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Nick Land is a fucking joke. Thinking he’s all deep with his “dark enlightebment” when he just wants to set up a bunch of shitty rules that are just moralfaggotry and personal preference (ew I don’t like gays!) veiled as edginess and due to being trapped in “far right” ideology being constrained from true rebellion just as leftist anarchist are also, and he sucks Xi Jing Pings dick and follows cowardly and poser O9A philosophy made by that sack of shit poser Myatt. I’d fucking kill him with a hammer, fucking spindly nerd. Heh, nah, I rather light him on fire and watch his skin burn off as he struggles and burns as he squirms in death he would become the highest art. Won’t someone please just fucking shoot him and make my day, that stupid pisshead. Imagine being named NICK LAND ha ha ha.
all i know of nick land is that hes a popular punching bag for instagram philosophy meme pages
"True rebellion" is a meme for retarded mongoloids. You fail to realize that you should be subordinated. It is the thical thing to do
Shut the fuck up you cock sucker you’d be bitching if you were a peasent in the Middle Ages, that’s what all these Evolian faggots fail to see. You want to be subordinated go suck some rich Hollywood Jews cock, get out of here you motherfucking cowardly bag of shit, no self-respect, it’s that very attitude that makes you deserving of slavery and death, bitch cock sucker faggot, go die. Caring about what “ethical” and about society, fucking bitch oussy, we should murder the masters.
Nick land and their ilk are insufferable parrots. I'll never understand how a self proclaimed "hiperracist" ends up living in a third world country.
Cuz chinks are good at math and enjoy technological slavery
>china, a third world country.

retard. they are eating our lunch as we speak and taking firm command of the world economy. nick land thought they'd turn out to be a bunch of cyberpunk turbolibs, but neoliberal policies didn't take, and now they're set to be the exemplar of 1st world livin' while america becomes a banana republic.
Sure, chong. Now go cash out your rice bowl ticket. Good job.
>ends up living in a third world country.
China is deteriorating in ironically the same exact ways the US is. Not the same anon and I wouldn't call them third world though.
>China is not a third world country.
Only because it has some pockets of development here abd there it doesn't make it a first world country. China is closer to africa than to europe in levels of development, no matter what the ccp propaganda says.
I just don’t like zipperheads plain and simple. They just need force fed opium again.

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