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What’s your favorite?
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago an expansion started, wait
He's trying so hard, it's sad.
What color is your Bugatti?
all kids are IVF
religions don’t exist to make you happy
"Poem" by Simon Armitage
Musk is based for capitalizing on validation-seeking rightoids. There's huge money in pandering to rightoids. Probably more and more rich folks will start doing it when they finally realize that all those leftoid SJWs and whatnot have only pocket change.
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>tanking billions of stock value is merely a master plan to make even more money from online right wing people
2deep4me. This stage of the plan, where he appears to be coked up rich dude who doesn't know what he's doing, is too convincing for my tiny brain
Just find a pourpuse in your life. No need for religion
>He says, on his hedonist chudai bokep pornsite
Your error is paying too much attention to a line on a stock chart like some /biz/ pajeet. Lines on stock charts are only one of dozens of factors for financial ballers like Musk, especially lines looked at with a myopic view toward the future.
I basically agree even though I'm an atheist. But for different reasons. The vast majority of people are simply not intelligent enough to come to terms with a life without God, and they're certainly not intelligent enough to justify objective morality and why you should be moral even if you won't go to hell for eternity for doing bad things. Religion provided a rigid set of rules for people to follow, which created stability and unity. These things are missing from society. Atheism also requires character, wisdom, strength and a lot of other virtues that are sorely lacking in today's society in order for people to be moral.

I don't necessarily think the answer is to go back to religion, but it might be the only way to instill values into normal people.
Well I'd know better than you how my life is going, don't you think?

Besides, "judge not lest ye be judged".
Why does want people to have kids so much? No i won't produce more factory workers for you mr musk
>impregnate retarded demi sexual otherkin communist arthoe
>be negligent father
>kid turns into tranny
What a fucking clown
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This is just idiotic. It's not unlike Peterson, who will talk about "cultural Christianity," and then kick off his self-help book with a completely materialistic view of human flourishing and eudaimonia.
>Bro, you want to be the victorious lobster with good feel chemicals in your brain and be able to consoom lots and have lots of sex. That's happiness.

Except it isn't. Plenty of people with fame and wealth are extremely unhappy, become drug addicts, etc.

Freedom to consoom is a very small element of freedom. If one is a slave to the appetites and desires, or to ignorance about what is truly Good and really true, one is still a slave regardless on any lack of external constraint. Freedom is reflexive, the self-determining capacity to actualize the Good.

Nor does a naturalistic understanding of human evolution, etc. preclude a philosophy of transcendence. The two are not at odds. Plato and Aristotle, and the Christian tradition built on them, understand that the human good is filtered through biology and culture, it just isn't reducible to these.

Christianity as "a way to get on in the world," isn't Christianity.

The richest man in the world being a slave to the approval of others (and seemingly a drug addict) is a great example of why this outlook fails.
Well, it rhymes, but the prose is absolute garbage. He should stick to running businesses and planning mars colonies
It's not really an intelligence thing; more like an emotional and ego thing. Most people are herd-like and shallow-minded by nature, and need a leader to make sense of their internal lives.
It’s verse, not prose
Elon is just following in the great literary tradition of William McGonagall, you uncultured swine. Or, as they say, merely pretending to be retarded.

"For the stronger we our houses do build,
The less chance we have of being killed."
this is literally what happened to him, that's what makes it so fucking pathetic alright i agree with him in spirit, he's only doing this because his kid trooned out in his absence
It's not even that. He's terminally online, regularly eclipsing 100 posts a day, posting at all hours of the day, often with maximum intervals of rest of only 4 hours. He wakes up in the middle of the night and posts.

If the great mystery of Donald Trump is just that he is your average Fox News Boomer who consumes cable television at all hours of the day, the mystery of Elon is just that he is your past /pol/tard, terminally online 4channer. The difference is that they have money an influence.
>Another Elon dickrider thread
Fuck you and fuck off my board

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