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/lit/ - Literature

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How's the writing career coming, /lit/?
Won the Nobel last year
It’s coming

I've written like 6 pages that wasn't part of an school assignment but I know deep down I'm totally better than royal road sloppers make $10k a month on patreon
anons have been quite complimentary on the two things I've written.
oh shit jon fosse be posting on /lit/ yo let me ask u tho why tf didn't use any paragraphs in morning and night? was that really necessary? fucking chore to read.
I posted the entirety of the story in a pdf here. Nobody read it. So i'm moving on up!
pearls before swine
Got a book deal a few months ago. Feels pretty okay.
Fiction? And how much?
I lied
Making a Royal Road treasure trove of short stories and one spectacular web novel about a boy who wakes up one day with the power to mind control! (He does some sick twisted things but by the end of it you'll forgive him because he mind controls the end boss and saves the day.)
I'm struggling to think of ideas to finish this short story/novella I'm writing. All the fun has vanished and now I'm just frustrated, wanting to get this shit over with so I can write something else. Is this normal?
got 12 full/partial requests over the course of 2 months and 7 of them have been rejected, mostly forms. 4 out of the remaining 5 don't seem to respond to submissions for whatever reason (why request in the first place?) and the last one i don't have high hopes for.

going to start a new novel soon, some dark academia thing with chess where when you blunder you have to self harm in some way, each member of club represents a deadly sin, a jesus figure comes along halfway through and saves mc (who represents humanity as a whole and has found himself completely entwined in the club's strange ways)
I did commissions for a furry. 1 dollar per 100 words. He liked my work so he commissioned me for a bigger project that I spent the entirety of last year writing. I wrote 79k+ words of a groomer-kitten relationship with vivid sex scenes.

I made a year's worth of my third worlder salary, and I never wanted to write again.
My first proper book intending to be published is just sitting on my computer under 4 rejection letters
I have a few smaller ideas to be self published but I need to actually write them and then market
Does getting short stories and poems published make it easier to get a novel deal? Is it easier to publish a novel than a book of short stories? I feel like there's some game I need to be playing to smooth my pathway to publication
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I've got enough in the bank to take a few months off from my fulltime job and write but I'm afraid
You should be able to write and hold a job.
ah to be single and in my 20s again
Self-published in April. Only three people have read it. Zero reviews.
Its slowed down since i basically became homeless and stopped writng/publishing work, but im thinking of putting out a banger essay about my experiences as a /pol/tard living among refugees in various western nations so maybe that will be fun.
Damn bro you might as well just sold your ass at that point it would have been the more respectable option.
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Think I'm discovering that publishing in a web novel format isn't for me. I'm already being double teamed by anxiety and depression, and now every day is tinged with dread about something in whatever chapter I published most recently setting someone off. Feel like a teenage girl worrying about likes and shit on social media. Would've been better for my mental health to just throw the completed book on Amazon, let the few friends and family that wanted to buy it do so, and let the chips fall where they may while I work on the next one.
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I write hard-boiled screenplays and have no plans to publish them. They're stylistically distinct and will probably require my own directing to pull off effectively, And i have even less intentions being a director.
I bought an ad
Link em
My old friend said I should write even though it will be too disturbing because no one would stop me doing so I better start it someday when I finally get older
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I'm kind of a big deal around here
Gave up and became an AI proompter instead.
Ironically, I'm already seeing some "AI assisted" works on RR do better numbers than some non-AI beginner writers, so despite all the talk about how it'd never happen like it did to art, we're already witnessing the beginning of its rise in literature.
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Resorted to giving up my dream of being a prolific YA writer. Now writing isekai litrpg slop in hopes of attaining a fan base large enough. So my Neet ass can help my family with bills(I'm a ESL)

>Be me
>make alt account on Scribble hub because royalroad doesn't allow excessive smut
> Post trashy isekai sex novel for shit's and giggles.
>Already 400 views in 24 hours, 29 readers.
>is this the way to go anons?
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after 20 years, i have never written for fame or money
based, but you probably don't need to think about money. Writing's is a fools game, and it's all i have left to gamble.
Is it paid? You have a pre-established audience?
Definitely get that swedish refugee pass and walk away with that $34,000. Do document the process, documentary style. Could be peak journoslop
Poetry. Not much.
i live in my van. ive had nothing for the last 16 years. writing means everything to me. i hate seeing what people have done to it.
I just don't see a viable path towards being career writer. Trad publishing is off the table unless you're a woman writing YA about black transgenders. Self publishing on Amazon is only financially viable if you're writing formulaic genre slop and pump out a book per month. Stuff like royal road only works if you're writing LitRPG trash. Also, attention spans are shorter than ever, nobody reads books anymore except women reading romance slop.
Even if you do write a book, who's gonna read it? How are you even gonna put it in front of people's noses in the first place?
Occasionally, I do see books on Amazon that are self-published and decently successful without being any of the aforementioned categories, but it's a long shot. You're basically playing the lottery at that point.
modern lit is a fucking meme. always will be. and no, ive been looking
Books should be free, and they are.
If you're in a position where you're unable to write around your job then you you're definitely in a position where you shouldn't be taking months off work to write.
I have yet to publish any books or make any money BUT I have recovered 3 of the lost pages of the Codex Gigas. the reconstruction of the spell is coming along. Soon they will pay. the publishers, the writers, the readers, all of them. theyll all pay. most of all you OP for not reading my pdf I uploaded a year ago
Honestly, I feel similarly to you. For the longest time I clung to the dream of being published traditionally, but seeing how much the industry's changed and how little support debut authors get for the most part even on the off chance you succeed, finally made me decide on self-publishing. But with declining reading rates and not being interested in writing to market, I've basically accepted that I'm going to need to be satisfied with much more limited success. Probably going to look into getting a trade next year and go back to writing as a hobby, occasionally self-publishing a book on Amazon. Think I might even be happier that way than worrying so much about monetization.
It makes me want to kill myself every day. The fact that I have been working at this for so many years and have had ONE fucking thing published (for a whopping $100) makes me want to disappear off the face of the earth and just be a hermit that “accidentally” goes into the ocean never to return
You're that anon guy aren't you? I love your writings
>got two different stories' rejection emails within 15 minutes of each other
Back on the horse.
finally bit the bullet and recently started publishing the story I've been working on online. it feels good to get off my ass
At least they bothered to recognize your existence with a reply instead of just ignoring you entirely.
Heh, 17 published books in the last hour. Nothing personnel, dweebs.
I don’t want to write fiction anymore. I’m thinking about trying to write a biography or becoming a journalist.
>Dear Paris Review, I have yet to receive a response from you regarding my short story 'A Killer of Niggers, A Killer of Jews', submitted October last year...
Yes. I find writing a chore by the end of every project so I constantly pursue new ideas like a toddler with a shiny object syndrome.
I am in the process of giving up and switching to retail.
stupid nigger couldve kept them as pdfs on his fucking itoddler but had to sacrifice an entire forest to made a le funny maymay photo for reddit pointz
How many does he get through in a day? He fancies himself a Stewie, must be really smart.
sounds interesting, are you on some form of gov handouts ? Do you move around or stay in one spot ? You spend most of your time immersing yourself in words ?
That's exactly why I find modern literature so boring. It's all point T*itter followers and leddit karma. People write works that worship the regime or whatever is popular at the moment.
What's rr
I’m still trying to come with a plot to write about. Very difficult. May just write fantasy sloppa.
>ONE fucking thing published (for a whopping $100)
Was it a short story or something?
i work temp jobs. i move around alot. I have been reading and writing nonstop. i have learned classical literary form. I have discovered what makes a book truly great. I will never stop perfecting the art so long as I live
Royal Road
Rainblow Load
whoa. how original. sure been hearing that alot. totally organic post Im sure

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