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This is the greatest poem of the 19th century by far. As an Acadian, this shit makes a man weep.

I'll admit, poetry was never my main thing, I always was a Victorian novel kind of guy, but I've recently tries to get into poetry and holy hell this is legitimately sublime. Poetry of this sort truly is dead in the modern world.
whats a hoar
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>doesnt rhyme
Not a poem, sorry
Ok faggot
>doesnt rhyme
Not an insult, sorry. Try harder
It is an insult. You take nigger cock up your ass and I'm making fun of you for it.
I'll take a look at this. I just think "accents disconsolate" is awkward but the narrative he seems to be entering in the second stanza is effective.
>hurr durr nigger cock
Yeah okay your opinion on everything artistic is completely worthless
Longfellow is underrated these days, but it's understandable why he doesn't have the high status he once had. He gets a bit wearying after a while, just page after page of that trochaic rhythm 'tumpty tumpty tumpty tumpty'.
He's good at the narrative aspect, you never get bored with the story, but he's not quite a poet at the level of a Milton or a Spenser to keep you interested in the language, nor as a deep thinker.
Some of his shorter lyrical stuff is great,
>greatest poem of the 19th century
yeah, not for me
not even close
I like the meter
Kubla Khan is better
Komm in das totgesagte park und schau
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>I always was a Victorian novel kind of guy, but I've recently tries to get into poetry
You're like me, I also tried to start writing poetry as well as a means to empty my head from ideas that run there 24/7. Since you seem to like victorian writing do you have more suggestions on where to start with poetry?
That's tied for my favorite.
Tennyson’s In Memoriam gets no love?
Longfellow's long poems are all incredible. Read The Saga of King Olaf as well if you haven't yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9aV4y26Fv4
Love Longfellow, love nature
reads like chatGPT to me
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I stood upon the hills, when heaven's wide arch
Was glorious with the sun's returning march,
And woods were brightened, and soft gales
Went forth to kiss the sun-clad vales.
The clouds were far beneath me; bathed in light,
They gathered midway round the wooded height,
And, in their fading glory, shone
Like hosts in battle overthrown.
As many a pinnacle, with shifting glance.
Through the gray mist thrust up its shattered lance,
And rocking on the cliff was left
The dark pine blasted, bare, and cleft.
The veil of cloud was lifted, and below
Glowed the rich valley, and the river's flow
Was darkened by the forest's shade,
Or glistened in the white cascade;
Where upward, in the mellow blush of day,
The noisy bittern wheeled his spiral way.

I heard the distant waters dash,
I saw the current whirl and flash,
And richly, by the blue lake's silver beach,
The woods were bending with a silent reach.
Then o'er the vale, with gentle swell,
The music of the village bell
Came sweetly to the echo-giving hills;
And the wild horn, whose voice the woodland fills,
Was ringing to the merry shout,
That faint and far the glen sent out,
Where, answering to the sudden shot, thin smoke,
Through thick-leaved branches, from the dingle broke.

If thou art worn and hard beset
With sorrows, that thou wouldst forget,
If thou wouldst read a lesson, that will keep
Thy heart from fainting and thy soul from sleep,
Go to the woods and hills! No tears
Dim the sweet look that Nature wears.
Rip Minnehaha
that's a 7/10 poem at best, read more poetry

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