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>It was Evola's custom to walk around the city of Vienna during bombing raids in order to better "ponder his destiny". During one such raid, 1945, a shell fragment damaged his spinal cord and he became paralyzed from the waist down, remaining so for the rest of his life."
What a goof
someone post the letter where he is talking to guenon about dealing with dark wizards giving him arthritis
Honestly a cool and badass story. I was halfway on the wavelength of making fun of and dismissing Ebola and his readers as “chuds” before this, but now I might just have to read him to see what the fuss is all about. R*ddit normies and materialists can go eat their own cocks.
Reddit. Jeezus you're a chud.
Poor chap Evola didn't have the gift of the second sight.
Strikes me a passive suicidality gone wrong.
kek, guenon and schuon bros, we can't keep winning. must be unpleasant not to have any occult talents.
I thought this dude was retarded but now my opinion of him is even worse.
Classic bpd/C-PTSD self-destructive risk taking.
Sounds more based and brave that everyone on /lit/
Someone was overcompensating

Actual quote by Evola about his 'accident' instead of some internet summarization. Not a risk, not a promthean endeavour of pondering his 'destiny'. Classical "wrong place, wrong time".

The quote is from "On Pre-Birth Superconsciousness & the Power of Occult Forces over 'Backward', 'Primitive' People or Going Beyond René Guénon" (from "The Path of Cinnabar) by Julius Evola

The quote can be found in full from various archives on multiple sites on the internet hosting this text:

Page 183:
>Someone has spread the rumour that my accident was caused by pursuit of a ‘Promethean’ endeavour of some sort. This, of course, is sheer fantasy, not least because, at the time of the accident, I had long interrupted any work in the realm of the supernatural. Besides, I was living in Vienna incognito and under a false name. It is rather odd, however, that Rene Guenon himself favoured a similar interpretation at first. For when 1 got in touch with Guenon after the war, and informed him of my accident (in the secret hope that Guenon might help me to ‘understand’ the event), I was asked whether I suspected that someone might have acted against me by occult means. Guenon added that he himself had been confined to his bed for several months, apparently on account of arthritis, but actually as a consequence of an outside attack; and that he had recovered from his illness once the person responsible had been discovered and neutralised. I told Guenon that a similar attack would be an unlikely cause in my case, not least because an extraordinarily powerful spell would have been necessary to cause such damage: for the spell would have had to determine a whole series of objective events, including the occurrence of the bombing raid, and the time and place in which the bombs were dropped.
This very same correspondence is translated in the pamphlet by Evola called René Guénon: A Teacher for Modern Times.

Evola’s long-time friend, Mircea Eliade, remarked to one of his students regarding Evola’s injury:
>‘Evola was wounded in the third chakra—and don’t you find that significant?’ The third chakra is associated with anger and pride.
-Cited by Joscelyn Godwin in Arktos (Grand Rapids: Phanes Press, 1993), p. 61.
You'd say that too if you were an embarrassed crippled fag
>once the person responsible had been discovered and neutralised
W-what did he mean by this?
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martin lings took care of business
a vendetta
>that everyone
Why are you even on /lit/?
>(in the secret hope that Guenon might help me to ‘understand’ the event)
Evola recognizing Guenon's superiority in occultism. Evola was a hylic poser.
Based Eliade was his friend?
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American wizards be like
>I cast explosive payload on your location
This shit makes me regret having ever given him the time to see if there was any potential value in his writing
Bruh it’s crazy that this board has declined this much. There are actually zoomers literally discovering Julius Evola’s Wikipedia for the first time and making threads about it. Absolutely surreal to see as a 30 year old boomer.
It’s actually funny that Italian and French occultists supporting the Fascists and the Nazis that are now the idols of every undergraduate chud who just discovered reading a year ago were clucking about spells and magical traditionalism while the Americans were gearing up the logistics that would drop payloads in their heads or while they blamed their arthritis on Voldemort.
>fags itt finally realizing that calling western memestycism 'tumblr astrology for men' was accurate all along
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>drop payloads in their heads or while they blamed their arthritis on Voldemort
Technology making war into a dishonest pursuit waged primarily by money has been a talking point for a while.

>while the Americans were gearing up the logistics that would drop payloads in their heads or while they blamed their arthritis on Voldemort.

That's quite a misunderstanding the position from which Evola was talking about and especially the 'traditionalist' perspective. This quote from "Yoga of Power" from Evola comes to mind.

>What has been said about scientific knowledge applies as well: it does not change the human condition, the existential situation of an individual, nor does it presuppose or require any transformation of that kind. It is rather something added on, superimposed, which does not imply any self-transformation. No one claims that we show any real superiority when we are capable of doing this or that by availing ourselves of any technical means: we do not cease to be mere humans, not even as lords of atomic weapons who can disintegrate a planet by pushing a button.

>And worse yet, if as a consequence of any given cataclysm people living in the Kali Yuga were deprived of all their machines, in the greatest majority of cases they would probably find themselves in a worse predicament than uncivilized primitives do when facing the forces of nature and the elements. That is because machines and technology have atrophied their true strength. We may well say that modern man, by virtue of a diabolical mirage, has been seduced by the "power" he has at his disposal, and of which he is so very proud.

But also, consindering the above, the 'modern mindset' may offer even protection to some degree, at least according to Evola.

Evola's another quote regarding Guénon's arthritis:
>It is interesting to note that when I questioned Guénon concerning his accident (his case of pseudo-arthritis), and asked him whether an individual who has attained a certain spiritual level might not be safe from all attacks of 'magic' and wizardry, Guénon replied by reminding me that, according to tradition, the Prophet Mohammed himself was not invulnerable in this regard. Apparently, the reason for this is that 'subtle', 'psychic' processes operate in a deterministic fashion, not unlike physical processes (a knife stab, for instance, causes damage regardless of the kind of person it hits). (Actually, I have some further reservations on the matter: for I believe that the process of materialization of the individual - what contributes to distance him from the subtle forces of nature - can actually act as a protection against occult attacks of the kind I have just been discussing. Such attacks, therefore, would have little power over modern man, an intellectual type and city-dweller, whereas they would prove effective against more 'backward' and 'primitive' human groups.)
-On Pre-Birth Superconsciousness & the Power of Occult Forces over 'Backward', 'Primitive' People by Julius Evola
I don't use the Lord's actual name in vain.
It's very demoralizing to read occult lit with the thought "this author is supposed to have occult abilities" in mind. Evola is by no means the only blackpill.
I really hope this is true. He was so mild-mannered in all his interviews it would be extremely satisfying to discover he was Guenon's secret magical hitman.
it's more funny that if you the bare minimum amount of reading on the topic you'd know that regularly he referred to Guenon as "the master".

then why aren't you saying it?

>implying your shallow understanding of mysticism is the same as what is meant by Traditionalist initiation

>oh no it's not like in my japanese cartoons and harry potter movies?
You sound really butthurt and defensive for some reason, as if your identity is being personally attacked. We're just a bunch of 4chan dweebs, anon.
>it's more funny that if you the bare minimum
would you mind translating from gook?
Read more
kek i made that up, bug lings was his top goy there in cairo, and often acted as a buffer between the g-man and the outside world
>oh no, somebody disagreed with my low info loser opinion??!!
Don't cry. I think you're a subhuman and probably a tranny, that's all. You basically admit as much. Go fap again, you'll feel better.

If you knew English or had an IQ above 80 you could find the single missing word all on your own without any help.
were you doing soyy face while typing this?

He literally BTFO you, can you even read?
Samefag butthurt that non-retards don't think he can cast fireball
>He literally BTFO you, can you even read?
>posts replying to separate replies
Learn what words mean before you use them, dark-skinned shudra donkey.
>obvious newfag redditcuck doesn't know what samefag means
>implying you're not retarded

wait, le fireball?? epic meme m'dude!
>doesn't cower in a bomb shelter because it goes against his warrior-aristocrat principles
This is the metaphysically superior position. Non-initiates will never understand the bizarre behaviour of initiates.

Why does Evola make trannies and other subhumans like uncultured shitskins seethe so hard? is it due to his uncompromising aristocratic stance? or the certain....fascinating and mysterious aspect that makes them uncomfortable?
It's not even specific to Evola, Ernst Junger talks about similar things in On Pain, War as an inner experience and throughout storm of steel.
You omit words because you have poor attention to detail, which correlates with a low IQ.
Initiates with no situational awareness, let alone extrasensory abilities. Ah, yeah, keep running cover for your fellow hylic, retard.
sure, slant-eyed gook, it's the guy missing words and speaking 'engrish' who gets to lecture on english. okay, lmao, way to represent the stereotype of the yellow weasel.
So he was paralyzed at the age of 47 for being a retard and you praise him? What a great warrior spirit turning his body into a useless husk when he had as least 20 some more years. Being dangerously close to the bombs probably didn’t even add much to his introspection. It probably hindered it if we’re being honest
You just don't understand the ways of the master initiate who cries to daddy Guenon, bruh. :-P
>he had recovered from his illness once the person responsible had been discovered and neutralised
???? What did Guenon do to the poor bastard?
Evola is great on politics, cringe on esoterica. Simple as. It's possible for a non-nigger to escape all-or-nothing thinking.
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>Dear Julius,
>Sorry about your leg. The reason I asked whether a two-bit black magician may have cast a spell on you is that, if I may speak frankly, undeveloped neophytes and other slipshod fools who dabble in the realm of the supernatural light up like a Christmas tree.
>- René
Nice cope. I type fast and don't double check because I don't care what semi-sentient idiots like you think, it's a waste of my time to even be posting here.

There was one simple word missing and you were too stupid to make sense of the sentence HAHAHA.
Your monkey brain doesn't understand Evola or Nietzsche if you think their position was "war is good". You're a simpleton, seething at "nazis" on 4chan like a mindless automaton. Go fap.

Really? what don't you like about his esoteric writings? imo he is a rare mix of spirituality with the precision and clarity of science. His uncompromising stance on initiation and the esoteric (taken from Guenon obviously) automatically filters out 99% of the garbage spread by modern occultism.

Yes, the average normalfag like you would not understand the purpose of standing by one's principles (even or especially if it puts one's life on the line). His introspection? wtf are you even talking about? LOL. Go fap.

How do you know he didn't have any situational awareness? he actually jumped away before the bomb exploded which the doctors said probably saved his life.
>extrasensory abilities
You wouldn't know anything about that, why are you talking about it like you do? You think they go around using their abilities all the time like it's one of your videogames.
Of course, Junger's earlier work is praised by Evola for this reason.
I like how you shared the cartoon narrative going on in your head, like the halfwit that you are.
>seething tranny attempts to ackpost after getting bullied this hard
Tie the noose, freak.
Doesn't really make sense since at least a few of his students are at the top levels of the most aristocratic secret societies and the intelligence services lol

Guenon's aren't. They're simping for muslims and converting to islam after a midlife crisis.
war is good and seeing it happen far away is kino. ie. the semites right now bombing eachother
That has nothing to do with his theories. His point was that war (at least in the past) offered possibilities for man to go beyond himself, to the extent that it was possible to reach transcendent states of being (initiation).

And btw you're just spiritually degraded if that's actually what you think, like a psychopath or black piece of shit.
Watching semites blow eachother up using pagers and slavic apes massacre eachother is kino and a good watch
Yea, you so mad, boy. Yea, you seething.
You have the excuses of a hylic ("those abilities have to be switched on like a light bulb, and nobody wants a big power bill").
Guenon never would have found himself in such a predicament. Cope harder, hylic.
Obviously you haven't read much of Guenon, since one important thing he mentions is the rejection of powers.
based lantern jaw would destroy the chud phony
They reject the abuse of powers, you dimwit.
Excessive use is abuse, philistine.
>not getting your leg blown through reckless stupidity is excessive use
You're comical, hylic. You will never be an initiate, no matter how many books you read.
>manipulating an entire theater of war to save part of your body isn't abuse
Continue speaking as if you know something. It's definitely not embarrassing for you.
Don’t you know about this? A lot of the Traditionalists and Eranos circle people knew each other personally and were on good terms.
Holy shit you're retarded.
Go stick your hand into a buzz saw. It wouldn't be right to manipulate your country's entire power grid to save your hand.
lmao lmao lmao
>manipulating an entire theater of war
the absolute state of evola cringeposters
samefag dilettante
(I = initiate)
>thinks moving a mass of material to preserve a smaller mass of material is a good idea
>is concerned with the material at all in the first place
ngmi. you are destined for annihilation.
No, brave is going to fight in a war, evading it and walking in the middle of of a bombing raid is just retarded
Wittgenstein, sartre, junger those guys were brave, Evola was an i secure incel that didn't have the moral integrity of accepting he was evading the battle
Guenon and Evola status as tiktok crystal witches of the 20th century confirmed
>roaming the streets during an air raid because your principles don't permit you to cower in a bomb shelter isn't brave
Nice mental gymnastics. You're just butthurt about JE, probably because he was associated with the "far right".

This is utter nonsense to anyone who knows the first thing about these topics.

You seem like a tranny. Your writing style really lacks a center. Maybe you read some esoteric writings and can't handle it? or maybe your personality was already disintegrated, which is why you became a tranny.
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Why are you posting so much when you don't anything? are you just that mad at the "chuds" or whatever right wing boogeyman has triggered your fragile leftist/cuck constitution? Do you know how pathetic that is? hahaha

Go read a book, recover whatever elements of your personality are left while you still can, nasty little gremlin.
That's such flawed analogy. The other guy is right, you're an embarrassment. It's obvious that you aren't spiritual at all; in fact I would posit that you've taken a path downwards, since your personality is disintegrating but you have nothing to show for it other than "Holy shit you're retarded".
but this is the most chud thing you could possibly do. You must have a child mentality to think walking under bombs to "ponder your destiny" is in any way cool
Destiny: pondered
Spine: destroyed
Brain: retarded
You totally misunderstand. It is against his principles to cower in a bomb shelter during an air raid. Something being "cool" or not has nothing to do with it. It's actually metaphysical in nature, you wouldn't get it.
>"You must have a child mentality"
>coming from the guy judging if something is cool or not
Comedy gold. Also
>uses "chud" unironically
Cringe. Back to your reddicuck hugbox.

nazis destroyed!!
Yeah he doesn't get it dude. Evola permanently wrecked his spine because he was principled and metaphysical and NOT retarded
LOL. It's impossible for you to understand. Being "retarded" or not doesn't even come into the equation. He had principles that he wouldn't break. No doubt the idea of strong, unbreakable principles is ludicrous to languid souls such as yours. Unless it's simping for brown people and queers, that is.
True. One time I slit my own wrists til I passed out and now I have permanent damage to my arm mobility. Everyone thought I was a retard for doing this but i told them they were just plebs who didnt understand my philosophy
>i'm a pussy who cuts because i'm sad
Unfortunately, you being a depressed pussy and cutting yourself isn't the same as having principles that you die by...it's just utterly meaningless. You're are a retard (huge surprise) and a weakling (what i was getting at in my last post). So why are you even here? LOL. Trying to "pwn the nazis" because you're a depressed antifa subhuman JUST
i bet that sounded epic and deep in his head but was it worth being such an edgelord?
I have many criticisms of Evola, but my main contention is how he views there being a "uniting core" to le Aryan traditions like Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Germanic paganism, Hellenism, etc. There isn't, and he frequently twists and misinterprets traditions to fit them into his perennial framework that ties into the Hyperborean narrative.
For example, he views all spiritual quality attributed to the immanent world or the animist aspects as having telluric origin or traceable to the Mother. However, many traditions have important mythical connections to immanence such as Dharmakaya, Gavaevodata, qi, prana, etc. It's a lot more complex than his dualistic framework involving Being/masculinity and Becoming/feminine, especially given traditions emerged from a series of hybridization events. For example, a Mahayanist would say being and becoming are empty of intrinsic nature.
Evola argued Brahman was initially a mana-like quality the Aryan dominates and directs, which is laughable and vulgar, and he also rejects rebirth/reincarnation. It seems he thinks he can just study these disparate traditions, pick and choose what conveniently fits into his framework, and get to the core of what the savage stupid steppe peoples believed. Here's the brutal truth: the people the steppe "Aryan" peoples influenced were civilizationally more advanced than them. For example, Fire Temples predated Sintashta incursions in BMAC. One could argue BMAC > Sintashta Aryans easily.
I am more sympathetic of isolationist forms or right-wing thought, the type that is disinterested in creating totalizing narratives involving other people. Mutual respect is an impossibility at this point. I want nothing to do with you.
You have nothing to do with the people who constructed ancient Vedic, Mazdean, Shinto, or whatever thought. Again, I want nothing to do with you, I want no sense of brotherhood with you, and I do not want to be a part of your shifty global narrative.
For example, I hate the Jewish cringe "Lost Tribe of Israel" bullshit, which is indeed related to my issue with Evola. Evola's philosophy is like "Lost Tribes of Hyperboreans," but it has no little to no basis in reality. It is a powerful form of psychological warfare and imperial tool of dominance.
LARPing faggots into Evola and Traditionalist garbage are going to Balkanize nations by spreading this garbage.
He's such a quirky girlie.
You guys should really stop discussing traditionalist authors, clearly it all goes way beyond your head. This board is so out of touch lmao
>His introspection? wtf are you even talking about? LOL. Go fap.
He pondered his destiny. Does that include introspection into his own life and past?
>Yes, the average normalfag like you would not understand the purpose of standing by one's principles (even or especially if it puts one's life on the line).
How was he standing by his own principles by walking around and getting paralyzed like a retard. It’s not like he was fighting. Just putting himself in danger.
And you say this like you’re not a normalfag. You haven’t seen shit
Ebola is just a 2012 tumblr girl (male) thoughever.
Another example is that the Gathas is arguably anti-Aryan in that it critiques the excessive cattle raids of Sintashta-derived peoples. It is arguably more pro-BMAC. Nietzsche, surprisingly, seemed to understand this.
Zoroastrianism was anti-Aryan.
In fact, I would argue the Aryans, themselves, were not interesting. They were savage warlords. They did not have higher civilizational development the way BMAC and IVC. Reducing the core of heart of traditions to le Aryans is the same as Jews obsessing about Lost Tribes of Israel crap.
A different word should have been chosen instead of "Traditionalism". I am a traditionalist but not a *T*raditionalist.
Fuck Traditionalists. Most of you don't even follow a tradition.
It's esotericism being approached by the profane that is the core of the issue. See posts like>>23830226

The fact that he was associated with fascism probably triggers an emotional response from people as well.
If that were true he wouldn't trigger you so hard
>There isn't,
Yes there is, it's solar initiation. Death and rebirth into immortality.
You lost the moment you decided to cherry-pick quotes. I wonder why you cut off Guenon there instead of reading ahead a few more paragraphs.

>It goes without saying that the dangers we have just spoken of do not exist for one who has arrived at a certain degree of initiatic realization; and it could even be said that such a one implicitly possesses all such ‘powers’ without having to develop them particularly in any way, by the very fact that he controls the forces of the psychic world ‘from above’; but generally such an initiate will not exercise powers of this kind because they have no more interest for him.
Why only "generally?" Let's read more:
>Thus it is easily understood that if the being that possesses a high degree of spirituality should occasionally produce some phenomenon, it will not do so in the same way as one that has acquired this power by means of some psychic ‘training’ and will act according to completely different modalities; the comparison of ‘theurgy’ with ‘magic’, which lies beyond our scope here, would occasion the same remark. This truth also ought to be recognized without difficulty by those belonging to the exoteric order, for if numerous cases of ‘levitation’ or ‘bilocation’ can be found in the lives of the saints, just as many can certainly be found in the lives of sorcerers. The appearances (that is to say, precisely, ‘phenomena’ in the strict and etymological sense of the word) are exactly the same in both cases, but no one would conclude from this that the causes are also the same.

Don't ever post here again, you know-nothing, disingenuous fraud.
>The other guy
>You seem like a tranny. Your writing style really lacks a center. Maybe you read some esoteric writings and can't handle it? or maybe your personality was already disintegrated, which is why you became a tranny.
Your writing style is one in which you can't decide whether you want to capitalize sentences or not. This shows what an unstable mind you have.
kek, julius' fanboys really are taking L's all around itt. normally they have good quote game, but it seems they've met their match in guenon quote autists.
I don't think you're being "disingenuous," but you've misunderstood the G-man. At that point he's talking about the Western equivalent of fakirs specifically seeking to acquire/develop siddhis. He's not talking about high initiates, gurus, or - per the quotation posted in this thread - "saints." There are tons of stories of high initiates evading danger, healing, etc.
I think that Ebola fan is smart in posting about troons every post he makes. It seems like a nice tactical way to preempt the otherwise inevitable troon-friendly Ebola quotes. I'm being generous here and assuming he's not one of the 'every single time' cases of prolific anti-troon posters who turn out to have a troon fetish. They just popped that MIGA spook4 in North Carolina for being another troon chaser.
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The "bomb walk" was one of three things that won me over. He obviously knew it was dangerous, it's not like he didn't know that. But he went anyway, for no reason at all. That's sangfroid. That's being larger than life. I think you've got to be really small souled to not see that.
I think people who only know one worldview (Namely, the liberal worldview) naturally struggle to really comprehend this. The best way I can think of is "amor fati" but I still don't think they would really understand it.
In a twist of irony, these are also the same people who have the excuse of "Why would you risk getting killed?" are the same people who will laugh at people who are risk adverse. They may as well just be saying "If you can't fuck it or eat it, why bother with it?"
>becoming a cripple... to own the libs
Do you think the pajeets getting hit by trains are based as well?
It's not based because they're oblivious
>own the libs
But this isn't a MIGAtard thing, anon. Are you aware of the concept of "divine inspiration"? This is something similar to what he was trying to "invoke." It's not the same, to be clear. But I think this might be a good way to understand it.
god they are shit and their books are such shit
He didn't do it to "own the libs" though, retard-kun. If he had, it wouldn't be impressive, since it would be a practical pursuit that suffered a setback, like driving a transport truck and then getting in a car crash.
This was not a practical matter at all, but an expression of his character and existential strength. He chose to face death even though he didn't need to, "as a flex", to use a colloquial term. As a man with contempt for death, you can imagine how excited I felt to discover a kindred spirit in Mr. Evola. Here's a man who doesn't have any of the snivelling, pathological attachment to his skin - an all too common malaise these days.
have sex
NTA but I have children and I'm basically an Evolian. My wife and I are creating aristocrats, and you're kvetching on an imageboard about the evil fascist sex wizard. Check mate nigger lmao

>"I have many criticisms of Evola" *proceeds to talk about his fanfiction*
For your sake I hope you've never read Evola, because the alternative is far grimmer.
Already did it twice today with my goth tomboy occultist gf, but I'll be back at it tomorrow, don't worry anon.
From Wikipedia
> Evola advocated for Fascist Italy's racial laws,[10] and eventually became Italy's leading "racial philosopher".
What are they talking about here
He wrote a book called "Synthesis on the Doctrine of Race" and Mussolini decided to make it Italy's state position on racism, then sponsored an international race research mission and sent Evola to Germany. However, while Evola was setting up the foundations for the new project with the Germans, a bunch of seething Italian Catholics approached Mussolini privately and pressured him to drop the doctrine of race. Mussolini, always more ego than principle, capitulated pretty quickly, so little came of that.
But the book still exists, at least.
I think Evola is cringe but that anon utterly destroyed you, to the point he inspired me to actually give Evola a chance

Just downloaded the Ride the Tiger epub
Schizos. These fuckers were actual schizos and you niggas dick ride em like there's no tomorrow. What in the fuck
I have sex, and I agree with him.
news flash evola was an idiot
but you intended to
just like people saying heck intended to say hell
>Technology making war into a dishonest pursuit waged primarily by money has been a talking point for a while.

Since The Gallic campaigns at least. Or do you think war was actually noble at some point and not always the same?
based US Army Air Corp Pyskers
What a verbose pile of rationalization.
White nigger Evola did something impulsively and then went and cried to Daddy Guenon about it.
>I think Evola is cringe ... to the point he inspired me to actually give Evola a chance
You're low IQ, which is why you think this is convincing. You remind me of those votefag shabbos goys who say "Well, I wasn't going to vote, but because of all this shilling, I'm going to now," thinking it persuades people not to shill or some shit.
>but that anon utterly destroyed you
Samefags aren't even restrained and clever anymore. Bring back the restrained and clever samefags of yore!
Cope and seethe
Daddy Guenon smiles.
you should feel embarrassed for being caught in your brazen act of deception
It's the word 'or' in particular. That's not the only instance where he lowercased 'or' at the start of a sentence. Why is the guy who mentions trannies every post and who's psychoanalyzing others' writing as tranny-centered so scared of the word 'or'? Hmmm...could it be all projection? Does he hate that you're born either a man OR a woman and can never change?
any aristocrats of the SOVL itt?
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Yeah, me.
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this, all perennialist are crypto-structuralist, thus part of postmodern mindset, they're part of the decadence they supposedly battle
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His apartment was bombed during that walk and would've likely died had he remained in his study. Apparently he was working on some big project trying to find that counter-initiatic elements within Freemasonry across Europe. His sources were documents and books confiscated by the SS when they seized France and various other countries' masonic lodges.
All of those documents got blown up too...
You found the one fucker on the board with an IQ of 142, my psychiatrist made me do the official tests so I got all the documentations and shit

Use a better insult next time you utter faggot
>You found the one fucker on the board with an IQ of 142
I'm not sure why you're gloating about an IQ in the /sci/ midwit range.
>my psychiatrist made me do the official tests so I got all the documentations and shit
I think you're lying. If you did multiple official testS, such as the WAIS and SB, it's extremely unlikely to get the exact same result.
there are tons of reddit neckbeards sitting around in /r/mensa and /r/cognitivetesting with their 130-145 iqs, proud of being smarter than 99% of others in a world full of utter imbeciles. you'd probably fit right in.
just remember that with sd=15, there are millions of people in the world with an iq of 155+.
There is literally nothing more based than being contemptuous of death, and nothing more cringe than mocking someone contemptuous of death for being right.
The reason we know you're the one Evola samefag simp is that you keep glossing over the fact that Evola went begging to Guenon for understanding.
>forced meme guenon vs evola console wars
You don't read either of those authors so why do you keep spamming these threads.
It's already been established that you can't understand Guenon. Go away, hylic.
there's been a group of guenon libertarian-ish posters here for as long as I can remember. they hate on evola because they see him as some /pol/ chud, but in fact it's the /pol/ chuds who misrepresent evola and then have a mental breakdown when they discover he attacked christianity. every so often we get some seething christcuck hating on evola.
guenonian libertarians vs evolian liberals
>Wed, Apr 8, 2015 05:58:33
>Any real traditionalist knows Evola was a hack. I don't know why he became a meme here when Guenon/Schuon/Coomaraswamy/even the modern Nasr has written much better shit.
It's not some recent thing. Guenon fans have been shitting on Evola for years.
>Mon, Jun 10, 2013 17:04:34
>Do you even Traditionalism?
>Schuon is better than Evola, close to Guenon (under whom he studied) in terms of quality/insight.
I like Evola, BTW, but admittedly I'm probably biased because he was my first exposure to the WMT in my shitty public library in Melbourne, a breath of fresh air among all the fucking kangaroo and gardening books.
for you: https://warosu.org/lit/thread/6372010#p6372865
I'm 37 but never read quacks.
I don't read Wikipedia either though.
Having a real good time in this thread only understanding half of what you fags are talking about.
De Anima is a server based on literature-philosophy-theology. It's a new server but we hope that it will grow in time.
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Less than 5% of posts are actually about Evola's work so you are probably not missing out on much. He's one of those authors that it's simply impossible to discuss on this board because all the schizos come crawling out of the woodwork. Marx threads are similar.
You sound like a pissy old lady. Don't cry, you'll understand this stuff eventually. You don't pass btw.
Nope, he is referring specifically to rejection of powers in the broad sense. Pretty funny that you supposedly read Guenon (le g-man xD...post more nigbonics, cringelord) but didn't know that this is fundamental.
Why are you trying to be clever when you don't even know basic punctuation?
This is obviously a joke. They can't talk about JE without getting pissy and accusing everyone who disagrees with their immature outbursts of being the same "evolafag". They reply to the same post that BTFO them multiple times, intent on "shaming" those who hurt their feelings (i.e., disagrees with them, like when their father says they can't be a woman). It's the same "people" using nigbonics cringe because they're too insecure to write properly with confidence.

They're not even right wing, they're fans of the new-agey aspects of Traditionalism (technically this would just be perennialism), hence their frequent and shrill accusations of JE not being a real Traditionalist, or of being the worst one (lmao). They also report people for using racial slurs, so watch out for these little counter-Traditional gremlins.

Understand that I'm not just making this up, I've really come across multiple trannies who think they can seriously read Guenon and not be a parody (le counter-Tradition).
Don't cry, tranny. He refuted you, that's all, no need to throw a tantrum (again). Btw, you don't pass.
It's more than one person. You're delusional and, like I said before, it's obvious that your personality has disintegrated and you have little to show for it. It's either as a result of you "reading" (we've already established that you're not very good at this) esoteric books / occupying your mind with such topics, or you were already a weakling tranny before all of that, in which case you shouldn't be studying these topics. Btw, it's obvious by your posting style that you're some kind of low T cum man, like a tranny.

>everyone disagreeing with me is the same person
This is just sad.

You don't pass.

Are you replying to yourself or did you actually think that redditpost was some kind of epic pwnage? hahaha
You not understanding the rejection of powers isn't a "brazen act of deception". Hahaha, wtf is wrong with you? It's like you're personally upset. You sound like a cat lady getting mad at someone for supporting Trump, not spiritual in the slightest.

I like how you're such a vulgar sperg that it actually convinces people to read Evola. Good job.
Ya, he wanted to write a book called "Secret History of Secret Societies"...

NTA (not that Anon) but I have sex too, and all of my Evola and Guenon books are next to the bed where we do it. That's why you're so mad: Evolians have sex while you remain an angry sexless tranny.
How old are you? You sound like a teenage edgelord punk.
I can point to each claim I've made to page numbers in Revolt.
You're so mad that you got caught misreading Guenon.
>Why are you trying to be clever when you don't even know basic punctuation?
His punctuation is solid. Unlike you, he knows to capitalize the initial words in sentences. You're uneducated.
Sometimes life comes at you fast
you have a highly idiosyncratic writing style. that's why we know you're the one chopped-penis Evola troon samefagging.
>extraordinarily powerful spell would have been necessary to cause such damage: for the spell would have had to determine a whole series of objective events, including the occurrence of the bombing raid, and the time and place in which the bombs were dropped.
Ah yes a powerful spell is the more attractive explanation than
>going for a walk during a bombing raid
Do chudologists really?
Okay, so having discovered that Ebola chuds can't understand Guenon, do they even understand Ebola himself?
>Power word: ARTHRITIS
How does an initiate of the Black Lodge learn such a power
kek, Guenon is as cringey as Evola, but it's comfy seeing the smelly Guenon hipsters destroy the Evolatards.
>NTA but I have children and I'm basically an Evolian.
>NTA (not that Anon) but I have sex too, and all of my Evola and Guenon books are next to the bed where we do it. That's why you're so mad: Evolians
Sad samefagging replies to the same post.
>forgetting that you've already replied to a post the day before is samefagging
Hahaha, anti-Evola trannies are grasping at straws
Congrats for discovering that I don't think about what I've said to Evola haters anymore after I leave 4chan for the day.
Wow, you totally got me. Loser.
>I have many criticisms of Evola, but my main contention is how he views there being a "uniting core" to le Aryan traditions like Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Germanic paganism, Hellenism, etc. There isn't, and he frequently twists and misinterprets traditions to fit them into his perennial framework that ties into the Hyperborean narrative.
That's because Bourgeois are perverse and malevolent
Evolians won this thread
And there it is. Guenon Chads just put the final nail in the coffin of the Evola virgin.
>you have a highly idiosyncratic writing style. that's why we know you're the one chopped-penis Evola troon samefagging.
He's not samefagging, bro. He just forgets what he's written the day before, bro.
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I'm not convinced there's a single sincere Evola fan in this thread - only Guénon fans LARPing as Evola fans to make them look 18 and stupid.
>do they even understand Ebola himself?
What do you think?
The sources you'd need to support reading Evola would take most people a decade if they took it seriously not to mention the actual practicing of the traditions and travel involved.
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Revoltchad and I are the last Evolians

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