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>Bronze Age Pervert
>Raw Egg Nationalist
>Zero HP Lovecraft
>Nick Land
>Sam Hyde
>Mencius Moldbug
>Aimee Terese
>Mike Ma
>Dasha Nekrasova
>Delicious Tacos
>Steve Sailer
>Perfume Nationalist
>Anna Khachiyan
>Fisted by Foucault
>Jay Dyer
>Keith Woods
The right is in a intellectual renaissance at the moment. The above-mentioned figures are basically the 21st century equivalent of Spengler, Heidegger, Evola, Hunger, Schmitt, etc. Soon our ideas will invade the collective consciousness and we will see real change in our lifetime.
Why do you keep dick riding these pseuds every day on a botswanian basket weaving forum?
The only people worth following on X are Nemets and other bookpoasters like him. All the other big poasters are spiritual women who rely on cultivating hysteria in their follower bases in order to eke out a living.
>Jay Dyer
He literally thinks that you can prove the ‘Orthodox Worldview’ by the impossibility of the contrary, ie it’s just true okayy :’(
philosophers still exist retard. And they don't spend their time posting incel wojaks on twatter
Who are the retards that reply to this bot thread and keep it alive for days?
seething /pol/tards
> list of actual real life losers
You'll be a renaissance man OP.
>philosophers still exist
Why are you lying?
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No. The right is in a complete disarray because it is now plagued by pseudointellectuals, grifters and conmen. The state of the world is evidence enough, people are more divided now than in the past 50 years. No front, no goal, no substance, no spirit, nothing but retardation. The modern right has become polluted to a point that being a part of it is humiliating.

Nothing will change OP, your hope is idealistic.
Name me a "alt-right" figure who hasn't been a total disgrace, pro tip you can't

> Cantwell gets locked up, looks like shit, just whines on his show
> Heimbach cought in an incestuous trailer park love rectangle
> Anglin evading the law in Cambodia, literally the shittiest country in Asia
> weev outed by his own mother a Jew; just hangs around cold as shit former Soviet Bloc states
> Spencer plagued by a meme that encourages strangers to sucker punch him
> Cernovich has become a parody of himself by being a ridiculous hypocrite about everything
> Trump instigating a trade war with China, and hiring an advisor liable to start a new war
> Fuentes throwing temper tantrums like a toddler at everyone who's ever worked with him
> Milo mainly known in the mainstream for being an apologist for child molesters
> Red Ice guy is a moron who can't stop bullying his wife
> Lauren Southern doesn't actually stand for anything, and can't decide where she stands politically
> Varg is a convicted criminal who leeches off welfare
> The Golden One is the most homoerotic figure on YouTube
> Styx has an image that drives away 99% of normies
> David Duke and Jared Taylor haven't been relevant in 20 years
> Cybernazi is rumored to be dead
> Roaming Millennial's hotness only lasts so long, before it becomes apparent that she's functionally retarded
> Millennial Woes gets attacked constantly for not passing the purity test
> Jesse Lee Peterson probably had a stroke
> Alex Jones is a cringey conspiracy theorist and joke who couldn't keep custody of his kids
> Baked Alaska gets cannibalised by his own audience for not being a racist
>He literally thinks that you can prove the ‘Orthodox Worldview’ by the impossibility of the contrary, ie it’s just true okayy :’(
All of them are more accomplished than 99% of this board
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You post this bait every week and every week you get 20 other writers you should actually be reading.
most of these are literally whos nowadays lmfao nobody cared about Millennial Woes
Certainly describes a good number of Americans, but it needs to be funnier. Saved btw
Not sure what you're talking about. Most of the names I recognize on this list are still popular and growing. There's also a lot more than just the ones you're mentioning, which seem to be skewed toward 2016.

The things you're lamenting are just results of a decentralized ecosystem, not a trait of the right in general. Meanwhile, the ideas spread like wildfire, especially with X being pro-free speech and seeming more rightwing than this shitty site, which nobody cool regularly uses anymore.

Tucker Carlsen and all of these normie rightwingers are talking about ww2 revisionism, jews, race realism, etc., to tens of millions of people or more. Back in 2016 these were only sort of behind the scenes, almost never explicitly talked about or endorsed by more normie right wingers.
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all of those faggots get all of their ideas from my shitposts. I am the true Aristotle behind all of these platos and phanius'
Someone do the needful in the archive and see how many times this pathetic loser has posted this bait while the mods leave it up.
>Fuentes throwing temper tantrums like a toddler at everyone who's ever worked with him
Considering the state of everyone else in the space, this is just vindication.
Hey I remember this thread
Half of those people are feds and the rest are retards
How come you forgot to mention the most important of them, and the only one who matters: Nick Fuentes.

Also not a Jew and not a fed, unlike BAP for example.
>pro tip you can't

I can.
Vince James, from AF

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