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What books can i use to overcome my insecurities?

I'm deeply insecure about my height but most of the books i could find on the topic was a bunch of self help slop.
tao te ching
Used to be a Christian so I've read parts of it:
>King Saul is chosen as king of the isrealites partly based on his imposing stature.
>Everyone initially assumes David will lose because he's shorter
>Samuel initially assumes Eliab is the lords chosen based on his stature.
How is this meant to make me less insecure?
I could see that helping but i also tried to read it before but struggled to really embrace the teachings.
consider a yoga book, i developed a slight shoulder stoop growing up from mostly unconsciously slouching down to other people but yoga got rid of it
You a young man? I used to be insecure about my height, and it just dissipated over the years. I'm almost 40 now and I can't even imagine wasting any time worrying about physical attributes that I have no control over. Don't allow yourself to do it and realize it's foolish and you can hasten the natural process.
and go back to Christ, you've colored the wisdom found there with your own insecurity, there is a tremendous amount of strength to be found there. I recommend you only read Christians of the past. Read about the Reformation martyrs who went to their deaths gladly and with dignity because their conscience and resolve was strengthened beyond comprehension due to their belief system.
>I recommend you only read Christians
It seems like most Christians on this board are only able to maintain their faith through a shocking degree of close-mindedness.
That's not what I said or implied
Though I'll admit you have a point, though not as strong of one as you might believe, and rejecting "worldliness" is a requirement for the believer, plus often what is good is rejected in favor of what is best in the Christian mind.
My mistake, I thought you were saying what I implied you said. Although I have seen that and similar sentiments expressed here countless times. Of course it isn’t just Christians that are guilty of this, but they’re one of the worst offenders.
It makes sense if you understand the Christian worldview, you probably make a stronger point than I give you credit for, and yes I just meant that he should look to the Christians of the past for his theological interests because modern Christianity is very diluted and sugarcoated to go down easier and it just comes across as weak a lot of the time.
Dwarf looks Maxk
>777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 (3).jpg
begone, satan Sr.
Yeah I turned 20 this summer, I believe you when you say this insecurity will fade but I also feel like by the time it does I’ll have crippled my sense of self esteem for too long.
I did enjoy reading about the saints a lot when I was younger but unfortunately my sense of spirituality has shifted a lot with time and I don’t really find Christianity as compelling as eastern religions.
I'll assume you're a short guy, which is the most common case of height-based insecurity and which seems implied by your thread pic. There are no books with the power to change the fact that being a tall guy is an advantage in many domains of life. At best, books may help in cases of excessively blackpilled thinking of the "Short guys NEVER _________" kind (some of these NEVERs are false).

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