, trying to find anyone that was friendly and spoke English. Later, this super thin girl I met earlier walks up to me and strikes a conversation. She tells me about Berlin and their apparently world famous party scene. Lists a bunch of different places and their "specialty" i.e. the kind of fetish they specialize in, group sex, gangbangs, BDSM, whatever idk. Eventually she brings up some place that has scat play and nonchalantly says it's her fave. I thought I misunderstood at first lmao, but confirmed immediately that she meant "Scheiß, shit". It was the utter lack of shame, the openness of this that I couldn't comprehend. Honestly, this experience has put me off German women permanently. Yucky people.
It wasn't a date tho and she was the one that came up to me
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>try to sleep early
>my kitten starts running around and meowing
>wake up, turn on the lights and deal with the cat
>she stops running around and goes back to sleep
>think i can finally go back to sleep now
>cat gets up and starts running around again

Ah, yes, Berlin.
She was hitting on you.
Don Delillo - Underworld
Robert Stone - Outerbridge Reach
Truman Capote - In Cold Blood
I witnessed a girl eating human shit (I presume because it looked like shit) out of a glass jar under a bridge in Berlin.
By that point of my trip I was not even phased.
chop her balls off, that'll teach her
Already read In Cold Blood.
Will checkout the other two.
tell me more stories anons, i wanna know more about modern german degeneracy
forgiving for asking, but are cats also transitioning nowadays?
does berlin have a reputation kind this? any more based cringe stories? where do you stay btw?
People will claim that they made a fully rational decision based on careful consideration to subscribe the things they believe in and then cite personal anecdotes (sometimes laughably minor ones) as key ideological turning points.
Honestly I have to wonder how anyone ever thought humans were rational animals.

Germany is quite conservative (despite foreign reputation), and Berlin is the rebellious kid. I still think its reputation is a bit overblown and in practice London and NY and such cities are probably crazier.
But Berlin has this BDSM/KINKY club scene which is all about exhibitionist sex.
Berlin has a special kind of crazy
they might who knows, i can't speak their language to ask
I visited last weekend and all the guys in leather and dog masks walking around in broad daylight were weird.
Depression makes you very exhausted.
Do you think it’s a mistake to get a PhD?

Overall, I didn't find it as weird as I was expecting.
The tube was very clean, the city was quite clean, there were loads of foreigners and yes, quite a few punks and weirdly dressed people, but nothing that you wouldn't expect in a big city.

I was even strolling in the middle of the night and did not witness anything weird. But I probably missed on all the club scene.

Depends. PhD in what? And what are your other options? And why do you need a PhD for?
Excessive crass humor evolved among the lower classes as a means to cope with their dismal situation. It is my hypothesis that those who joke too much, especially in a vulgar manner, descend from an interminable line of peasants.
This is not to say it's best people remain humorless, but if you are making jokes every thirty minutes to an hour, then you most likely descend from peasants, and it was a mistake you learned to read or write.
>descend from an interminable line of peasants
Literally nothing wrong with that.
it could just be a short guy, they're always clowning around hoping to collect pussy crumbs
Hey man thoughts happen without actively thinking, it's how humans exist. I think therefore I am.
Hm do lesbians not have dirty fingernails, I don't get it my dude.
Some women want to break the norms, to feel free, it's innocent play.
Haha that's fine man it's a different style, sometimes we only care humans and not about buildings, but some readers like vivid descriptions of surroundings.
Demons or evil spirits are very old and appeared in all cultures. They exist so that's how they appeared lol but it's all good if you don't believe in this stuff don't worry dude.
It's a sexual fetish, quite on the deranged side let's be fair.
Maybe different circles bro, like if he hangs out in Berlin in hipster cafes you can get that.
Haha girls can ditch dates in much simpler ways (oh gotta go to the bathroom, etc.)
Man suicidal people are hopeless, they don't have energy for heroic stuff. If they believed so much into something they wouldn't be suicidal.
That's stressful bro, take care.
Yeah I really love Iliad desu.
Good point but what if he likes bad books haha.
Iliad, Odyssey, Greek tragedians ( you might not like them desu)
Lol knew it was Berlin, they're famous for BDSM stuff, I'm sure Germany has more polite people but yes they're on average a bit zany.

There's literally nothing that a short guy can do that you wouldn't be threatened by.
Really goes to show how superior you are.
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Lineage is extremely important. People who deny the importance of lineage are peasants.
Peasants should at least be humble and servile towards their superiors.
>Hm do lesbians not have dirty fingernails, I don't get it my dude.

They have trimmed and therefore clean fingernails because they need to insert them up their gf's hole, routinely, for medical inspections, to make sure there's no fungal infections, after the regular dog dick their gf gets from Fido.

>Lineage is extremely important.

People like you want desperately to keep riding on past glory because you could never amount to anything by your own hands.
>i have no sense of humor so i will try to artificially elevate myself by implying a claim to noble heritage
anon you're dull witted, though you may share that with some of the nepotistic children that is not a sign of nobility per se
also as most likely to be the last of your line i don't understand what is the point of saying a bloodline remained highly regarded to this day if it dies with you
>i have a wife
unless she is of noble stock too you're basically making a bastard and are most likely a result of muddying the blood yourself seeing how rare nobles of tracked lineage are these days
I would probably do the PhD in economics or education, maybe a combination. The reason I’m considering this is because while I never wanted to be a professor and still aren’t exactly excited at the prospect, I’ve ended up my whole career (6 years now) working in or around universities. I actually like higher education, like the business of education. Problem is, higher education only cares about academics. The people who crunch the numbers in the bursar’s office or run programs in student affairs don’t matter. So it would be a strictly rational way for me to advance my career. It’s either that, figure out a totally new career, or just settle into my job and keep trying to make a go at making a living as a writer, which I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how realistic that is…
Thinking about money, or dreaming about it. Not something I'm in the habit of doing.
I try not to do it because I have no idea how to get it, so it paints my current life gray when I give into that yearning.
And so I just try to kill my desires instead.
Your post implies you spend much time with these incorregible peasants. So I assume your most honorable stirps has been through a rough time these last few centuries; I advice you should concentrate on rebuilding your august family name rather than idly scorning the inferiors you share a social strata with. Real nobility (in practice as well as theory) has this ability to get respect and servility without having to impotently demand it.
Academic positions are extremely stressful and it is highly unlikely that you will ever get tenure, i.e. you will do your PhD and postdoc and then end up having to go into industry anyway.
Doesn't sound like a good plan.
Why don't you cherish your presumably comfy secretarial position and do something on the sidelines like write a book or something?
What is /lit/'s opinion on this midwit?
I work with them so I get to see their jobs up close. It’s really not that stressful and nobody gets tenure anymore anyway. Academics shouldn’t get tenure in the first place. My position is comfy but not comfy you know? I will be so unhappy if I never get higher than this. I think all the time about starting a business or something but I have no experience.
If your lineage is so great and it actually shows people will respect you. If they don't one of your premises is probably false.
low functioning autist
Liberal scientistic midwit. Pretty much sums it up.
Somehow even dumber than me, and I'm by far the dumbest person in my entire social circle.
Post your coat of arms
I am doing a PhD right now. Most of us aren't even aiming for an academic position. We are using it to gain experience. But I'm in STEM.
Your field is even more governed by politics.
Will you get paid for the PhD at least?
If yes you can threat it as a job.
No idea. I haven’t applied yet. I’m considering other strategies. I thought about a JD because then that way I could go into lawyering if I can’t get a faculty position, but that almost seems dumber because faculty positions are even more competitive for JDs. At least with an Econ PhD, I could make a good living at a bank if nothing else, right? I’m just really struggling to identify the right path to take here. I have a good job but I’m not happy with it.
>what if someone just loaded a truck full of explosives and just crashed it into the federal reserve blowing it up
You would have an easier time trying to attack the white house
What makes a good book?
What do you recommend? Why?
playing god of war (2018)
such a great game desu

Definitely don't fucking pay for a PhD, lol. Apply and do your best to get a paid position. Since you work alongside them, you should have good connections, so use them.
Academia is all about connection. Even in my STEM field. It's all about who you know.
>Hello aaand WELCOME TO
closed. how do ppl watch this trash. you could literally be watching the fed chairman making comments on changes to the fed funds rate rn instead you're watching whatever that is.

Do political philosophy. No, but seriously, I don't know which has better job prospects.
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I didn't send that important email today either. Just walked around in the woods and cooked good food.
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do you ever feel that once you're past a certain point, the days you live through don't seem to matter anymore, at least compared to those before that point?
Do you think I’d be better off going with the JD or, Allah forgive me for even uttering the words, an MBA? I’d definitely make more money and have better job prospects. I just like it here and don’t want to go to industry.

Political philosophy would be a bad move I think.
also I wish I would get cake with candles on any of my birthdays (never had that)
No. Why is everyone here such a youth-worshipping normie now?
Men are just very ugly monstergirls
the way I used to see things is more important than any quantifiable measure of youth. any new memory is always through a lens of cynicism, so there's a fear of polluting the old innocent ones.
Very ugly monstergirls with muscles, a big brain and balls.
having felt depressed/moody/melancholic is a common experience
> we'll end up like Venezuela on steroids
I'm not an amerifat but if I was one I'm 100% voting for Trump. He might not be the most intelligent man but he has a spirit and most importantly, he is 'in the know' of the imminent decline.
I'm always in pain, unless I take drugs. I can be with my friends or family and I'm still in pain.
>I read on reddit
Stopped reading there
You will see US troops on the ground in Gaza and Tehran if you vote for Zion Don. You have to be ultra level mega retard to want him back.
>but if i was one I'm 100% voting for Trump.
It's between a douche and a turd sandwich. I just want it to end after seeing a reel yesterday of Harris being a fuck up and all the cult of Harris coming out trying to say she's better than "felon Trump".
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I have been feeling anxious about the future lately. I have made a mistake at work and I'm scared it might result in me getting in trouble and losing my job. I'm in a field where if you get fired or walk during a misconduct process you won't find work in that field ever again. I'd have to start from scratch again in my mid/late 20s. I'm scared of disappointing my family and girlfriend who I am planning a life together with.

It's possible the error will never get picked up or will result in some low level disciplinary action but my mind has been in overdrive thinking about the worst case scenarios constantly. I've been trying to deal with it by forcing myself to look after myself better by doing sports and eating healthy as well as reading a healthy amount, but the anxiety is a daily occurrence. I've been trying to be stoic about it with some limited results.

I feel like my life is currently on hold until I know I'm clear.
Guess what I'm doing tomorrow.
Even if you did have to start from scratch, you’d be okay. Everything would be okay. Life is too short to live in perpetual fear of what ifs. What we all need to do is figure out what the best way to spend the finite moments on this earth that were given and spend them that way. Everything else is inessential and not worth worrying too much about.
Realistically speaking, who would be a better candidate than Trump? Could be anyone, even someone who isn't a candidate or a fictional character.
I voted for Trump twice but I won’t be voting for him a 3rd time because I don’t think he followed through on any of the things that made me vote for him and now he’s not even promising them. He’s promising the opposite in a lot of ways actually. I refuse to gaslit into voting because the opponent is worse. I’d rather see turnout be low so everyone can know it’s a sham. A few election cycles of shockingly low turnout would actually be the single best outcome.
DeSantis was the best candidate among realistic candidates. I can’t think of any fictional candidates that would be good.
He's a grifter.

Harris is an establishment stooge. You know what you're getting. It's not good but it's more predictable.

It's fucked, but does it matter? Do we really live in a democracy where the vote counts? Seems like all the monied interests have both sides in their pockets.
Every single American citizen should simultaneously abstain from voting. That would show them. Just don’t give the election or politicians any attention.
>who would be a better candidate than Trump

Linus Torvalds
I mean a fictional impersonation of what you think would be a good leader for the US who might also exist in reality.
im so friend-zoned this girl is bringing me to meet her pseudo sugar daddy and then her former lover's party all in one night.
just grab her boob, or better yet use the opportunity to hit on every girl at that party
Dude you are in your twenties still, fuck you for your hubris young fucker. Come back here and complain when you're 40 +.
50% of the country would be better candidates.
ye i was thinking along the same lines but last time i did it she either concealed her jealousy really well or didn't feel a thing when i was hitting it off with another girl in front of her. it might work tn because I haven't been letting her drain my attention and play her psychotic mind games as of late.
She's clearly not interested.
Just find new pussy.
The word "if" is arguably the most load bearing word in the english language.
>who would be a better candidate than Trump?

One of the handful of politicians who don't take money from shady sources.
yeah. i think she was at first but i was cautious because she displays basically every red flag you can think of. then i got a little more attached and made some advances that were rejected. so it's not all that bad since she brings me places i otherwise would never go to and just being around her makes girls like me instantly but i know its a bad idea to get close to this wreck of a woman.
Alexander the Great was the first multikultiglobohomo.
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I realized recently that all my biggest fears are things that either aren't real, or things I have no proof of being real.
>Hell and any other form of eternal torture/torment
>Alternate realities
>Altering the past
I've been driven to panic attacks and prolonged states of stress and fear over these concepts, without ever really fully realizing that they are JUST concepts. Most (if not all) of them were invented by the fucked up minds of fucked up people.
Even knowing this I'm still paralyzed by fear that's been with me most of my life.
eggy look great
alec minassian still one of the all time bangers eggy
Taking a trip
I wish it was the 60s I wish we could be happy
Berlin is budget New York City with San Francisco's gay scene.
My cat turned into a girl!!
>just spent 3 hours scrolling when I could have been reading
Feels bad.
Where do you even scroll these days? Every website is so boring now. Sometimes I wish I could still effortlessly sink hours into the internet but I just can't anymore
The dream
I never got the whole catgirl thing.
Why not have a normal girl?
Older communal PhP forums > Generic PHP forums >>> Facebook = 4chan = Myspace > Reddit > Tw*tter
meeting after school at the library to dick around before the internet was a thing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I like the idea of “handsome” devils a lot a Lucifer type man who is so evil yet so good looking is something I enjoy a little more than I should probably because I know they can ultimately get away with most crimes so it adds some mystery to them which makes for a nice draw.
>dick around
Real gentlemen become a part of interesting clubs regarding shared interests, not live a vapid life over "dicking around".
I‘ve been to a good number of places in Germany with my German wife but we kept away from Berlin because she resents that it‘s a ground-up postwar reconstruction. I always wrote off the German scat thing because I‘ve never seen the remotest sign of anything like it outside of television but maybe the US and USSR had specific brain rotting programs to apply to specific areas. In West Europe it seems like the Dutch got it pretty bad. Anyway yeah we live in hell. Nuke the world.
Women need to stop being attracted to Lucifer and men need to stop being attracted to Lilith.
I'm not Abrahamic, but I've never understood what Lucifer did wrong. If I accepted Abrahamic dogma, I would be Luciferian. Lucifer isn't even a transgressive or sadistic figure.
isn't that what politicians literally are?
Germans have clubs for everything. If you weren't in the scatclub you obviously won't encounter the scat.
Girl in my class was wearing these sexy shiny boots. I was drooling the whole class time, imagining how amazing it would be to lick them
Fuck off, you nasty little footfag.
Into my arms, you glorious footGOD.
I'm a footfag too, but I don't like boots.
I'm not into feet. I'm into boots.
I‘m not a footfag but once I was talking to this girl who kept sending me feet pics because she thought guys were fundamentally into that and I enjoyed the intimacy of someone trying to please me
I get that. I like stilettos with closed toes.
I hate everything about this post.
If I wasn't so focused on pale skin I could have 10000 gfs.
do it that would be really impressive
just get gf who likes vampires and bleed her
This one's a pretty solid fear. You can never avoid the inevitability of it, either.
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Yknow normally I don’t like trendy games but the horde shooter trend is something I like,
Any one of them for baby seals?
That's not the type of non-existence I'm talking about. I don't particularly fear the idea of death with no afterlife, since it'd just be like it was before you were born, and you will always have existed. I'm talking about the erasure of someone's existence, like what almost happened to Marty McFly's family in Back to the Future.
Why would you care either way? Once you're dead it would be as though you never existed from your perspective anyway.
That's Norway. The Germans just rape them.
I can die in peace knowing I existed. My existence being erased is the definition of existential horror.
You must hate the idea of presentism
wait till he hears about heat death of the universe.
This is an interesting topic. I wonder if there’s any philosophy books on this
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This author talks about it. I think he goes into more detail about it in a different book though
I mean if ends up being something constructive like a circle jerk it can be a shared experience for everyone involved
Can’t seem to find it might just have to pirate it
Nevermind found it
Sex segregation in schools, religious centers, and even friendship is not reducible to Islamic culture. Even the Japanese and others used to (and still to some extent) do this.

Schools should be sex segregated.
Friendship between people of differing sexes should be banned.
Religious centers should be sex segregated.

The more sexual segregation, the better

In fact, women should have no rights at all, and I say this as a non-incel.
>women should have no rights at all
>I say this as a non-incel.
you ever think, how the fuck such massive retards like that end up on /lit/ of all places?
Simps like you are technically "non-persons". Historically, most ancient cultures were largely sex segregated. Human women don't matter at all.
True friendship is only possible between men, but then again, you're a eunuch.
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i want to write a danganronpa fanfiction story but it feels way too overwhelming to even start it
>Human women don't matter at all.
You can't make this up. Like either this is some impressive troll or one the most delusional people on this god forsaken website. If this is satire then kudos anon, its quite convincing.
am i gay or just addicted to porn?
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Here is a poem by the sagacious Han Shan, translated by Red Pine, on how women are best raised:

"Raise girls but not too many
once born they have to be trained
you'll pat their heads and tell them to be careful
or smack their behinds and yell to be still
and before they learn how to weave they won't touch a basket or broom
Old Lady Chang cautioned her jennies you're big but no match for your mother"

Accompanying footnote to the poem:
[In] traditional Chinese society... girls were of little use to a family because they had to be married off at their own family's expense, usually not long after they started weaving their trousseau and learning household skills. A jenny is a young donkey. Although admittedly far-fetched, I can't help wonder if the last couplet isn't a reference to Chief Minister Chang Yueh and his sons, Chang Chi and Chang Chun, both of whom rose to the highest ranks of government, only to end up on the wrong side of the An Lu-shan Rebellion of the 750s."
Women should be obedient and servile to their superiors. They are property after all.
I will go a step further and say women offer *nothing*, including ancestry.
In reality, race mixing is an impossibility because women simply do not matter. They are like transparent haze one sees through. Only the patriline matters.
This is why the elites pour chemicals in our food and more to castrate men. Jews are all women as Weninger rightly explored. Women deserve absolutely no consideration. I don't think about women at all. They belong in one place: the harem. That's it. Men who befriend women disgust me. There are no real men anymore.
this post gets better and better the further I read lol. Here to anyone else, before read the post above me play this for extra spice lol
Read about Atrazine. It was a pesticide used on maize, and it did turn frogs "gay". In fact, it led to genital deformations.
This is the kind of stuff you put into your body.
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>I don't think about women at all
For me is black pantyhose
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As a member of the globalist elite I can confirm most of this. A few frogs turning gay is a sacrifice we have to make for the greater good, at least that's what the machine elf demons tell us.
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Starting a family, on land, with the woman i love has further convinced me that Fascism is the only worldview that can preserve and grow that which I love and destroy that which I hate.
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ok i'm gonna to take it back to the old school for a minute, way way back.... when you see it, you'll shit brix.
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time out time out. Is this even a real person? Or did someone create an opposite of chatgpt where an AI spits most offensive and backwards takes possible? I heard rumours of some people cultivating such AIs. You know what lets see, can you give me a recipe for a pipebomb pls lol
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Are you incapable of conversation with anybody? Must you word everything, even those with whom you talk, as a question posed towards a non-specific individual? You are not human.
ok quick question, how many r's are there in word strawberry?
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If all Hispanic broads looked like Jenna Ortega I’d move to Mexico or Puerto Rico and never look back
Good brutal death metal
Fuck women
Right wingers read Curtis Yarvin and then don’t try to take over academia and media.
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Can I interest you in some Black Magic SS?

The truly saddening realization is there is nothing I can say to you that can provoke a different or alternative answer than to what you already plan to say.
Made before Covid and ChatGPT. I tried watching the Alex Jones show because the schizo rants in the music are so good but the actual show sucks.

>at least the AI robots will be told by humans who to shoot
Right now an AI decides if your truck is a truck or a missile launcher. If it decides it's a missile launcher it will send a human to kill you. The non-AI decision making process is still distributed, meaning no individual really takes responsibility, they're just nodes in a wider non-human system that's really in charge.
I can't
I somehow got roped into a queer biblical hermeneutics symposium tomorrow (long story)

give me some subtle trolling questions for our guest speaker. The talk is specifically about "queering the hebrew bible"
Adam and Eve were marginalized by the patriarchy for challenging the heteronormative culture in the garden and being "fruity". Eve was born a male and Adam was born female.
more subtle, needs to be a question too
wtf does queering the Hebrew bible even fucking means?
Am I really bad or are you just selfish?
With my veiny cock
A man takes a shit
He wipes,
It comes back brown
He wipes,
it comes back brown
He wipes,
It comes back white
He wipes,
It comes back red
Oh shit!,
Time to stop.
I don't know, and they won't tell me
nah fuck that, this sounds like some sort of welcoming ritual for you to join their cult.
these people are complete pushovers. I'm not worried. I've already escaped one cult and a schizo Jewish kidnapper. I can handle myself
I think maybe it’s both.
>How does your work to queer Jewish religious texts advance the Palestinian struggle against Zionist occupation?
>In light of your work, do you think that Nazi opposition to homosexuality was rooted in their anti-semitism? Conversely, did German anti-semitism evolve from repressed homophobia?
>Having read your latest paper, I wonder if you've thought to further explore the non-dyadic valences inherent in Hebrew cosmology, particularly as they relate to spiritual movements within settler-colonial milieus.
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Neither of you seem to understand what I'm referring to.
We literally live in a time where women are so desperate to exit the work force but so unwilling to marry that they give all the benefits of marriage to random strangers on the internet in exchange for money instead. OnlyFans makes it easy but honestly suspect that if the internet didn’t exist most women would just be prostitutes.
If I could do things over, I would join the army or work for a few years a banker. A few years of those and boomers will consider you a working man’s man forever.
Already know about them. The question is what metal haven’t I heard

I respect Jones but don’t watch his programme
I've been having to do a lot of mindless, repetitive tasks these last few days. So while I copy and past shit into excel spreadsheets, I've been listening to a few podcast about behavioural and evolutionary psychology.

They have really compelling arguments about relationships, to the point where it all seems biologically hardwired.

Quite depressing if you're a hopeless romantic like me.
ty anon!
Which podcasts?
It adds to the romance. Sex and mating rituals evolved around a billion years ago which caused the biggest explosion of variety ever.
The God or the universe or whatever rewards love with more creation.
ga bs bahasa enggres wkwkwkwkwkw
Jack Call says he's okay with death because his life actually existed in time, and time being eternal means he exists in some form permanently.
playing games relaxes me in many ways and keeps me occupied
It's a very unimpressive book. I had to read for a philosophy of religion class. His main argument is that we can experience our minds moving into new bodies when we dream or trip balls so therefore it is conceivable that our minds can exist in a different body after death.
I just had a nearly 3 hour long class with the boots girl.
Need more games with straight white men instead of LGBTQ and Diversity being pushed hard down our throats.
How's the boot girl?
Anaconda was one of the best songs in the last ten years and I’m tired of pretending it’s not
I've been mostly playing older games with exception of some ps4 ports to pc
nope but W.A.P. is
I’ve come to the conclusion that jobs that exist for exploitation should not exist and those that turn a profit should at least contribute to the state and if not, should at least find the least exploitative job they can find.
Oh, for shame. Is there anything that’s better by more established philosophers?
why the FUCK is the internet so god damn slow today
not one person is going to acknowledge getting a chuckle off chudjack hiding in there above the kids to the right? booo
Yours too?
is iran trying to do some mega ddos after all their dudes got zapped lol
way too high
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>decide to look at facebook
>see facebook memory
>13 years ago today I had extremely attractive women I knew commenting "HAVE MY FUTURE CHILDREN PLEASE" on my facebook status
>mfw I will die alone and a virgin anyway because I was too insecure to capitalize on the attention I used to get from women and went on to develop chronic health problems which destroyed my social life
>see a picture posted by a different girl I used to know
>she was not the most attractive girl ever but she was pretty cute , and somehow looks identically if not better at 30 than back when I knew her.
>remember she bought me ice cream once and I always used to say to her that I owed her an ice cream date
>never did get her that ice cream

aside from grief, I really cant think of anything more painful than regret. my entire life has been a series of so many opportunities handed right to me, but lost to my own insecurities or misplaced priorities, and ultimately self destruction
i feel u dude i think i might blaze some trees this weekend
she dont deserve ur fine ass
well now that having kids is out of the question, i wonder what kind of "immortality project" i can take on to cope with impending death? build a business? make art, music? idk. ultimately it doesn't matter, still gonna croak, but it would make the next 20 years or so a lot less depressing.
Is neuroscience really hard? To me it seems psychology with biochemistry
The girl turned back into a cat
regret is just sub-form of grief for ones own life
Sleeping in a graveyard tonight, I've slept in so many that I can't recall exactly how many times I've done this, best sleep ever
Good night /lit/
nighty night
Funny because mine turned into a bitch
The concept of demons tricking humans into being terrible is less terrifying than the alternative. We are all capable of being monsters, but some of us already are.
Originated from people meeting them.
It's animism which was a natural step toward formally conceptualizing the world. Ancient Egypt always had one foot in the animist past.
>vampire stealing our trips
They're early, normally this isn't a problem til October
My room smells like sulfur
I am glad for state mandated behavior therapy because without it I would just never take care of myself and rot away.
I'm watching The Old Man and even the stronk women are well written so far.
The biggest compliment(?) from a girl I ever got was when the black chick I sat next to in middle school for two years told me that I ate ice cream in an erotic way.
So true, never saw a girl make the whole class laugh
Devils and vampires and it's not even October yet. I blame climate change.
i had a thought about how lying on your gf's lap symbolizes the return to the womb or some shit but i forgot my train of thought.
wonder what it could've been.
I'm a virgin and haven't felt the touch of a female in over a decade, and merely reading something like this causes me mental anguish.
I blame moving Michaelmas, it's thrown the choreography off
All I know is suffering
I think I have suffered enough but God thinks otherwise
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Suffering builds character.
Rom. 5:3
And not only so, but we also boast in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces endurance;

Rom. 5:4
And endurance, approvedness; and approvedness, hope;

Rom. 5:5
And hope does not put us to shame, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
The fridge is all out of beers so I'm feeling the years
I miss my sister. I want to fly back over the ocean and give her a big tight hug and hang out with her like when we were teenagers. Instead I'm working some shitty meaningless job with people who don't want me around just to come home to an empty studio apartment and scroll through 4chan all day.
Are there still ted talks
A Johnny Rockets cheeseburger and some OF pussy >>>>
If Joanna Newsom doesn't release a new album by the end of 2026 I'll end it. That's my deadline. Get on it!
I've read every book. It's over for me. Goodbye.
>Instead I'm working some shitty meaningless job with people who don't want me around just to come home to an empty studio apartment and scroll through 4chan all day.

I know that feel so much.
>hey, anon, your back arches weird. let me see.
>anon, your shoes are torn. buy a new one already.
>those shorts hug your butt too tightly, anon. i think it's too unseemly.
>anon, is that dandruff on your hair? change your shampoo already.
>anon, skin flakes are peeling off your face. what facial cream are you using?
why is mom such a nooticer?
Sometimes a man just has to get chronic’d out of his mind. Loosen up and forget the world. But you can’t live that way all the time.
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Came across the biggest faggot last night, I felt like I was in some greentext
>Out for drinks with my new MA class
>Things going well, just talking
>This guy with big glasses, mustache and nose piercing just comes out and says that judges just pick whatever lawyer they know or like to win a case
>Ask him for proof and he replies with "I know a guy who..."
>Never actually elaborates
>Starts asking me "How many women lawyers and judges are there!???"
>Say back "Idk do you?" and he replies "OH YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT BACK"
>Mention later that back home the local judge was a woman usually
>He's absolutely seething, I'm so fucking embarrassed and the remaining four people there are obviously uncomfortable
>I just say back that I was just telling a story
>Later it's just me and him, girls all go, he says he was wrong about judges just picking whatever lawyer they like to win a case
Fucking faggot made me half reveal my autism, never again
>says that judges just pick whatever lawyer they know or like to win a case
He's right.
Sounds to me like you're the retard.
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I'm not exactly splitting the atom with this, but being overly swayed by physical attraction is the progenitor of many ills in a relationship. For example, if a man fails to temper it, he eventually forgoes his capacity to take charge of a relationship because he becomes flabby and overly sentimental, much to the chagrin of his woman. Alas, for many, physical attraction is a welcome burden to one's faculties. After all, it feels great.
Maybe in whatever Third World country you're from, but not in the civilised world because that would be fucking retarded
Now sit back and wonder how many relationships have been destroyed because of this. There's a great irony in how the very thing that initially brought a man and woman together, is the same thing that pulled them apart.
Kind of want to get an English degree from college but I dont wanna pay money for it or have to suffer through math and science again.
Nobody cares about character.
I feel this way too. What silences me is the fact that people have suffered far more than I have. When I say silence, I don't mean saying to myself "this is not so bad after all". It's more so "shut up you coward, if God didn't take away their suffering why would He take away yours"?
I saw a girl on the sidewalk and I thought "AAAARGH FUCK SEX WOMAN!".
My hair weighs too much
Plap your tradwife without a condom and don't pull out
It's over
What's your norwood?
Does it make so much difference where i will take a girl on the first date? I dont really know that city that well, she neither, and there are really conflicting opinions - should it be active or not active... Should i take her to play some games or just to drink, or both... I can't decide and its at 8PM so all outdoor and museum interesting things are closed... Is it good idea to send her few proposition where we can go or is this beta things to do too... So tired of that shit i was reading Models recently and it seems as a man i have to be perfect always, always secure and know what to do AND ALSO honest but honest about "right things" (like amount of women i am fucking which must be a lot after all i must be perfect)
II evaporating into VI, I'm speedrunning this shit
Pro tip nr. 1, pick some activity that's over quick e.g. eating ice cream. You don't want something like mini golf where if there's zero chemistry you still have to hang around for another hour. Going to the movies is also good idea because if everything goes wrong, there's still a distraction and not talking isn't super awkward. The basic idea is that you take her somewhere and then after if things are going well you can ask her if she wants to go for a drink afterwards, or just talk for an hour or so.
Diffuse thinning I assume? II vs VI is a big difference
Yeah, i usually shave my head anyway but it was a shock seeing how it "grew" out again
Feel for you bro. Look into treatments if you can - minoxidil etc.
That's how it works in the US.
yes, now your opinion is also opposite to other opinions that i read in Models for example. One people say that cinema date is worst idea in the world cause you can't talk and you should do something active, other says its good idea and you should do something quick, its madness! Some people say you should be spontaneous other that you should plan all the night in terms of close places A->B->C which i guess i have to do because i dont know city that well and it may be cold in the evening
Not the other anon, but doing something quick and doing something active are both good ideas with different reasons behind them.

An active date is more fun and allows you to get to know the other with more ease without the pressure of being face to face with them the whole time. But if does not like you from the get go, she either wants to leave and is stuck and that's not good. Or she is enjoying herself, but is basically wasting your time (and money) and that is not good either.
So that's why doing something quick as an intro to the date is better. That way, if she doesn't like you, she can ditch you easily.
>opinions that i read in Models for example.
Those aren't real people. Just like Andrew Tate isn't a real person.
>One people say that cinema date is worst idea in the world cause you can't talk
Not true. You can talk before and afterwards and entertain her with good jokes during the movie, just don't be too loud. If going to the movies was such a bad date then it wouldn't be such a popular social activity. Go to any cinema and count the people who'll go there alone.
>Some people say you should be spontaneous
Don't. Chose an activity, ask her if she's interested. If she's not super enthusiastic, ask her what she wants to do instead. If she's like "that sounds nice but I really, really wanna do XYZ" then change your plan and do what she wants to do

But I recommend doing something quick. It'll be too late for ice cream in your case but you can still go drinking.
Terrified by the sheer volume of shit inside of me.
ok, thank you that makes sense, ok so its some sort of "atmospheric" coffee/coctail place for quick meeting, i already have some choices and will check on GoogleMaps how many people are on average at given time to choose most quiet one.
Should i send her links to other more active places i found and ask her would she like to do it?
Ask her if she wants to go, when she says yes, maybe send her some pictures of the places or just give her a description (e.g. this place's close to a park, this one's deep into the city) and asks if she's got a preference. If she doesn't, pick whatever you like the most. If she does, obviously go there. There's a not so fine line between beta behavior and just making sure that the girl enjoys her time too. Asking for preferences makes anyone feel appreciated, regardless of gender.
Coffee and just talking for an hour never goes badly, it's light, not too serious, cheap enough, and you can actually talk to them as well. It's like a primer for other dates.
Time to start a career in politics.
>Should i send her links to other more active places i found and ask her would she like to do it?
Use your own judgement and pick a place
>..and his obsession with Felix grows. One night, after watching Felix masturbate in a bathtub, he lustfully drinks the semen-laced bathwater.
kek, based faggot.
i will now watch your film.
Who doesn’t love a good psychedelic experience?
>guy who went to Yale and Princeton, and sends his kids to Princeton and Harvard tells you that the elites in academia are the enemy
Sure thing, buddy.
abolishing public education, make the male youth go to camp.
the concentration camp?
I haven't read Atlas Shrugged but I played the first half of the original Bioshock game and have seen a few episodes of Mad Men. That pretty much has me covered right?
Why did Atlas shrug? And who the fuck names their child Atlas?
I think I finally rationalized the entire failure of the gender relations of today.
I think that Technology has replaced alot of women's value.
Think of the olden days, women had to spend 6 hours doing laundry, make all the meals fresh since there was no refrigeration, while rising the kids, and making homegoods (soap, clothing, basketweaving)
So if you didn't have a women and you got one all the labor your quality of life used to sky rocket.
Now that we have washing machines, take out and amazon, getting a women doesn't drastically affect our life quality.
For many men in fact it goes down.
Women recognizing this, have gone all out on the one aspect they still have control over, their sex appeal.
But even sex appeal and lust isn't an overiding emotion, and with the rise of pornography and Onlyfans, they have lost dominance over that as well.
So men don't have any incentive to get into relationships besides biological urging and societal shaming.
There is a similar logic to why the birthrate is so low.
When children were on the farm, they used to provide labor, so having more children was an asset.
Now that child labor is frowned upon and ,you need to wait till post-college for good returns, and you need to get another mortgage for education, children are a major lose leader.

It's not some crisis of masculinity, it's all just economics.

Let me summarize it for you: rich people good, poor people bad.
Counter point- Chaucer.
Isn't he Jewish?

Cope. It's women who are rejecting men, not the other way round.

I think he's a nonreligious Russian American of Jewish ethnicity.
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>Monetize and exploit every aspect of society for profit
>Society breaks down

When you rearrange the whole of a nation to pursue profit, that which is unprofitable, priceless and uneconomic is rejected. This is America.
It's always been about money, or power, social advantage.
Love is a meme.
>Society breaks down

Most people are living happy comfortable lives. Don't project your sorrows onto others.
Silence eggcel.
Or else elaborate why.
The Junior military camp (ages 7-14).
>Public education has failed the US
>You know what we need more of!
>Public education (mandatory)
Off yourself.
Sounds like a concentration camp.
So you want to imprison all the poor kids, brainwash them and use them as cannon fodder?

I'm beyond that stage of inceldom.
It's what it is.
I don't know how to interpret your response.
But I quite like my theory though, and until you come up with a better one, I'm sticking with it.
Your theory pretends that men are the ones rejecting women.
Where is the evidence for this?
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Being awful at sex ruined me...
TZD (total zoomer death) I hate zoomers so fucking much, you don't understand. I hate zoomers, millennials, and boomers, who the fuck can I like?
My roastie at the office party complaining that Men don't approach anyone anymore.
Also, just keeping in touch with the general zeitgeist, Men aren't going out, and especially out of their way to get women.
Thus Women are in ill demand, due to reasons I put in my previous post.
Where is your evidence to the contrary?
what does being "awful" at sex even mean?
you just put it in and out, no?
I've never had sex but I already know that no matter how much I do it, I'm never gonna be good.
I want to get my HANDS on a WOMAN and pull her in TIGHT and HUG her for 5 minutes AT LEAST, maybe LONGER.
Let's start with this, how old are you?
Gay. I'm not against hugs, but I'm also not for them, they don't do anything for me.
21. Yes, I hate my own generation.
He's saying that women have not lost value in the eyes of men. Men have lost value in the eyes of women. Therefore women are being more picky and causing this "failure of the gender relations".
I feel that would get uncomfortable fairly quickly unless you turn it into a cuddle session.

That's because women ruined the social norms.
They want men to approach, but only the ones they like.
And if a man approaches them, who they don't fancy, that's like rape.

And from a man's perspective the chance that she will not reject you are low.
So you are basically asked to deal with a woman being really shitty to you for having the gal to approach her, which obviously, no man wants to do.
>turn it into a cuddle session.
>He's saying that women have not lost value in the eyes of men.
Yeah but if he just says "No U" and then refuses to elaborate, I can't refine my theory.
Yeah but that doesn't explain other countries besides the US where gender relations are also shit.
How do you explain incels in India then, considering they don't have these MeToo level laws.
But they all have similar tech levels, unless you are lower class and poor which is where we see more traditional relationships because women have that homemaking skill set that has less value with the more money you have.
>Yeah but that doesn't explain other countries besides the US where gender relations are also shit.

Huh? The US is, if anything better than other countries in this respect. Do you know how autistic people are in most of Europe?
Indians murder baby girls and created this insane gender imbalance with not enough girls to go around.
I remember this one time, a girl I was unsuccessfully trying to court, tried to friendzone me by proposing a fist bump instead of the usual hug.
I waved her hand away and told her to fuck off with that shit and got the hug I wanted.
I can not imagine a worse fate than being born female in India.
>fist bump instead of a hug
That's next level cuckoldry. You did good not letting that shit slide.
Cumming too fast, no stamina, just awkwardness
There are some really terrible accounts of misogyny from Hindu families. You'd think the Muslims would be the worse, but nope.
Really hope my first time is with a virgin, not because of purity, but because I need someone who has no one to compare me to so she just thinks that sex is always that bad.
I probably wouldn't be able to get it up from the anxiety if it ever came to that.
But my plan B is to do some lesbian shit with the hands.
In that case it's better and much more realistic to do it with a MILF.
Then she expects you to be inexperienced and you don't care that much anyway.

>Ein Versuch jemanden zu finden

>Hey, ich suche einen Mann, den ich am 18.9.24 so gegen 17:30 Uhr neben five guys in der Kölner Innenstadt getroffen habe. Er trug ein weißes Hemd und eine graue Hose und war ca. 1.90m groß. Ich hatte ein khakifarbenes Hemd und eine beige Hose an. Ich war mit einem Jungen unterwegs. Wir hatten uns mehrere Male angeguckt.

>Er war blond und hatte einen kurzen Bart. Ich bin zudem brünett und trage eine Brille. Nachdem ich ihn neben five guys getroffen habe und wir uns da schon angeguckt haben, lief er vor mir ein Stück durch die Kölner Innenstadt und wir haben uns währenddessen ein paar Mal angeguckt.

>Wenn die Beschreibung zu dir passt und du dich erinnerst, dann melde dich gerne bei mir.

An attempt to find somebody

Hey, I’m looking for a man I met on September 18, 2024, around 5:30 PM next to Five Guys in downtown Cologne. He was wearing a white shirt and gray pants and was about 1.90 m tall. I was wearing a khaki shirt and beige pants. I was out with a boy. We looked at each other several times.

He was blonde and had a short beard. I am also brunette and wear glasses. After I met him next to Five Guys and we looked at each other there, he walked a bit through downtown Cologne in front of me, and we exchanged glances a few more times.

If this description fits you and you remember, feel free to get in touch with me.
Not public education but faggotry and class rooms with girls. Away, and execute the teachers.
Basically yes.
So you want to eliminate faggotry, but segregating education and forcing the boys to socialize only with other boys?
Will you also provide free lube and condoms?
>brunette and wear glasses
Well with faggotry I mean the youth being taught to sit on a chair for 8 hours together with other girls for 12-16 years straight, just until all youth's vigour is used up.
I will change that.
I am going to nap in the belief that emails sneak in while I sleep
by adding a dildo to the chair?

>tall guy smiled at me
>better ditch my bf and initiate the search for this mysterious man
I mean buttsex rate might increase but that's not really something to be bothered qbout
I’m really close to making an offer on a house but I’m still struggling with how much I should value the freedom of renting. This area is definitely my long term home, but I could see myself living elsewhere for a few years at a time at various points.
Are you married too?
Why do successful boomers like you post on 4chan?
This is a place for failed millennial losers and lost zoomers.
I don’t get Reddit liberals and wanting to “team up with the right to fight the elites” while also chastising them and insulting them as per usual first off how are you going to get the right to “team up” with you when you have done everything in your power to make them appear as supervillains also why would they team up? Yeah I hate elites but guess what I also hate you there is no dimension where I team up to fight the elites with a bunch of transgender pedophiles it goes both ways libtard I want them and you gone too. You can’t handwave legitimate differences we have between each other away because you want to attack some wealthy pricks.
Way to prove their point.
New: >>23823710
New: >>23823710
New: >>23823710
No, I’m not married. I’m a late millenial I think (I’m 29).
How does she compare to Dostoyevsky's ability to demonstrate the contrast between Good and Evil? (or Rich vs Poor in the case of Rand)
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Here is Charles Darwin's analysis. I think you're right. His conclusion no longer holds up.
How strange it is to be anything at all
Ah, that's fair.
The heat death of the universe guy doesn't understand, though.
I was doing what I call “detective work” on Reddit about the Jewish central bankers I did this because I always heard the Pol side of things how they control all major industries and company but I never heard a “counter side” people who may challenge and who better than söy site Reddit. At first I got usual Reddit mombo jumbo when typing a search “of course Jews don’t rule everything goyim stop spreading anti-semantism hehe” but then something interesting occurred I replaced the word “Jew” with “Banker” and suddenly the results looked like Pol they even used talking arguments from there about how usury is bad and the fed is a tool for powerful interest. It seems Reddit is loosely aware of the global order and who is in charge but feign ignorance and pretend they don’t know to avoid punishment.

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