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Love or hate?
They've done a lot of good work bringing classics and classics-to-be to the masses. Also, I grew up on Puffin books.

They're woke robdogs nowadays though - £20 for a fucking paperback copy of some dead. Greek's scribblings, for fuck's sakes. Get fucked.
Overall they've been good for keeping a lot of classics in print and easily accessible but they've probably overstayed their usefulness now, they used to have extremely good notes but they've been going down hill for quite a while.
First post blessed post
Overall good represses of old books
I'd appreciate them more if their quality control was better. I also hate how easily the Penguin Classics get damaged and show their wear and tear.
but how else are you supposed to show people that you've read books. I intentionally break the spines of penguin classics so guests think I really studied them hard
Penguin Classics has been a good service to humanity all things considered
Why wouldn’t someone like Penguin? One of the best selections in the publishing industry at cheap prices
In my country, several books are available only in low quality Penguin editions and somewhat high prices. Not to mention the ones being sold for absurd prices on the used market, that they refuse to republish.
pengroid randumb house loves to switch translators for old non-english literature whenever the works enter the public domain
That easy wear and tear is actually genius because it shows you who's actually read their books and who's a pretender.
Penguin books smell funny, are easily damaged and I find the formatting difficult to read. Their premium line is very good but they’re expensive and use deckled paper, which looks nice but is annoying to flip through quickly. Generally, I avoid Penguin if possible. Signet Classics or Vintage are both preferable.
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*blocks ur path*
>Nothin' personal kiddo
British penguin books I find to be higher quality than American penguin books
Hate. Their covers are extremely bland and sterile. I refuse to buy them.
U mad, Hans?
Why Signet of all publishers? Small font, abysmal binding, I'd rather pay more for Penguin, Vintage or Oxford. Also Signet is owned by Penguin
Love, they got quite a good number of classics, with reasonable amount of notes, and are pretty affordable if bought from overseas (I ship them in from China for about 10 USD to my SEA ass). For someone in a country with a limited choice, Penguin has been real good to me.
God, all their covers look awful. It has to be a gag at this point.
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Signet makes pocket sized, cheap books that aren’t really designed to last forever. If I’m buying a paperback, I kind of count on it getting a little beat up so I don’t mind as much. I couldn’t tell you why but the font, font size and formatting on signet is much easier for me to read than Penguin Classics. I’m aware Signet is owned by Penguin, Vintage is as well but I still prefer either to their parent company.
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Love. So much love.
I love this lil' nigga like you wouldn't believe.
I don't buy books to signal to others that I'm well read.
They get damaged so easily that a few weeks on the bookstore shelf, or even a ride in an Amazon truck, and they're already looking less than new.
My favourite paperback format. Cloth like covers that take a lot of beating and look like it, just from one read. Normally I try to keep my books looking good, but the penguins are suicidal, and I like that.
hate. it is a naive publisher that builts on every little shit humanity has achieved. like, we get it, you are not mesanthropic, but hold onto every spark of good. fuck off already.

this. no quality and wear and tear the moment i take it hiking, bathtub or throw it under the bus and spit on it. a book spine needs to hold at least...10 times that, if it wants to be read by refined minds like mine. jesuss christ. weak shit.
love because my poor third world country doesnt have any of those fancy academic hardcovers people here like to flaunt
Do they break easily? Thick novels do, but I've reread a lot of slimmer novels in Penguin format many times and they look brand new, despite some dog eared pages and nicotine stains. Even some of the thicker Penguin paperbacks have yet to crack on me. Maybe I just hold my books too dainty-like.
hardcovers are irritating anyway
The bindings are solid, I think its the more supple covers and choice of in. The ones I read definitely look more worn than brand new, more so than books with stiffer, glossy covers (they are laminated after all)
Kind of irrelevant now since they are penguin randomhouse but I guess I would veer on the side of positivity

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