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/lit/ - Literature

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>Everyone saw in my face evil traits that I didn’t possess. But they assumed I did, and so they developed. I was modest, and was accused of being deceitful: I became secretive. I had a strong sense of good and evil; instead of kindness I received nothing but insults, so I grew resentful. I was gloomy, other children were merry and talkative. I felt myself superior to them, but was considered inferior: I became envious. I was ready to love the whole world, but no one understood me, so I learned to hate. My colorless youth was spent in a struggle with myself and with the world. Fearing mockery, I buried my best feelings at the bottom of my heart: there they died.
if you have the self awareness to acknowledge things like this within your own character, but don't act to improve yourself accordingly and become a better person regardless of the circumstances leading you to a base existence, then you kind of forfeit the right to make and use such excuses, and it may even be safe to say you were never really going to be a good person to begin with
Pechorin has sex, incel. He and you are not the same.
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Incels are the Byronic heroes of today.
>The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth
>what's that bro? you don't spend years in mental anguish rebuilding your entire personality? oof, sounds like you're a piece of shit buddy, not a good look
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skill issue
i mean when you yourself acknowledge that your entire personality is being a piece of shit, then yea, it makes you a piece of shit when you consciously decide not to change it
It should be noted that within the context of the novel Pechorin is pretty much bullshitting. What he says might be true, but he doesn’t actually care for any sympathy or deeper understanding. He is only saying it to manipulate someone and to make himself seem byronic, which is based.
an ought does not follow from an is, retard, there's no logical justification to change anything once you have acknowledged it
this anon reads.
Pechorin is not an incel. Thanks for BTFOing yourself for me.
>reaction to OP's post is to either tell them to kill themselves or tell them to self improve^tm
Genuinely despise you low EQ freak normalniggers
Watch out bro next they're gonna hit you with the "you can lead a mule to water but you can't make it drink" I don't like drinking your feces sorry, I would rather withdraw then drink the feces, but withdrawing means I'm a piece of shit, noooooooo!!! God is dead, that's the source of these normal niggers plaudits
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This is actual retardation.
Funny thing is it literally exemplifies the shit described in the OP. Fucking lmao.
He still frames his words in terms of good and evil kek, gods fucking dead dude there is no good or evil, there can't even be any love
Nothing Rousseau couldn't have said better.
tell me lit, is Lord Byron based or cringe?
if he is based, ill go read his poetry this instant.
if he is cringe, I won't ever.
don't see why anons are seething at this. its plainly true, doesn't even need to be said.

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