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/lit/ - Literature

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>various colleagues who study psychology or are into Jungian stuff keep telling me I'm an INFJ
>find out that some of my favorite authors (Dosto, Tolstoy, Flannery O'Connor, Plato, etc.) are INFJs
Shit had me intrigued. Tell us your personality letters, anons.
I always get infj on these things. Anyways shut up faggot
Me too. INFJs seem overrepresented on /lit/
You ain't supposed to take those internet quizzes, retard
Yeah I read somewhere that they have an inclination to write fiction
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INTJ here. Intuitive types are overrepresented in online spaces dedicated to real discussion so you'll find tons of us around here.
If you want to know your type don't use the online quiz, learn the cognitive functions and type yourself that way.
Also because this is /lit/, try reading Building Blocks Of Personality Type by Haas and Hunziker. It's pretty short and a good intro.
I found it easier to type myself by figuring out my inferior function than by figuring out the dominant
Psychologists disregard personality types as pseudoscience.
The closest to real science is the OCEAN test.
Psych majors are retarded. It's a flytrap for people who don't actually understand the basics of how to conduct research despite learning how to in their intro courses.
>still believes in nerds' astrology
Huh. I always get either INFJ or INTJ too.
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>Dosto, Tolstoy, Flannery O'Connor, Plato, etc.
>they have an inclination to write fiction
What might be the reason for this?

Guys how do I know if I'm an INTP or INFP. All the cognitive funciton tests I do (not 16p) say I either have Fi or Ti dom, w/ Ne usually always right below the two. I know I'm a 4w5 in terms of enneagram, but it's the MBTI I don't really understand. How can I be an INFP with high Ti if Ti isn't even present in an INFP's cognitive function stack and vice versa except for some shadow personality shit??
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>tfw got ENFP in two separate tests

Am I the only E personality type on this entire board?
I'm a WASP

INTJ-A. These tests are only realistically capable of determining who is introverted and who is extroverted. I know, a response fitting my type. Freud was better.
Online tests are bullshit, learn the functions. Ti and Fi are as far away from each other as possible. Are feelings obvious to you or not? Every INTP I know struggles to identify their own feelings.
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Nah but you're a minority in these parts for sure. I think the types on 4chan are almost an exact inverse of the rarity of types elsewhere.
I always got INFP on the tests. Aquarius with Cancer in moon and ascendant btw.
I am ENFJ assertive with 8w7 enneagram
Just so you guys know, INFJ is highly correlated with being a woman. So we are all fairies. I've known for a while but many of you seem unaware
I mean, the whole thing is bullshit. Lol. It's a psychological test reliant upon a model which itself is made up by psychologists.
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My funny letters are ISTP
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So? The model is based upon observed data.
So what? It's still not reality based
An test based on an extrapolation is like playing army man in the woods with your childhood friends
I always get INTJ, but I don't know how valid or useful these tests or classifications are. They're bullshit, yeah?
Nonsense. Phenomenological experience is as real as it gets. The model is a single step away from that and based on vast amounts of patient experience. And I literally said don't use the test you cretin.
It can be extremely useful for understanding your strengths, weaknesses, path of personal development, and relationship dynamics with other types. Honestly I type everyone I come across and it feels very useful.
>a single step away
Yes, if we ignore the gigantic implications of this for any concept of truth, than your point would be valid; but to do so would be stupid.
Its what most people do, admittedly, but most people have no business even looking at philosophy.
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You have to apply this for literally every representation then you disingenuous faggot. Every science, every model, every symbol including language. But you won't because models are useful.
As in you make them take tests.. or you just committed these personality types to memory and apply them to people at will? lol...
Yikes, what about INTJ
I do. Why are you crying like a girl
I connect the things they say and do to the cognitive functions and use that as a way to extrapolate other information. Its never let me down.
I do a similar thing. I use the Bible to identify who is demonically possessed and who has the light inside them. Never once has it let me down. That must mean it's real and a good thing to walk around doing as I navigate life. Its also a surefire way to make sure I come across as a person one would want to be friends with. Everyone loves this sort of behavior
Based inerrant word reader
Difference is that cognitive functions are based on reliable data and the bible is based on psyops and jewish megalomania. My friends know their types and we joke about it, it's fun.
the eternal midwit
>not even self-consistent
The Bible is a model extrapolated from observed realities
Nice. I wouldn't have extrapolated that from the description it gave me, but yours seems pretty well descriptive of me. At least I'm not effeminate like the other dude.
Both types occur more often in women. The INF- cluster is female dominated. You're in the same boat with me and the rest of the fags, Sally.
Meant for you
Its F types in general, but the split isn't that big. Its like 60/40.
I know but don't ruin this for me. It's funny
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Im an ENTP and I live to bully and I-faggots
INT is in the INF cluster?
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We can defeat you with sincerity
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Most of lit is in the NGMI cluster desu senpai
No. I fucked up. My bad. intj is male dominated. Congratulations, your balls are intact
Nah but you can be my less rizzmaxxed sidekick friend and Ill make sure you get the hot girls chubby bestie if we go clubbing together :)
ENTP so basically I am just a faggot retard
Youre doing it wrong if you arent enjoying ENTP-dom
Oh I did for quite a while, but now I am 30 and well I am forever just a jack of a trades and a master of none in a society that favors specialization. But I mean I generally can talk circles around most folk and dominate/inspire myself into a commanding position. In the workforce there it isn't favorable to be immune to slave mentality.
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>he is literally me
Holy shit is MB real?? Are you curious about literally everything for about 3 months and then drop it because you dont care about it anymore all of a sudden?
Of course it's real lol you're describing a classic Ne behaviour
Aye, aye. I mean it might just be ADHD but yeah I mean I can never really do anything I don't feel like doing. It's fucking sad to be retarded in a way that most people just confuse for laziness. But the might and vigor I command when pursuing a current passion is generally unmatched.
Bruv Im 30 too and just had a minor career crisis because of that specialization vs jack of all trades thing. Its all sorted now though
How did you resolve it?
I dont think thats MBTI. I think thats just a common trait across people who come to 4chan.
>he is me
Well I found two jobs for a "somewhat smart guy who loves doing deep dives into new shit every two months". One is in a non-meme consulting firm that essentially modernize shitty IT processes in medium sized companies. 10 dudes and the big boss talked shit about all big consulting firms during my job interview. The projects seemed interesting af and the job changes with every project. If it doesnt, Ill just find something else. The other job is essentially implementing new functions for a major exchange where the interview was very chill. Boss literally said "you dont know what you need to know here, I dont know everything I need to either, nobody who starts it knows anything, so your background being different doesnt matter. I need someone who is curious and doesnt get frustrated if shit doesnt work. We are the absolute vanguard here. Its fucking fun." I have to choose between the two by mid october and dont know what I want
My internal feelings and personal stance as regards to morality are incredibly clear things to me; this suggests I am high in my Fi. However, I also demonstrate an introverted logical framework based on being very rigourous in my (internally/mentally conducted) investigation, which can't be anything but Ti. So how can they both be very far apart, and yet they're both my strongest cognitive functions at the same time?? I am confident either one of these, or both, are my dom, and Ne is my aux. Also, I know they're bullshit, but it can't be any coincidence that in the three cognitive functions tests I've done, all of them told me I am both highly Ti and Fi at the same time.
Sounds like bullshit jobs
INFP 4w5.
T-F seems somewhat of a false dichotomy of the model. T-F is perhaps the only dichotomy of MBTI that doesn't have an obvious counterpart in the Big Five model, but actually correlates most strongly with agreeableness. I like Jung, and his insights are certainly real if not "scientific" in the modern sense, but I wouldn't take the Myers-Briggs cognitive functions too seriously personally.
Astrology for people too proud to read horoscopes
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The reason they have such a ridiculous attitude is that MBTI doesn't fit with the end goals of psychology as an industry. Big 5 is much easier to operationalize. For instance if you want to deal with mood or personality disorders then it's useful to see when people fall toward high or low poles of Big 5 traits. Conversely, MBTI is neutral in that respect since any of the 16 categories don't point a practitioner toward diagnoses and medications.
Oh 100%. But the work is kinda real. There is no real jobs left, unless you wanna be some low iq tradie
Eh, I'm not so sure. I do that as well and I'm INTJ. One good test for Ti is whether you really care about learning how things work, or whether you're more Te focused and just want the results.
OCEAN is only preferred because it's more easy to measure, and modern pseud psychologists are obsessed with psychometrics.
OCEAN offers no meaningful insights, MBTI has plenty. It's a quantity vs quality thing.

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