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Have you ever written a love poem to a woman?
Once. :(
oh shit you just reminded me i did this and now i want to kill myself in a horrendous, extremely painful fashion as penance
I wrote a few about a gril that broke up with me.

Rereading it now and it makes me cringe, though I still miss her. It's just not very good:

I wish I could write,
Just a few short lines alone,
And when I start to think,
My thought could be my own.

I wish I could sleep soundly,
In that cool and silky bed,
But you just insist,
To keep running through my head.

Now, no one criticizes,
My cold glass of lager beer,
And no mention of the dishes,
Or complaints burning off my ear.

I just wish when you left,
With your accessories,
You'd have brought an extra box,
To fill with memories.
When I was a wee lad, yes. I can't remember anything that was in it, but that's probably a good thing because otherwise I might jump off a balcony.
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Yes. I never got to send it to her, though.

I wanted to take things a lot slower than she wanted. She wanted sex right away, but I wanted to spend time developing a relationship, becoming romantic.

She left me, and got knocked up within a month after we parted ways.

She was the love of my life. If we had dated for long enough I probably would have asked her to marry me.
you should never write poetry again
>lowercase tranny
You don't belong here.
another girl im seeing wants me to write her a poem. Im gunna do it.
defeatist crab.

The only poetry i've ever written has been horrible, but I got more out of writing it then I ever would have, had someone told me they liked it. ( I never shared it)
the worst part was the girl was a retard normie who probably thought i was a fag for doing it
>That is one thing I am sure of amid my many uncertainties regarding the literary vocation: deep inside, a writer feels that writing is the best thing that ever happened to him, or could ever happen to him, because as far as he is concerned, writing is the best possible way of life, never mind the social, political, or financial rewards of what he might achieve through it.
I've written poetry for gfs in the past, but I pulled the plug on it once I realized women only truly appreciate that kind of thing as an idea rather than a reality. I still write on occasion, but nothing of this sort will ever see the light of day again.
You say that, but as long as it wasn't over the top cringe, she probably loved it.

Everytime I've shared some poetry I was reading (I have a Neruda translation that I flick trhough from time to time) every girl has wanted me to read some to her. A few months ago some girl sent me a message the morning after saying how she loved that I read her poetry.

I think it's a signal that your artsy or some deep sensitive guy. To be frank, I like poetry, but its more a fascination than something that gives me alot of pleasure, because I don't necessarily understand alot of it.
>women only truly appreciate that kind of thing as an idea rather than a reality

I know this girl who really presents as a silly bimbo. We were texting one time and I told her I would talk to her tomorrow cus I was going to read. She asked me to recommend her a book. She ended up reading a full Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel (don't remember which one.) and asked me a bunch of questions about it.

That women is probably more well versed in Latin American literature than 90% of Canadians and she doesn't even know it.
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I gave it to her this summer. All she said was that she really liked it and thanked me a few times. We haven't talked much the past month.
nah but a fat bitch sang a loli hentai rap to me once. it's the closest thing i'll experience
I once told a girl I wrote a poem for her and gave her one of Byron’s poems I wrote out by hand. Ended up fucking her that night. Tried it again with a different girl. She told me she was more of a Shelley girl and laughed in my face. I handled it well and we ended up fucking anyway
Many times
>got me laid 5 times, one became GF in HS
>Got me laid 3 times and one GF in uni
>got me laid 4 times after, married one of them
There's a very particular subset of women who pretend to be idiots despite being quite intelligent. I could speculate on why, but won't.
holy shit the seethe kek. YWNBAP (you will never be a poet)
No. I didn't start dating until my early 20s and by then I had the awareness to realize that writing poems like that for a girl is cringe.
I have only written about myself and others, but never for anyone. I think if I did, they would cringe and laugh behind my back.
Once. She enjoyed it very much.

Then she figured out by who it was and started crying.
Yes. I got it published in a magazine. I ended up writing a novel about and for that same girl. Both were well-received. I still miss her, bros.
Yes because I’m straight and not a zoomer.
Yeah, keep dreamin', she left me for a retard who uses words like "finna" and "tryna".

I was 30 and she was 19, I don't even know what I was thinking, goddamn was she an insufferable bitch. Love blinds you.
holy shit imagine being 30 years old and writing love poems for teenage girls.
keyed desu.
It’s alright, kinda cliche but that makes it relatable. The only thing I’d criticize heavily is the tail rhymes, makes it sound like you started with a deeper emotion and then forced it into a gimmicky style which undercuts the point of the poem.
It's so much worse than you imagine
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Keyed desu
Same here but I’m pretty much convinced the days of romantics are over
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Why would I ever do that? If you know her and you're not already in a relationship or flirting, that means she’s not interested. Writing a poem in that scenario might create an artificial attraction—which you might be too unaware to realize—that will eventually wear off and come back to haunt you later. On the other hand, if you are together, you’re unnecessarily risking looking like a total fool. Women are with you for who you were when you got together, so if you’re not a romantic, don’t try to become one. Btw none of these fags in here claiming to have gotten laid over poems (which never happened) understand how anything works: she already wanted to fuck you retards.
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The only women in men’s lives who deserve poems but never receive them are mothers and grandmothers.
I wrote a poem that had her name hidden in it. No one ever deciphered it.
I wrote a narrative poem about a guy whose life derails after a breakup but I think it's genuinely quite good and I'm scared to post it here in case I somehow ever get some of my poems published.
I’m jealous that so many people’s mothers are nice
i'm sure she forgot about it
yes, don't do it. unfortunately women these days want you to care and not care at once. poetry is just caring. must always toe the line.
lol and if you ever complain about your BPD mom's behavior they're shocked and think you're horrible because they can't fathom a mother mistreating their child
How did your mom mistreat you?
Can't even save myself
She took me to my dad's parents house and told them "to throw him off a fucking bridge if you don't want him" and did a burn out and drove away. Her boyfriend was mad at me because I was cracking my knuckles and the noise was bothering him. She then moved him and his two kids into our two bed-room house and then all my shit away. I was in the 7th grade. Lots of crazy shit before that. She told me she was going to drive into a tree and kill us both while doing 80, after we were looking for our dog that got out and was loose in the neighborhood when I was like 6. Those aren't even the top 10, lol. Not him btw just took an opportunity to vent my mommy issues.
She's a divorced psychopath alcoholic drug addict now, btw, and my dad was homeless for the last 10 years or so of his life and died of a drug overdose, but he and her had split before I was even born. My half sister is 7 months younger than me. It's been a hell of a ride.

Ok, back to not being a faggot and complaining about your childhood. Bye.
Yeah, you can. I’m certain that you can.
Wtf? Are you all fucked up now?
Yes, but that's relative. My dad killed a stray cat with a screwdriver and bragged about it, and my mom who wasn't even aware of that, started shooting strays in her yard with a pellet gun. They were wild, evil people, and I'm honest and kind. I found a wallet with $80 in it today and sought the owner and returned it even though I'm flat broke. But yeah, I have a very difficult time just existing.
Yes. She wrote back "You're ugly."
I also did a lot of fentanyl and almost died a bunch of times before I got clean. It was mostly the constipation, not the constant near death experiences that made me quit using lol. My friends narcan'd me one and once I realized what happened I got very angry because I almost made it. It was just like falling asleep, I don't even remember it, only coming to while sitting in my car parked in my friends yard while they poured water on me and rubbed my chest while looking at me with terrified expressions.
Damb son
Too bad I can't right, they say a lot of people profit from such a life. Alright I have to leave this thread now before I start wallowing in self-pity.
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I wrote this poem for her and later she begged me not to break up w her. All her friends wanted me too I guess literature really is the most attractive hobby for a man to have.

smd ho
smd ho
I need head bih so smd ho
yuh yuh
smd ho

shawty on my dick
ho is om schlong
shawty smd
she do it all night long
she smd ho

smd ho
smd ho
I need head bih so smd ho
yuh yuh
smd ho
Are you me?
You and me both
Yes, very simple indeed.
Lol haha
post your poetry fag
I'm reading it aloud and the prose feels…choppy. Try to find a balance between prose and rhymes
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Hell no. I knew from a very young age I wouldn't want to submit myself to jestermaxxing. Even If I knew it would 100% work
Can you even say you were in a relationship and that she liked you when all she ever wanted is to feel needed and feel a meat rod inside her. If covering the holes in her souls means getting dicked that's 100% not a woman you want to marry moreover have kids with her as she would trash the family and your relatioship with horrible consequences to you and your potnetial kids.

You dodged a bullet, congrats. Take your pure heart to someone with similar pure heart and have your efforts be paid off and recognized in full.
I wrote a letter and it worked, made her like me a lot. Granted we'd already briefly dated which had gone well. Threw a tiny excerpt of Rimbaud in (cringe I know) because she spoke French. The key is to be fun and kind of lighthearted with it. Don't be too serious. And also know your audience, what she'd probably go for etc.

I've had an extremely varied love life but I'm mostly over it now. Amy was right, it's a losing game. Just find someone reasonable who's looking for the same things, don't mistake infatuation for love. They're different things

This all started when the first girl I was involved with was raped, tried to kill herself, and committed to an institution. And teenage me was frothing at the mouth and tried to hire a hitman to go after the person. After she got out and slowly drifted into an abyss of substance abuse I nearly lost my mind. The highs aren't worth it. Seriously, just like there are people who can't handle alcohol, there are people who can't handle romance. I'm the latter variety and I steer clear of it now. The shit just hits me too hard
I wrote a letter once. Thank God I never gave it to her.
At this point I want to hurt women more than I want to fuck them.
Prose is precisely what it isn't. It's poetry.
I've never heard it put this way before, but I think I see what you mean. Did you just make this shit up?
The Lame Bagge of Ducree

The lame Bagge of ducree
engages the heart’s fancy (fahn-cee).
One must envision one of derision
for that is me played by bill Murray.
They said once that this woman was of the
Colt driven.
She had been on his mind but not for his tongue.
She had been on his land but not of his throng.
The elemental spirit of Elle degrasse was
No but I wish I could because I'm hopelessly in love and I will never have the courage to ask her out so at least I want to cherish these feelings while they last.
What is the point in not asking her out?
She’s 12
Yes regrettably.
Distinctly, I now scorn love.
Death calls me by name.
Its hard to ignore.
Her shrill calls pierce both my ears.
My soul is in pain.
All deserved I swear.
For I cannot bare my sins.
Lighter to be crushed.
Best to stifle me.
A muzzle protects others.
From my filthy maw. Nkyvgv
She has a boyfriend.
yeah i wrote a bunch and i even sent one of them.
My girlfriend is getting into poems since I wrote one she's been sending me videos of it :3
She's not your real girlfriend unless until you've actually touched one another in person
I'm dead.

You are my assassin.

For your loose smile, organized stance. Rebellious soul, but a heart so bittersweet.
Your body smooth and cold, and your mouth always a flaming inferno.
To your painful exile in the arts, and your brilliant mind.
Your figure always so muddy, but so clear
In my dreams, your voice will always torment me
The longing for your soul will kill me
And I don't know if in heaven or hell There's a place for those who won't let the world go
The memories are sharp.
Each and every word affects me like a thousand razors.
Your affection, your concern and empathy, your knives.

Will it be my fate, because lf this quiet hope... to live constantly haunted? Haunted by such a crime, the one of love.

I, of all the men on this earth, do not deserve this.
I am a corpse, foolish, passed away, happy.
My destiny is to rot out of this world.

My last words.
Damn, I hate love so much, au revoir.
Que ton cœur m'emmène au paradis e que ton corps m'emmène en enfer

(I clumsily translated this and it lost the flow it had in portuguese, but I was 16)
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Rereading this I realise how embarassing it is, lord.
I don't care what women think. I write poems for them regardless of how they will react. Because I enjoy writing poems for women. If a bitch don't like my peom I don't like a bitch.
Hey how do you know that? You must be stalking me huh
No, i'm not capable of love
>Can't even save myself
Bad Luck. You're the only one who can besides God.
>I don't care what women think. I write poems for them regardless of how they will react. Because I enjoy writing poems for women.
I think that's the idea.
Writing poetry was a way to show that you're not an illiterate peasant back in the day. Today, it's useless since majority of people can read and write. Might because useful again in US when their IQ drops to 85.
At least you’re self-aware.
it took hurting a friend to get that self-awareness
One of the poems I wrote to entertain my ex just got nominated for Best of the Net.
I wrote a short story for my gf and she framed it with a picture of me. It sits next to her bed.
Is she autistic or are you hot?
There's way too much despair about women on this board. Being a smart guy who reads is literally a free ticket to finding a gf these days. Really isn't that hard as long as you aren't fat or ugly. I wrote a poem for a genuine 9/10 and we're getting engaged in the winter.
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yes, i've written a few for a couple of different women. not to try to win them over, but just because I want to and it's fun. they always appreciate them, but none of them have ever noticed that they're metered lol they only ever talk about the imagery, or the physical poem. I usually put them on nice paper and put some flowers or shitty art next to it. pic rel
here is my most recent one. it's not good by any means, but it's the thought that counts:

>Cool autumn looms, tanned leaves will fall,
>and with you, I'll watch it all.
>But for now, let us be present
>in summer's mirthful plesance.

>I'll count haikus on your soft skin,
>and feel you lips on my grin.
>I'll bask in the heat of your grace
>that you exude like posh lace.

>I've no will to tame emotion
>with your eyes: em'rald oceans,
>and sweet mem'ries of pebbles kept,
>from the night that we first met.

>When winter comes, we'll keep us warm,
>quelling chills with bonds we'll form.
>Jealousy begs that you'll be mine,
>my ray of constant springtime.
I didn't read it but your handwriting is very girly
Dear sir
Have I rymed a lass?
No sir
But one for you faggots.
I think I am good looking, because I've never had trouble getting a girlfriend. I don't know, I just don't have to think about it too much. I called the story Kerosene and it started out something like,

>Kerosene, set me on fire

I don't remember what the next lines were, I just have a rough idea of the story. She's come to watch me read stuff at some small festivals and things like that too, she likes that I write.
It also wasn't a poem, so maybe that is a factor. I feel like a poem would come off as wicked pretentious and cringe, whereas a short story is easy to appreciate and understand.
What did you do?
Is that a black eye?
tried a relationship with them, realized quickly my emotional failings and dumped them. felt like shit for leading them on and then dropping them when they were really happy.
Are you still in contact with them?
Yes, many, to only one woman, never to be published.
yep, they say they're fine but i think i did some damage to them.
To a woman? No to a man Yes.
No. She would just read it to her friends and they'd all have a laugh over it
Ever been head butted by a baby before
Yeah but I doubt she read it
This. Anon dodged a nuclear ballistic missile and doesn’t even realize it.
Sounds to me like you got VERY unlucky anon
Yes, when I was 19 and I'll kill myself if anyone ever sees it
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I have never had a gf and every woman I have attempted to court has rejected in month or less
What the media portrays wrong is that love poems should come after you are both already in the relationship, and not as part of the courting process.
A woman either loves you, or she does not. Vomiting your emotions onto a sheet of paper in rhythmic fashion won't change that fact. If anything most women will be turned off by your act of submission.
>attempted to court
this nigga tryna re-live the 1890s when you had to ask a girl's father's permission and answer 20 page questionnaires about the ethics of sexual copulation just to hold a hoe's hand.
I think that he meant "rizz up" or, if you have achieved "unc status", "pull up" a "baddie", a "shortie".
Dawg, I'm severely average-looking and am certifiably autistic. My only selling point is that I'm a good writer. I've bagged, like, thirty women. Time for a new approach.
this is still how it works in most cultures outside the west you know. i had to court my fiance too. no dating just texting until i met her father and then he let me take her out
Yes, spent hours in another language making sure the syntax and words were right. She's my wife now.
>Really isn't that hard as long as you aren't fat or ugly.
Most people in this board, or the internet, or in America are fat and ugly, sometimes both.
It's really not just about being ugly. It's also about a lack of self-love in a lot of anons' cases which makes them think they are undeserving of genuine love and affection, and they cover it up with cynicism and hatred towards women. Basically sour graping.
I've never loved anyone beyond myself
O beauteous fate
o whimsical girl
When you linked up with me you made my heart twirl

Pure collaboration, no room for indignation

Serendipity at its most fine

But I know in my heart of hearts
That a spirit such as you shall never be mine
damn bro hope things are good down in saudi
Every time I've ever read the acronym "smd" in the past, I've interpreted it to mean "shaking my dick"—like "baka." It is only now that I realize this whole time it's meant "suck my dick." This is dissapointing to me.
String substitution should be removed from this website. It's a clear violation of my right to free speech; it's an infringement on my constitutional rights; It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous.
Also, SM**nigger**H is technically not an acronym but an abbreviation. Acronyms need to sound like normal words when pronounced, i.e., NASA, LASER, SCUBA, BEE(yourself).

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