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>An Acerbic Young Writer Takes Aim at the Identity Era

>"There was something distinctly unrelaxed about the way that Tony Tulathimutte, one of the more talented young writers at work in America today, announced the publication of “The Feminist,” a new short story, back in the fall of 2019. “To be clear in advance,” Tulathimutte wrote on Twitter, “feminism is good, this character is not good.” A very online author of very online fiction, Tulathimutte sounded for a moment like an 18th-century English novelist assuring the gentle reader, lest anyone mistake the purpose of his tale, that he had chosen to portray a scoundrel only so that scoundrels might be more thoroughly reviled."

>"Tulathimutte, a master comedian with a virtuoso prose style, has produced an audacious, original and highly disturbing book that steers directly into the oncoming traffic of current liberal piety. An incandescent satire on the dead language, and dead thinking, of a corporatized identity politics, “Rejection” bristles with a furious intelligence."

Tony is /ourguy/.
post a fucking except, why do you retards do this and expect some honest discussion, we are supposed to be talking about books, not personalities
I liked it but feel somehow cheated. He seems to have the talent to fully flesh it out into a more mature literary narrative rather than pepper us with an essay-like retelling of his sexual frustrations. Especially when he maintains that feminism is good but this character is not good, in his twitter post. I sympathized with the character and nothing he wrote shows that the character warrants the sort of ridicule that he envisions.
Yeah his Twitter preface was a massive copout. Disgusting really.
i sleep
And he justifies this by showing how at the end, the character suddenly gets a girlfriend or is it a date, after all that. It seems like he is not as talented in his delivery as I initially thought, or maybe a little less brave if I am being fair.
He looks like a chuddie
He's literally chudjak with gayer glasses
as long as newspapers play the identity game themselves, articles like this one are nothing but ridiculous.
>new book
>it's all stories published before 2020
Dishonest marketing.
>feminism is good
nope straight in the trash with the rest of the line toers and useful idiots
that male feminist story he published in n+1 was real af tho ngl i remember someone linked it up from here when it was new it stayed with me i could never remember what it was called or who wrote it. it's the tale of a clueless simp. if u think it's dunkin on u, then u sir are reddit i am sorry to say.

I thought it was boring compared to Elliot Rodger's sizzling prose. And I couldn't help but think he was copping out by saying "narrow-shouldered" when he really meant being an Asian male. At least Elliot Rodger was honest about that.
>suddenly gets a girlfriend or is it a date

Why does he put on a mask? I thought there was something else happening there.
>media openly hates incels, alt-right, etc.
>media openly hates works outside of the Overton Window
>media openly hates narratives that challenge the (((hegemony)))
>media loves this guy and his shit
I'm thinking he's another NY project. He ain't no Houellebecq, and Houellebecq hasn't been edgy or insightful for about fifteen years.
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If you looked at his portrait and expected anything other than a gayop you're a fool
Means he is hiding his bitterness and simulating a normie to get laid. He is improooving and getting rid of his chud status by admitting feminism is good.
Like nearly all social commentary it is the people it purportedly critiques that will read and praise it the most. It is extremely important for the Liberal psyche to be perceived as sufficiently self-deprecating, it makes it easier to abandon today's sacred cows for tomorrows, and you always want to be an early adopter of the hottest new shibboleths straight from the Think Tank/NGO factory.

It's all just fashion, and the 2010's Culture War rhetoric has overstayed its welcome for just about everyone at this point. Time to shed your skin.

He is 41.
I thought he was going to shoot up some place
>Feminism is good
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yep I've read enough
That’s how it read to me as well but I read the whole thing in under 2 minutes so then again.
I skimmed that article a week ago. His book is toothless, the equivalent of "edgy" jokes like Louis CK saying "being white is awesome...if I had the choice I'd be white again...I'm extremely privileged and black people are oppressed", and claps along with the status quo.

It really tells you something about the state of literature when something that so obviously affirms ideological norms as they exist now is applauded as subversive.
>Tulathimutte wrote on Twitter, “feminism is good, this character is not good.”
Doesn't this invalidate the entire premise of the story...?

I thought he was going to go out in glory but then what's the point of putting on a mask? I guess the writer wanted to leave the ending ambiguous.
The premise the author is pushing on you is that men use feminism and women's contradictory behavior as an excuse for bein INCELs. However, I think that feminism is the real reason for so many men's problems because they mistakenly believe that they can't be hypocritical about it like women are.
the author literally shows the double standards when he is talking with the tranny and how they don't give him a chance, then backtracks all that at the end to say he is the problem, are you some kind of woman who can't see this? are you so ignorant that you think someone can choose inceldom?
Yeah, pretty much. based on the except of the NYT review OP posted and the title, I thought it would be an acerbic satirical story about a female feminist, maybe as a manhater or who goes too far in accusing men, etc., but imagine my shock when it turns out to be about “an incel ‘nice-guy’ who thinks he’s a feminist but really isn’t, since he thinks he deserves dates and sex from women.” It’s not really offering a significant critique or satire of modern existing cultural and social norms and politically correct ideologies in-vogue, if anything it’s strongly upholding them. Disappointing. Story also just reads like humiliation-porn/cringe-porn. The style is at least competent but he seems like he loves inverting the typical writing-advice-cliche of “show, don’t tell”, where instead it’s almost explicitly “tell, don’t show” and lots of exposition, without much poetry to the language overall.

Ultimately, I have to agree with this judgment kek >>23823306, at least in this specific case, although I wish Possalthwaite or whatever the fuck his name is the absolute best of luck in his writing career and am happy for whatever degree of success he has.
Also I stopped reading it halfway honestly because I just didn’t want to fill my mind with it. Once I got to the part where he’s watching dom-porn, it was just too sad and pathetic, almost sadistically written.
It's funny that people think he's going to openly condemn feminism. Do you think he has any option but to say what he says on Twitter? Read between the lines.

That said, his story doesn't have anything to do with feminism at all except for the needless ranting about it as though it had anything to do with his inceldom.

Feminism. Inceldom. Two separate issues.
>An Acerbic Young Writer
>age 41
41 is still young, chud.
>with a virtuoso prose style
Okay, let's see.
>If you ask him where he went to high school, he likes to boast that, actually, he went to an all-girls school. That was sort of true—he was one of five males at a progressive private school that had gone co-ed just before he’d enrolled. People always reply: Ooh la la, lucky guy! You must’ve had your pick. Which irritates him, because it implied women would only date him if there were no other options, and because he hadn’t dated anyone in high school.
Damn, this prose style is virtuoso as fuck.
Ooh la la
You forgot
>a master comedian
yeah that’s what the nyt article on it says as well

> Then he dons a mask, enters a restaurant and guns down the patrons in cold blood.
you can’t be succesful in the west without toeing the cultural line. this is just him practicing literary taqiyya
Houellebecq refutes this.
that's retarded and doesn't follow, why would the woman not notice he wore the mask, why would he suddenly become violent when nothing written prior even mentions him owning a gun or sperging out

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