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/lit/ - Literature

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ITT: we post prompts, in the form of an image and/or text, then other anons write whatever they want based on those prompts.
"oh rook, a biggu fatto pijan" the gook boy thought to himself.
Here, have my favorite painting. Die Dunklen Götter by Max Ernst
You’re a stale, modern, socialmedite loser
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She is ...
No u
You're a poet, anon.
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I oversleep and mom tells me she'll drop me off on her way to work. Going out the door I remember my lunchbag and run back. In the lot behind our apartment, in mom's parking spot, in front of me now by a metre or so, is a pigeon with mom's head poking out from under its wing and saying
>Atsushi-kun, hurry up, please!
which, as I get in under the other wing, mom says
>It's new
>A new "coop" model
and she laughs
>Sorry it's so cramped, Atsushi-kun
as she turns a key and the inside lights up and I feel it rise onto its legs, which I can't see. Mom pulls a cord hanging from the feathery ceiling and we start forward. There's a ruffle of feathers over the sound of claws on concrete that quicken as she tugs the cord again.
>Why don't we fly, mom?
I say.
Mom laughs
>Don't be silly, Atsushi-kun
and lets me out at my school where the windows all shine like mirrors in the mid-morning sun and I still hear cicadas. The schoolgrounds smell like dust. I look back and the pigeon looks at me too, not moving its head but swivelling its eyes, which are brown and maybe as big as my head. It blinks.
>Have a good day, Atsushi-kun!
>I love you
It turns ahead.
>Love you too, momma
It runs off, towards my mom's work, bobbing at pace next to the cars.

In the classroom Onizuka-sensei says I'm late and gives me a worksheet. At my desk, Kokoro turns to me and he says
>I like your mom's new car
while everyone else is heads-down at their desks working on the practice problems, while I hear cicadas through an open window.

I take the train home. The pigeon is parked outside. When I oversleep mom takes me to school on her way to work. The day I turn seventeen in September five years after mom first brought me to school in the pigeon, I oversleep and step outside to a yellow Honda Civic in my mom's parking spot
>The old one was much too small, wasn't it?
>Before you move out I can take you for a road trip in this
>And when you move we can carry all your things
mom smiles. I get in the car. As mom drives forward a grey feather on a string swings from the rearview mirror.
>I'll still miss the old one, momma
But that's okay.

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