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/lit/ - Literature

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Redpill me on picrel
he was a gay fag that sucked dick
Great author with great books. There's a few eh ones in there as well, but most of his work is high quality and genuinely great. Ignore the sex-obsessed faggots here that cannot understand anything complex.
Mishima is a genius who synthesized the transcendent with the material in language which was brilliant but understandable.
Sorry OP I don’t have any more redpills. I’m all out. You’ll just have to eat some of these lead pills instead dispensed from this fancy trigger equipped pill bottle.
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One of my favs, beautiful writer and cultural aesthete. Lived his life like a poem and BTFO’d these two fags with this quote
Explain to me how any of those are related to his body of work and, if they are, how do they affect it in terms of quality? If anything it makes him more exotic of a person, allows us to stare deep into something profane, strange, different in a way that is meaningful and not pure faggotry like the LGBT shit churned out these days.
he died while the crowd of troops he wanted to inspire to revolt laughed at him. he was a hero to no-one except other faggots like BAP and you apparently. he never won the akutagawa prize and that's the actual reason he killed himself. cope.
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It was the Nobel prize in literature, actually, but he didn't win the Akutagawa prize either. https://www.zoomjapan.info/2021/03/16/encounter-mishima-by-hirano-keicihiro/
he was a pseudo-intellectual who killed himself for no reason
he accomplished nothing by doing so
he literally said nothing of substance
Fucking witnessed. Ignore the crabs.
checked, based, and hero pilled
OP here... Kinda confused about all the criticism to his person and seeing little of it in relation to his works. I particularly don't care if he enjoyed dicks or whatever, as long as his works are worth reading.

This anon here offered good insight about Mishima. I really dislike people that would not read someone's work because of the person's behavior IRL. It's like those brainlets that claim Tolkien or Lovecraft or whoever was a racist therefore we should cancel him and stop reading his books.
Classic midwit can't discern substance without le scientific evidence.
You’re talking about yourself. One or two lines from Sun & Steel or Runaway Horses are worth more than your entire existence, for their aesthetic quality alone, let alone their meaning.
you'd like "forbidden colors" and "confessions of a mask" if you enjoy homoeroticism
I still find it funny how a bunch of young RWers got memed into reading these books only to find out it's just gay smut.
>>Explain to me how any of those are related to his body of work
Yet another memory : It is the odor of sweat, an odor that drove me onward, awakened my longings, overpowered me. . . . Pricking up my ears, I hear a crunching sound, muffled and very faint, seeming to menace. Once in a while a bugle joins in. A simple and strangely plaintive sound of singing approaches. Tugging at a maid's hand, I urge her to hurry hurry, wild to be standing at the gate, clasped in her arms. It was the troops passing our gate as they returned from drill. Soldiers are fond of children, and I always looked forward to receiving some empty cartridges from them. As my grandmother had forbidden me to accept these gifts, saying they were dangerous, my anticipation was whetted by the joys of stealth. The heavy thudding of army shoes, stained uniforms, and a forest of shouldered rifles are enough to fascinate any child utterly. But it was simply their sweaty odor that fascinated me, forming a stimulus that lay concealed beneath my hope of receiving cartridges from them. The soldiers' odor of sweat—that odor like a sea breeze, like the air, burned to gold, above the seashore —struck my nostrils and intoxicated me. This was probably my earliest memory of odors. Needless to say, the odor could not, at that time, have had any direct relationship with sexual sensations, but it did gradually and tenaciously arouse within me a sensuous craving for such things as the destiny of soldiers, the tragic nature of their calling, the distant countries they would see, the ways they would die. . .
Lol actually I hate homoeroticism, it's just not my thing. I wouldn't refuse to read it though, if it was worth it. I'm interested in having a glimpse of what goes on the mind of the author. He's completely different from me; he's an early 20th century Asian gay man, I'm a late 20th century-digital-age straight millenial man. There's also historical value there (which is one of the reasons I was able to finish the Count of Monte Cristo, which is rich with historical detail, be it of society or history itself).
I apologize if I'm not making myself clear, English is not my first language.
But you guys convinced me of giving Mishima a chance. Thanks a lot!
OK here's a serious answer from me.
Just read the Sea of Fertility tetralogy. It's his magnum opus and his only works worth reading.
not wrong.

I've had situations in my life where I simaltaneously lost my job, and my girlfriend. I think I would be well within my rights to have fallen into depression.

But then I hit 2 plate on bench for 5 reps, and that kept going
Thanks! Will do!
both of those books are high forgettable due to how non-sensical they are
Congratulations, you have a mind potentially higher than that of a slave, a vanishingly rare thing.
i would pay someone a thousand dollars if he can summarize sun and steel without looking at the book.
i guarantee none of you faggots can do this because that book is just forgettable pseudo-intellectual non-sense
I’m not going to summarise it but it’s not nonsense. It’s about logocentrism and how the body relates to the word among other things.
Entirely subjective. You are like a woman.
>you are like a woman

you worship a guy(yukio mishima). i think you would suck his little jap dick
>juvenile, vulgar, passive aggressive comments
Like I said, woman.
t. can't tame a runaway horse
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Its crazy how unearned his soapboxing with all its references to physical fitness is. The dude was exceptionally physically weak, why should anyone take his heroic rhetoric seriously?

And the idea that nobody big and strong has mocked hero worship or has been nihilistic themselves? There was no bad or evil men in history who were strong? Retarded.
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It was all symbolic suicide, he knew no one would follow him. But wanted to create a spectacle so his ideas would spread further (And it worked). And even told his closer followers beforehand not to follow him into death.
He was nothing but a seething manlet who wanted to be viewed as an iconic alpha male hero, but simply didn't have the genes for it. He was absolutely right though that beta males and omega males are the ones that angrily critique and mock hero worship.
You sound like a woman degrading a man for what he was born with.
Would you have liked him better if he was tall? faggot?
Mishima tries to characterize those who disagree with his philosophy as puerile and physically inferior. All while being tiny and suffering from feebleness. But if Anons bring up the absurdity of Mishima insulting people for something he himself is, suddenly thats some kind of ad hom?

Its to point out that under his own philosophy the gay photo shoots and posing are a cope for a lack of heroic qualities.
>Mishima tries to characterize those who disagree with his philosophy as puerile and physically inferior. All while being tiny and suffering from feebleness

You don't see the difference? Immutable vs Mutable characteristics? He made the most of what he had.

I imagine he would never make fun of someone else for being frail if they are constantly working to become un-fragile.

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