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is he one of the most underrated anti-White anti-European, anti-Greatness writers in the last 150 years?
tolkein hated the european race and Hitler and was disgusted by any greatness in humans.
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some people just say random shit that means nothing
>spends whole life studying European culture
>write a book in which they win in the end
Believing that all human beings share a common ancestry does not equate to hating Europeans. Disagreeing with Hitler's racial theories does not equate to hating Europeans. Go back to your containment board and don’t come back until you’ve learned how to capitalize.
Hitler was a bell-end dude. Open your eyes. Nazism was ridiculous and its unmitigated failure completely discredit the right wing for the next 100 years! His little movement is the singular reason you have a government of tranny LGBT politics for Jews and not Teddy Roosevelt style politics.
You are either with hitler who was one of the greatest man in the last 3000 years or against him.

nazism was a revolution and a new way to be human, they did not hate Europeans like tolkein
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If anything he is overrated.
Jew detected.
You sound like you got redpilled two days ago. Shut the fuck up, please.
all anglos have always hated any strong continental power, what makes Tolkien any different?
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one volk
one land
heil wotan

Hitler tried to save the European race and never hated fellow Europeans
You're indian
>Hitler tried to save the European race and never hated fellow Europeans
*conditions may not apply east of the Elbe
Next-level noticer.
or west of the Rhine…
trying too hard
despite invading, he treated Paris well, but wanted to replace the eastern europeans with germans
Based and redpilled 15 year old true believer making sceptic post-alt right 30 year old chuds seethe
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LOTR is a very Christian tale with the world based on Christian themes and values (as confirmed by Tolkien himself), so most pagan-larpers and other nazi keyboard warriors consider him anti-european and anti-white because he worshipped a Jewish religion and tons of other related shit.

Just pure delusion coming straight from right wing religion hipsters, nothing else.

Also, it's funny how the one of the biggest neo-pagans out there, Varg Vikernes of Burzum, happens to be a LOTR autist out of all things, and I think that Tolkien's books might have influenced plenty into becoming pagans, because they think that Europe before Christianity came was like the Middle-Earth or some shit, lmao. You can see Tolkien's influence on neo-pagan aesthetics.
t.me op
Nazism was ridiculous romanticism merged with scientism. The Aryan myth was fucking boneheaded and racism simply can’t constitute a political theory. Think about how retarded it was that this ridiculous theory led the Nazis to get bogged down in the East and ultimately crumble by picking a fight with the Soviet Union at the most inopportune time. Hitler had no less than a dozen political experts, countless independent political thinkers, most of his army generals, and all of his allied leaders tell him it was stupid but he did it anyway because that’s the natural conclusion of Nazism. It defies sound principles and realistic thinking and replaces them with totally delusional racial science or else occultic nonsense. The only sensible strains within Nazism were Spengler’s Prussian socialism and the Strassers brothers’ Strasserism. The leadership jettisoned both.

>You’re a le Jew
This an ad hominem you absolute buffoon.
**Individual result may vary depending upon willingness to enslave oneself to the whims of the dictate, or the demonstration of individual traits or desires not conducive to the perpetuation of the dictator.
*** The definition of European subject to change without notice.
>he treated Paris well
ordering Paris to be razed in a fit of rage?
Very cringe reply. Somehow the zoomerwaffen never fail to make themselves look like retards even when they’re not participating in the debate.
>Disagreeing with Hitler's racial theories does not equate to hating Europeans
Except it does. All who opposed Hitler were on the side of those pushing for racemixing and erasure of Europeans, whether they knew it or not.
If Tolkien could have seen the present, he would have been a devout Nazi.
I get so triggered by you chudwits now that you’re everywhere because you know literally nothing. Racism was the social norm in every single Western country at the time of the world war. Basically everyone thought race mixing was bad, that whites were superior, all that. They only disagreed with the Nazis in that the Nazis made it first of all specific to Germans, second wed it to ridiculous Aryan “science”, and then lastly it their political dogma.
>kid unknowingly touches a hot stove
>actually he wanted to get burned
Eat a bullet you fucking moron.
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>specific to Germans
Had Germany been allowed to rise to greatness, all of Europe would have been elevated with them, but Britain and their moneylenders in America did not want that.
What about polish and slavic villages or just normal greek people who decided they didnt want to be part of it
>Disagreeing with Hitler's racial theories does not equate to hating Europeans.
It actually does, he's right.
>anti-White anti-European, anti-Greatness
He was Catholic so those things came natural to him.
Hitler thought ancient Greeks were Germanic
The Nazis did more damage to Europeans than any other group in history. Tens of millions of Europeans dead for autistic German expansionism.
based, Europe promotes nothing but wokeness and anti-family stuff now and produces nothing of value.
You have it backwards silly.
Tolkien ripped off European Paganism.
This devout catholic had to include other gods into his christian work because in truth, Christians (catholics especially) deeply yearn to return to paganism. You can see this in worship of the saints or saint mary as a mother goddess figure.
Also, mentioning a literal who as an argument makes you look even more silly.
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Abortion actually did the most damage to Europeans, they love killing their kids
>Tolkien ripped off European Paganism.
He did rip off, his work is a Catholic framework with Anglo and Celtic mythology and culture in it
>You can see this in worship of the saints or saint mary as a mother goddess figure.
Even as a Muslim christians dont "worship" the saints, to them they ask them for prayers, same as the virgin mary. Even we hold Maryam (ra) in high regard.
>The Nazis did more damage to Europeans than any other group in history.
Because Britain declared war on Germany, who was Europe last hope.
>who was Europe last hope
that was incel rage when he lost, but initially france was treated well compared with eastern europe
He was objectively correct about the Doric invasion. The Arab invasions is why they don't speak or look like that today, the same reason why southern Spaniards and Greeks and Turks tend to speak phonetically like Arabs against the curve of their own linguistic traditions.
>worship something
>call it not worship
Its veneration, even before I reverted to Islam I knew that it was not worship. Asking friends for prayers is not worship thats what Christians do with saints.
lol are you insane? There were more Parisian police stationed in the city than there were soldiers.
The perfidious Rus strikes again
This was for you too:>>23824089
>worship something
Aaaaahhhhh.... I see. Very sneaky.
You clearly need to learn theology, despite me not being Christian anymore I still understand. May Allah( SWT) guide you to Islam brother.
>Brings up Indians unprompted
Had Hitler won, you wouldn't have to deal with them. Or Pakis, or Somalis, or Jews...
Indians love to larp as Germanic pagans online, you need to start Nooticing more.
You don't understand, you just take what Christians say at face value.
No, I studied theology and that is why I cam to Islam. Taking things at face value without exegeting anything is foolish.
Wow you are so smart. Maybe I should pray to some saint for enlightenment then.
Christians pray to the saints in the sense of intercessory prayer, asking the saints who according to them are in heaven to pray for them, the same way you would ask a friend. Because I'm Muslim we just pray to God directly, but can ask Muslims here to pray for us. You are being obtuse, you have a deep sense of anger and resentment brother, may Allah(SWT) guide you to Islam.
It's apparent that you *want* this to be true. It transparently is not. You're weird.
>study theology
>is religious
I kinda missed the point then.
I have seen it on twitter lmao, the same for pakistanis larping as Bosnians and Albanians and Arabs
You did brother, you did. May you be welcomed to Islam to learn the truth.
>intercessory prayer
Lots of fancy words that don't mean a thing.
Intention is not necessary to recognize worship.
Nigga people worship their cars.
Go talk to a priest, I have told you that Christians ask them to pray for them. I am Muslim now so we don't do that.
>Tolkien ripped off European Paganism.
He didn't rip off Paganism, he ripped off folklore. Yes, those two are related, but they're not the same thing. Tolkien's books contain barely any actual Pagan beliefs and practices as we know them.
>Christians (catholics especially) deeply yearn to return to paganism.
Dude, we barely have any actual knowledge what Paganism was about in most places, so saying that Catholics yearn to return to it is a bold fucking claim, especially if you base your claim solely on the false dichotomy that
>some christians were leaning into polytheism by introducing saints, therefore they want to be pagan, because paganism also has multiple gods!!!1
which is dumb and I don't need to explain why.

LOTR represents barely any Pagan or Barbaric values, it's a Christian world through and through where most people represent Christian values and customs, and the theme of good fighting evil is extremely Christian.

You probably can't see the Christianity in LOTR because you are, in fact, most likely a byproduct of Christianity or another Abrahamic religion, and you live in a place where those values are so common that LOTR doesn't stand out from the crowd.
>he ripped off folklore
No he didnt, he incorporated it and cherished it, ripped off means that he devalue it in a cheap copy.
That site is 80% bots.
trve, his point is still correct thou.
The jew ITT is so triggered lol. He is mad jews don't have the backbone or the aryan spirit to produce a hitler of their own.
I hate you retards but I want to be clear. I’m not calling you retarded because I hate you. I hate you because you’re retarded.
It’s by definition not worship you absolute imbecile
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>Greeks were German
ignore all dna test done with the Greeks, for it was shown the modern greeks are more or less the ancient greeks. pic related
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This thread is something else. The truth is anyone with an IQ above 100 has long given up Nazi ideology, rhetoric, and aesthetics as a vehicle for helping White people today. It's not effective, and you look utterly ridiculous trying ham-fist it into where it doesn't belong. You might as well walk around with a fucking top hat on.
But german children under 13 are now a minority and germany has a tfr rate of 1.6, even secualr israelis have a tfr of 2.5
Cope, ancient greeks and romans were nordic
The immediate aftermath of Stalin‘s purges and the layover of the west not wanting to deal with it for a few years was literally the most opportune time to address a necessary threat on their border.

>but old bureaucracy always has the good of the nation in mind and decided against it

This is pure dishonest mutt faggotry. We didn‘t let a bunch of miscegenation, integration, gender equality, and immigration get through into law because we were too brain dead to vomit the moustache man bad propaganda. The fact that this kulturterror went all the way to mobilizing for war is just proof that we were never going to fight against it, much less suddenly wise up to a few bills in the senate. Things were every bit as putrid in the state mechanisms during the 30‘s as during the 60‘s.
>christians beat the shit out of everyone on the right in this image so hard they converted
Varg Vikernes isn't just any who.
Spanish, Greek, and Turkish sound nothing like Arabic except where there is a direct loanword, which we also have in English.

Arabs never colonized Greece to any great extent. The Modern Greek language is the only living European language that is at all close to its ancient counterpart. There is a far smaller difference between Modern and Ancient Greek than there is between Modern English and Old English, or Italian and Latin.

European Spanish as a language is intact. It sounds heavily Celtic. Less than 8% of its vocabulary comes from Arabic and most of those words are not even in usage anymore. It does not sound at all like Arabic.

And Turkish has probably the same amount of loanwords from Farsi as it does Arabic. The phonetics sound nothing at all similar unless they literally say something like "merhaba."

You don't know anything about linguistics, you are probably a monoglot.
brown hands typed this
have you even read any of the original sources, you fucking idiot? why do nearly all of the ancient greek and roman writers consistently describe their gods and nobility/royalty/heroes with nordic features, like golden hair and blue or grey eyes? also, why is there so much snow in homer, you illiterate, semi-sentient fucking halfwit? DURRR???!! stupid shitkinned simian, go get yourself shot over a crackrock.
You’re fucking clueless. All of the globohomo shit you hate doesn’t even predate the 1960s.

World war 2 is the greatest midwit filter in history and you failed to past through the filter.
Nobody is seriously a dedicated Nazi apart from a few terminally online spergs, it's simply recognizing the fact that the Nazis were on to something superior to neoliberal mercantile internationalism, and the West would likely be much better off in terms of having a bright future had they won the war.

So the Nazis were correct in their analysis? LOL, what the fuck are you trying to say, you stupid shitskin?
>I am Muslim now

of course, all sorts of inferior darker races LARP as something closer to White. like when brown south americans or inbred arabs pretend to be meds.
>and that is why I cam to Islam.
Who gives a fuck, you stinking brown faggot.


Do you unironically have a mental disability? Kill yourself subhuman retard.
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Hitler said if Germany lost the war, he'd give Europe a hundred years, at best. Looking at Berlin, Paris, and London you'd know he was right. The Allies betrayed us.
Ya no shit. Nazi propaganda wasn't even as radically bad as how inner city shitholes like paris are now. But all these vile poomen and their stinky families are going to be sent back at some point.
>literal cult member having an episode after being confronted with the silliness of his "beliefs"
Cult? You mean having read Homer, Hesiod, Aeschylus, Virgil, and many others for myself? All these ancient authors describe the gods and superior humans (kings, demigods, aristocracy, etc.) constantly with features which today are only common in northern Europe. You're coping, you poorly-read brown faggot. It either shows that these civs originated in northern Europe or they were originally much more "white" than they are today, even if they weren't genetically northern European.
>The Modern Greek language is the only living European language that is at all close to its ancient counterpart
Are you retarded? What is Icelandic? Galician? Lithuanian?
>having an ancient counterpart
Shut up, retard.
Not just him, it was pretty common across Europe until after ww2, since then it's just called "racist" without any serious investigation (which as usual if followed through would reveal the truth of the "racist" claims).
Congratulations on discovering racism yesterday. Maybe tomorrow you will read your first history book. I recommend something about how all the jews who implemented major policy changes in the 60‘s had early 20th century careers moving towards the same thing (Cellar,) jewish influence in FDR‘s administration (Rosenmann,) jewish manipulation of media (Winchell,) jewish agitation in local power centers (LaGuardia,) or jewish badjacketing to prevent White racial organizing (Dickstein.) After the 60‘s? Hey, you‘ll figure it out.
>dumbfuck sp*rab probably doesn't consider basque to be a real language
Suck a dick, moor.
shitskins STINK, fuck em all, send em all fuckin' home to their poo lands
>not even an indo-european (white) language
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>says the sp*rab

Absolutely filled with hate and seethe. What a festering fed-infested shithole of a thread. And about a man who wrote imaginative fairy stories about orcs and elves of all things lmao. I'm starting to think Tolkien hatred is almost up there with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Im right, Nordics had empires into china, blonde and blue eyed chinese
I dont care if its rascist, it just retarded
>>I am Muslim now
Nah I was just larping in my posts about it kek, Im agnostic desu. I still enjoy theology and tolkein
The problem is an indian larping as a European pagan
White identity is European genocide promoted by the USA
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I'm not that anon, I'm just baiting, but now I don't feel like carrying on with the bait.

But I am brown. I just popped into this thread to get a look, and honestly, it makes me sad how much some of you hate me. It does make sense for you to be racist, I would be lying if I pretended like it doesn't. But I was born and raised in Europe as a Westerner and I'm EFL so wtf am I supposed to? I often feel like my existence is a fucking meme and it makes me want to kill myself.
In "multicultural" societies ethnic conflicts will always happen and people will always choose their own that's how it is and will be, personally I dont hate indians or arabs, I certainly don't want to live near them or associate with them. But because NGOs and government drop bus loads off It forces people to be rascist and only care for their own. In 2020 I was a basic liberal who didn't want the vax
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Hitler was rubbish!! One of the worst leaders in history by almost all accounts. His successes were despite himself. And this is ignoring the massacres and genocides btw. By 1939 the German people were fed up with him (from SS archives). No wonder he started the war, it was like changing the TV channel.
Why do all of the ancient Roman and Greek sources describe heroes and gods as having golden hair and grey or blue eyes so routinely?
post more boomer cringe
which ones
the oldest mummies in China, from the Tarim basin, are 6'6" and blonde
The mummies you're probably talking about (the older ones, whose genomics were published in a recentish article) are definitely (mostly) what most would consider "caucasoid", in as much as they're mostly derived from West Eurasians. However, they do have some East Eurasian ancestry, as well. If I remember correctly, off the top of my head, they were something like 75%-80% Ancient North Eurasian (ANE)-derived, and 20-25% descended from (a) more local East Eurasian population(s). Bear in mind that ANE is itself something like 80% West Eurasian, and 20% East Eurasian. These mummies, therefore, would be mostly "caucasoid", if by that you mean West Eurasian.

What's worthy of note is that these mummies do not have any Western Steppe Herder (WSH) ancestry.

Because medieval texts in the Tocharian languages were found in the Tarim Basin, and because these early bronze age (EBA) mummies appeared to be physically caucasoid in appearance, people formed the idea that maybe these EBA Tarim mummies represented the proto-Tocharian-speaking population, whose descendants would be those who wrote down our surviving Tocharian language manuscripts.

However, with Tocharian being an IE language, we would strongly expect proto-Tocharian-speakers to carry at least some WSH admixture, presumably brought to the vicinity of the Tarim basin by the Afanasievo culture, or an off-shoot of it. And these EBA Tarim mummies, well, don't have this ancestry.

Where we do see WSH ancestry nearby, though, is in EBA (and later BA) samples from the Dzungaria basin, just to the north of the Tarim basin. These samples were, off the top of my head, something in the order of 60% Afanasievo-derived, with the rest being more local Siberian ancestry. Mind that Afanasievo samples, themselves, are essentially entirely Yamnaya-like.

So we have clear genetic evidence of this Yamnaya (or something very closely related, and slightly antecedent to it) -> Afanasievo -> Dzungaria movement during the EBA, and then an absence of any relevant WSH ancestry in the EBA Tarim samples.

tl;dr - People suggested that those EBA Tarim mummies must have been (pre-)proto-Tocharian-speakers, but in fact, it seems exceptionally unlikely that they spoke any IE language at all, and IE language must have entered the area later. However yes, in terms of physical anthropology and genomics, they were mostly West Eurasian.
Read them for yourself, peasant. All of the most popular ones. Read Homer, or Hesiod, Virgil, and countless others that are lesser known. That's one of the main reasons the Aryan theory started (way before the Nazis existed). I was reading through Homer and he describes the gods and heroes as golden-haired, then idiots like you are saying "LOL IT'S STUPID AND NOT TRUE JUST BECAUSE" when you haven't even done the base level of research to even have an opinion.

Actually don't read, just go watch derivative youtube slop and netflix.
Just tell me which sources
They're blonde and red-haired and even some of the women are > 6ft tall. Modern academia will call this White supremacy and downplay/ignore it.
West Eurasian=/=European phenotype. The looked like Iranic people
let me guess, you also think Sumerians were blue eyed
Shut up, anti-White goblins.

The eminent superiority of the Aryan makes these rats squirm and cry.
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>The eminent superiority of the Aryan makes these rats squirm and cry.
All of this seethe, hate and autistic screeching because Tolkien didn't liked the ideology that was on the verge or war with his country and ended up bombing it. An ideology, by the way, that besides racial supremacy couldn't offer any self-consistent doctrine or belief and had some leaders that would, in fact, condemn and denounce the teenagers idealizing paganism as backward, shameful, unscientific savages.
>redditcuck newfag so mad it posts its self-portrait
Weird cope, but you are a mongrel.
Are you idiotic? While it is true that greek poetry often describes the gods as blonde, per greek art and pottery they are dark haired just as often too. Art isn't a reliable way to determine how any ancient ethnic group actually looked like unless you believe sumerians had blue nipples.
Tolkien was a radical catholic monarchist, not a Nazi.
>muh nazis
>muh White supremacy
Yawn. Post more boomer cope, you sound like a simpleton.

Gay and low effort. How old is this shitty meme? it's been around since at least 2017, after Trump got elected, and feels extremely astroturfed by antifa cuck types.

The fact of the matter is, the radical right just keeps growing, whether you want it to or not. Whites gain more ethnic awareness by the day, thanks to bastions of free speech like X. It's surreal seeing /pol/ talking point about jews and race from a decade ago being repeated by people like Tucker to tens of millions of people. Or Elon pointing out systemic anti-White discrimination of Western governments to the entire world LMAO. You can't stop it. None of us can.
I know reading comprehension isn't a strength of yours, but I am not saying that Tolkien was a nazi. I am saying that he had all the reasons in the world to dislike Hitler and his goons, and the screeching in this thread is absurd.
Ah ok, so Homer, Hesiod, Virgil, and countless others were just describing the superior races as golden-haired and blue eyed just for artistic purposes? Greek pottery wasn't able to depict golden, you coping retard. Btw, roman murals show people like Cleopatra as having red hair quite frequently. Roman emperors and other important figures like Apuleius were described as having blonde or red hair with blue or grey eyes.

It's pretty obvious that these civilizations were mongrelized and declined, like we see happening in America right now. This was all studied openly before ww2, but since then we aren't allowed to talk about it, unless we approach things with an anti-White bias.

Is this babbys first redpill? hahaha, lurk more, child.
Too bad the Nazis kicked out all of those Jewish physicists from the KWI, huh.
The person who made this post is either indian or latinx
>I know reading comprehension isn't a strength of yours, but I am not saying that Tolkien was a nazi
Yes, dumdum, I was agreeing with you. Nobody seriously claims he was a Nazi. If they are they're probably trolling. He was far right though. In fact, the Nazis were technically progressives compared to him.
>screeching itt
Just bad faith trolls and people being rude because they're butthurt, like most of this shitty site. X is a much better free speech platform these days.
>I am saying that he had all the reasons in the world to dislike Hitler

...Like what exactly? He had every reason not to actually.
>Homer, Hesiod, Virgil, and countless others were just describing the superior races as golden-haired and blue eyed just for artistic purposes?

Going to counter signal this and say no.
You wish that were the case, since it would delegitimize this controversial position that triggers you. In reality, you can go on non-anon sites like X and see that it's usually mutts and other browns seething at Whites for promoting pro-White stances such as the Aryan thing. So it's much more likely that you're brown, or just some dysgenic leftist freak/tranny who believes in the egalitarian lie as a neo-religion.
Hitler had no right to invade the Czechs. Zero. He was an invader plain and simple.
youre so brave you should join atomwaffen
>Poland also invades and annexes Czechoslovakia
>Britain okays the deal

Supremely ignorant to fall into this bear trap.
Laughable since they believed it was their ancient history, completely different from mere artwork in the sense you're using it. You're coping pretty hard. I guess all the snow was also just being artistic, don't read into it too much, they just made it up, right fellow retard? otherwise, the N***s (and the average intellectual pre-ww2 lol) would be correct!
why? you don't have to be a nazi/neo-nazi to believe these things are true. That's the entire point, before ww2 and LE NAZIS, it was a seriously studied topic, since then it's been taboo (in the real sense, not a leftist fake taboo, like being gay or black)
I am saying that a series of cherry-picked examples from notable poets isn't a basis to determine how the enterity of ancient civilizations looked like. Your thesis is also more than questionable on the grounds that the decline of the Roman West aligns side by side with the entrance of germanic barbarians into Italy and plenty of intermarriages between them and the roman elite, yet, the portraits we have from the late empire more often than not show the "mongrelized" dark features of typical mediterraneans, not aryans (and these the elite). Same case we see in the still flourishing Eastern Empire.

Lastly, greek pottery and art can actually represent light colors, retard. Check ancient vase art of Hector, Achilles and Agamemnon. Yet they consistently show dark-haired heroes, not blondes, as does the later roman mosaics in Pompey (1st century).
Yeah Chamberlain rolled over and showed his belly and betrayed Britains allies. Daladier also neglected Frances clear treaties with Czechoslovakia
Do you think that doesnt make the German's invasion a violation of a nation's sovereignty? Britain didn't make Hitler invade, they just pussed out of their obligations.
None of that changes the fact that Hitler was the agressor, the thieving rapist of Europe.
While I understand that you are taking stance of allyship, the references can easily be tracked to periods in centuries, where the number of references to blonde Hellenes starts off incredibly high and dips off later, by the end of the Roman conquest having been replaced by the Syrian slave caste.
Nta but are you retarded? The Iliad was most likely extended and constantly modified to include the families and legendary ancestors of the petty kings in the greek dark age even when those places didn't existed during the actual age of Troy, yet you think they wouldn't give said ancestors attractive and unusual features? You know shit about how ancient poetry and storytelling worked.
>bro tons of people who wrote made up stories would give their OCs hair and skin colors that were rare in their homeland to make them seem extra special
>this is serious scholarly subject bro think about what that means! retvrn to evropa!!!
Britain explicitly approved the deal and supported Poland doing the exact same thing.

Also you forgot that France and Britain declared war on Germany.

Also you're forgetting the war claims that Poland attacked German railways, radio towers, and oppressed the German ethnics.
Anon, even early imperial roman art shows dominantly dark aired, european people. To claim that blondes were the dominant caste at this time flies on the face of the very artistic evidence you use.
>The Iliad was most likely extended and constantly modified
What's your evidence?
>Laughable since they believed it was their ancient history
Yeah and they were retarded for thinking that. You are retarded for thinking that also.
>early imperial roman art
>To claim that blondes were the dominant caste at this time

I can't tell if you're retarded. I literally said this. I actually dated the Syrian replacement sooner than you did by putting it in the republican period.
LOL. Superior races are described as blond or golden-haired more than any other in Homer and Hesiod, you retard. Same with eyes being blue or grey too. It's not cherry-picking, it is actually the COMMON THEME from these authors. It's often the case with Roman authors too, writing about ancient history, and many other ancient Greeks as well. Read them for yourself, bluepilled cuck.
Those are actually artistic depictions, which came much later than the source material. Not the primary sources, which the Greeks (and Romans) believed to be their ancient historical heritage.

You can read the physical descriptions of the emperors too, on average they're described as far whiter (red or gold hair, grey eyes, etc.) than the average med today. Only later on did they become more mutt-ish, a natural consequence or cause of civilizational decline, as we see today.
Youtube recommended me a video earlier where Tolkien apparently hated on his fans.
That the description of armies, peoples and kings matches the most probable political configuration at the time of Homer but can't actually be maped on the Bronze Age when Troy existed. Homer doesn't even knows how chariot fighting works, which is understandable because during his age no one used those in battle anymore.
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What do you have to say about the testing of DNA?
Modern Greeks share the same genes as Greeks from antiquity and further
pic rel.
>Britain explicitly approved the deal and supported Poland doing the exact same thing.
Yeah what do you think "rolled over and showed his belly" means?
So because Poland also invades a country for expansionary reasons is suddenly means that both rapist countries are now moral?
Britain being led by cowards doesnt absolve the rapists of Europe.
>Also you forgot that France and Britain declared war on Germany.
This is what typically happens when a country invades another country with which you have a defense treaty.
Germany was taking back land that they'd had control of for a thousand years, they were kneecapped by the Allies, left in absolute servitude, and they were expected to just no fight back and reclaim their territory? LOL. How can you even use this website and have such a delusional, bluepilled view of things? lurk more, boomer.

Stopped reading here, wigger/nigger cringelord.

>flies on the face of the very artistic evidence you use.
No, there are plenty of Roman authors who describe their ancient history as coming from a superior golden-haired, grey/blue-eyed race. These sources are much more important than random vases being made at the time. And you're conflating the ancient history with the later history, you leftist dumbshit.

>all this cope for the fact that Homer (and everyone else) routinely describes Heracles and other superior godly ancestors as golden-haired and blue-eyed

Go simp for jews and blacks, fag.
>It's not cherry-picking, it is actually the COMMON THEME

Anon, this whats is called a literary device or simply a meme.
I already told you that ealry roman art shows the very "mongrelized" race you complain about so much and that the decline of the roman west aligns with entrance of a good dose of germanic genes. Are you going to adress that or merely keep spouting buzzwords in place of arguments?

Also, primary sources? LMAO. You actually think romans or greeks had primary sources about how Hector, Achilles or their gods looked like?
>The mortal men who crown their golden hair with the triennial garland from those glorious games in Nemea are illustrious


Also I find it funny that my comment box keeps formatting to your adjustment when I respond. You're not using a natively Hebrew type on your machine, are you? lol

>Homer doesn't even knows how chariot fighting works

What are you talking about?

>Homer but can't actually be maped on the Bronze Age

Alright, you've tempted me. I will be back in just a few moments.
Well you said it was artwork, but in reality it's their ancient history passed down in poetry, or that's what was intended by it by the author. Not the same as mere artwork. It had a sacred and hyper-real value.

>Homer doesn't even knows how chariot fighting works
Really? You have a pretty bluepilled/pozzed view of history. When Julius Caesar entered the British Isles, he remarked upon the surprising fact that the natives were using chariots in the same style as the warriors in ancient Hellenic legends. In De Bellum Gallicum. It's pretty obvious that it's just a shared Indo-European/Aryan heritage.
If according to your retarded ass the imperial romans were already mediterranean mongrels then your whole thesis fucking crumbles. Can't you see it? Art during rome imperial peak shows a dominantly dark haired population, as does classical greek examples. At this point you are attributing their golden ages to mongrels.
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You can cope all you want but romans and ancieny greeks were nordic until the early 2nd century when imports from asia and north africa were brought in dearyanizing rome
>blah blah blah the people in those lands really wanted us there! we were invited, punch was served!
"Germany" hadn't even existed as a concept for more than 200 years, and the empire had existed for for less than 70. Pretty far from controlling land for 1000 years bro
Its really too bad Germany folded before the nukes were ready, would have been the cherry on top lmao
>most probable political configuration at the time of Homer but can't actually be maped on the Bronze Age when Troy existed

Oh, but it can!
>Germany was taking back land that they'd had control of for a thousand years

"Germany" only exists due to Napoleon. It's quite a modern thing, really, nowhere near 1000 years old
>the decline of the roman west aligns with entrance of a good dose of germanic genes
The Germans invaded after Rome was already on the decline, you dummy.
>I already told you that ealry roman art shows the very "mongrelized"
No, you said late.

Either way, it doesn't matter, Virgil and other authors (the actual sources on ancient history/myth) speak for themselves. Your example is artistic, and it would make sense that they'd change it as the people changed.
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See, that doesn't make any sense because it does not take into account the Arab and Turkish invasions.

In fact, the pre-eminent city in Greece (the only one really) only had 3000 itinerant peoples living in it (mostly Turkish officials and shepherds the majority of the time). That means the entire population of Athens today are transients.
So, no arguments? You concede that 1st century, empire-building romans were dark haired mongrels as shown in artwork in Pompey?
LMAO, the anti-White crew are running full damage control.
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>. You actually think romans or greeks had primary sources about how Hector, Achilles or their gods looked like

Yes. The Iliad.
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>dark haired mongrels as shown in artwork in Pompey


How many times have you been to Pompeii? I've been a few times. I felt the Aryaness of it. You wouldn't get it.
>The Germans invaded after Rome was already on the decline, you dummy.
Which invasion are you referring to? You know there was more than one.....right anon?

No clue what you're talking about. You're arguing with ideas in your head, I think. My thesis was that all of these ancient authors (Greeks and Roman) described their superhuman ancestors as Nordic-looking.

>what are the first and second Reichs
How could you be so fucking stupid?
The ones started by that Europhobic racist Philip the Arab.
Anon, poetry is fucking art and even more maleable than paintings. We have plenty of evidence for the mutation and constant manipulation of early medieval celtic poetry and folklore by bards and popular authors serving rich patrons, yet you think roman and greek oral tradition was any different?
>myth writers gave their made up characters rare hair and skin colors
holy shit bro this is crazy Hyperborea is REAL
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Your argument supports that art and poems were changed to make them swarthier than they were intended.

You blew out your own claims by stating this.
literally everyone in this post is retarded.
dear god, send these morons an ounce of self-awareness, so that they may at least war with one another coherently, and so that the rest of us can at least dismiss them without wasting time trying to decipher their nonsensical scribblings. amen.
perhaps the Turcs didn't ethnically cleanse Greece but just made them wear Turbans, just a thought
Obviously I don't mean Germany the modern nation-state, halfwit. Your knowledge of central European history is very poor.

You're sperging out so hard rn hahahha

post more shitskin cope.
Now, please, post the mosaic of Agamemnon taking away Briseis you cherry-picking, dishonest retard. Describe to us how the two prominent men look like.
>Hyperborea crazy bro
>Argonauts were probably swarthy Babylonians bro trust
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Epic cope. You're a total redditor pseud/midwit.

See above, shitskin. They saw these people as their ancient ancestors, who were Nordic-looking. Everything else you can post is cope.
That's a pretty dumb thought. Did you know that all of the original Anatolians came from the Balkans?
Are you retarded? If you accept that roman and helenic oral tradition was as maleable and subject to manipulation and the influence of rich patrons as celtic poetry, then you can't thrust them to affirm that Hector and Achilles were both aryan gods, retard.
So in Beowulf, when Hrothgar starts talking about how wealth is only moral if spread to the needy, do you think that was originally in the hero myth or a later addition to please christian sensibilities?
Or do you think poetry is invincible to the influence of scribes, translators, and people with literal rhetorical axes to grind? Do you think the Illiad you read today is indistinguishable from the Illiad of even 1000 years ago?
Yup the core message of LOTR is not to fight for your race, your family, or your nation; but to fight for international "good" against the "evil." It's a very surface level Christian and liberal way of looking at the world.
The orcs are a veiled metaphor for Imperial Japan and Saruman is a caricature of Hitler.
There's no need to bring spiritual concepts such as Hyperborea into the discussion with these profane brown shudras.
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Why would I accept a lie you made up thirty seconds ago for plot's sake?
>>what are the first and second Reichs
Oh so NOT germany then?
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They were nordics germanics
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Germany is wherever Germans are.

Also here is a map of the cities founded by Balkan peoples.
No of course, you mean the nebulous "Reichs" which are cobbled together ad hoc to justify sending a generation of youth to the machine guns.
Waiting for the computer reconstructions of 18th century European nobility to have snow pale skin and white hair, because surely they didn't idealize their portraits
There's literally nothing nebulous about them. You're clearly just seething. Just admit you're a Europhobic racist.
What the fuck Cleopatra being a ginger has to do with this discussion? That celtic poetry evolved across the dark ages a lot is not up for discusión anywhere. From where do you think Chretien de Troyes got part of his material to create the Round Tablet? You are the one that needs to justify why roman and helenic oral tradition is somehow less worthy of skepticism when it operated exactly the same.
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>be random step tribe ruling an area the size of half the middle east
>call yourselves "the whites"

This is one of my personal favorites. :)
>Argonautica map made thousands of years after the fact based on the creator's literal headcanon

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>You are the one that needs to justify why roman and helenic oral tradition is somehow less worthy of skepticism when it operated exactly the same.

You're losing energy Europhobe.
Ah, so thousands of years ago someone went to the single transcript of all these authors to make the superhuman ancestors blond and grey eyed? hahaha

It's not just Homer, it's practically every every author who writes about the mythical Greek or Roman ancestors describes them as Nordic-looking. This is one of the first things that inspired the Aryan myth, then they discovered the indo-European language thing...
Endless Polish seething toward Germany existing only makes me more sympathetic to National Socialism.
If Germany hadn't remilitarized Poles and Soviets would have genocided it entirely like they did Prussia
>the HRE didn't exist
LOL, OK retard. You're just a virulent anti-White goblin trying to re-write history, as if central Europe wasn't an empire of decentralized Germanic kingdoms for the entire middle ages and into modernity.
There's a clear line of dialogue discussing where these events took place (northern Europe). Just because you don't know them doesn't mean they don't exist. The first Cleopatra is literally described as a Scythian lmfao
whatever you do, DO NOT look at mosiacs from antiquity
Why do you assume they're polish? I just assume they're anti-White goblins, aka browns/mutts

Tranny detected. Get your T levels checked, then stick your pozzed, cucked view of history right up your loose faggot ass hahahaha
Stop avoiding the argument you disgusting, dishonest coward with not a gram of the virtue and the valor of the ancestors you worship: Why is roman and helenic poetry more reliable than medieval celtic oral tradition?
Late classical, not antiquity.
There are plenty of Roman mosaics depicting Romans as red-haired. Even today, there are a significant number of red-haired people in Italy. Read the description of the Roman emperors, they're often described as having red hair with grey or blue eyes, much Whiter than today.
god damn, anti-White trannies BTFO
The specific obsession with hating Germany is almost always Poles or sometimes Russians. Brown people mostly hate Britain
What are you trying to get at? Five minutes ago you were trying to swear by Greco-Roman accounts and now you've switched to saying they're entirely spurious when you find out that "holy shit, they did actually Aryan post in their ancient poems".

Keep moving that chudpost.
I ask again, snake: Describe to us how the Pompei mosaic of Agamemnon taking Briseis looks like. Tell us, please, the skin and the hair color of the characters there.
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>when the Europhobic racist tries to lie to you about your own peoples
>then says you don't have valor or virtue because you didn't fall for it
NTA, but wtf are you talking about, you anti-White cuckold? Romance Grail literature was drawing on far earlier Nordic-Celtic sources, it wasn't the same as Homer. Celtic poetry devolved, the bards vanished from the public, the ancient tales forgotten, apart from popping up sporadically, like the Grail myths.
>In the account of Dares the Phrygian, Agamemnon was described as "...[white-bodied], large, and powerful. He was eloquent, wise, and noble, a man richly endowed"

So he was a big dick white guy? Nice!
Anon, its called a literary device, or more commonly, a meme. Someone influential does it, others copy. Repeat. What, do you believe in god too?
I'm NTA (not that anon), you just sound like a seething anti-White goblin. I don't care about the Pompei mosaic, the original written source describes them as coloured Whites (actual people of colour). It makes sense that later on, artists would adapt their renditions to the modern population. We even see that happening today....why aren't you out there protesting historically White figures being depicted by sheboons and such?
>description from Homer by Dares the Phrygian
>Phrygians are from northern Europe



Wow, a literary device? What are you, some faggot in high school applying these labels to Homer and Hesiod, as if they had anything to do with them? hahahaha, you're a pseud.

The amount of cope you come up with so that your little politically correct faggot worldview isn't completely shattered is hilarious. Dumb slave.
Why do you lie? I didn't "swore" for greco-roman accounts even once, rather, I constantly pointed out that Homer isn't a reliable historical source, that his epic doesn't match the Bronze Age but somewhat matches the Iron Age, that roman mosaics represent dark-haired people constantly even in the 1st century and that if celtic oral tradition has a long history of maleability and influence of rich patrons, it's stupid to assume the helenes and the romans any different.

But like the snake you are, you won't answer actual objections, and merely pretend to have the pagan virtudes your ancestors did had. But it's all a LARP.
anti-White jews, trannies and blacks/browns absolutely BTFO
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>notice that the Argonauts are from the Cronian sea
>The Cronian sea is literally near Scandinavia

>notice that there are still Aeolic column in the Levant from the Sea Peoples invasion

>Notice that Iudaea comes from the Persian Yehud
>Persian Yehud comes from Idaea
>Idaea is a variation of the Scythian princess Ida

We were. :D
Anon, do you actually think Homer came up with storytelling?
>I constantly pointed out that Homer isn't a reliable historical source
It isn't just Homer, it's practically every single author who describes their ancient ancestors as Nordic-looking. I'm NTA (not that anon). Of course later artwork will depict what the current people look like, that's why leftist anti-Whites do today when they make nigga vikings and make Christopher Colombus or whoever else (there are many atrocious examples) into a nigga.
I think we can agree at least on this: You certainly arent and wont be any time soon.
Again, my point was that the Italians and Greeks of today were the same as those in antiquity.
Of course there's variation in them, some are more olive skinned and black haired while other are fairer. But this sperg seems to think that the modern Mediterrean people are some slave mix population and that the old stock is gone, which DNA testing has proven completly false.
Honestly. We have poems, stories, lore, historical quotations, material evidence from architecture and pigments, etc etc etc.

What do they have? Don't believe your ancestors. Just forget the last 3300 years.
Are you this retarded? You brought up a Pompei mosaic with two gingers as a proof that early Rome was aryan. I brought up Agamemnon mosaic from that same city because it shows him as dark haired in a crowd of dark haired people, from the 1st century, deflating the strenght of your argument.

It's frankly pathetic: for going againt this nordcuck nonsense I am some kind of anti-white goblin? Not once I denied the merits of Rome or condemned Europe, not once. You are just schizoid larpers unable to even follow an argument.
You feign confidence too much, it's obvious how seething you are, you vile anti-White dog. A literary device? hahahaha, we learned about that in smart-kid English class in high school, the entire field (of literature; and academia, but in particular the arts) today is a joke and no true intellectual will put much stock into it. So what I'm saying is, I don't care what you have to say.

The ancient Aryan or indo-European hypothesis is correct. Anti-White garbage will not be able to hide it for much longer.
>What do they have?
Wives and graduate degrees.
>Dude, we barely have any actual knowledge what Paganism was about in most places
Because Christianity killed it?
>You brought up a Pompei mosaic with two gingers as a proof that early Rome was aryan

It was 100% Nordic Aryan.

Notice that the Aeneid and the Celtic lore says they came from the Trojans.

Notice that the Veneti are in the area where the actual Trojans were at.

Notice that these areas are Nordic Aryanic epicenters.
>implying my bachelors and discord honies aren't enough

As opposed to you, a jobless khv?
>ignoring the entire corpus of ancient pseudo-historical writings describing their superhuman ancestors as blonde and blue-eyed
hahaha cope

DNA testing is easily misinterpreted and has been consistently. Do you know how many low IQ retards like you there are in these fields? smart kids all go into hard stem. I trust the ancient texts more than I do modern geneticists, who don't have the full picture, and have a bias against presenting pure White people in a positive light.

So you admit that Whites today are systematically oppressed? good job
Why, then, Agamemnon's mosaic from the 1st cent shows several typical mediterranean men? Why many art pieces from this time period do, as many (if not more) as those showing blondes?
Graduate degrees even in actual science aren't worth the paper they're printed on, you stupid normalfag. Having a wife is nothing to brag about either. Having a good wife, that is something else.

>It was 100% Nordic Aryan.
fuckin' BASED
>1st cent

This has been covered in depth. Please keep up with the class or you will be left behind.

>slave stock increased from the middle east

>people in the classical period were already complaining about blackwashing Europeans into swarthier complexions

Hey, do you ever wonder why the Phoenicians had horse heads on their ships? That's weird huh?
You dumbass, that was way later. Read the ancient authors, all of the primordial ancestors are described as NORDIC-ARYAN
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Gosh I hope there's no evidence the Levant was ruled by Scythians after it was ruled by Greeks, after it was ruled by Egyptians...
Ok, so despite having nordic superhuman ancestors, Rome achieved hegemonic power over the known world in the 1st cent as a nation of dark mongrels, got it.
You are sounding more and more like a we wuzzer, just the nordcuck varient.
Look at photos of Greeks and Italian today, look at the statues of antiquity - they are of the same stock
We'll have to start writing Judea and Israel out of history if that proves to be the case. It's already kinda weird they would emerge during the Bronze Age Collapse when everyone else around them collapsed due to invading Sea Peoples and Scythians.
Seems pretty absurd doesn't it? Homer didn't invent hubris, bravery, divinity, duty, honor, crutelty or any of the countless memes and tropes that he used for his epic stories. He utilized them in ways that made his stories successful enough to get passed around. His ideas get used in other stories in just the same way. So to this happens with the histories that you tout. Its memetic reproduction. If you deny this you may as well say you don't believe in genetic evolution either.
The swarth was probably the reason for it's decline honestly. Just look at America today lmao
> its unmitigated failure completely discredit the right wing for the next 100 years!
Maybe in Europe. In the US, the right wing is actually weaker now than it was 50 years ago.
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>they are of the same stock

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Obvious flase-flag shitposter trying to stir up anti-right-wing hatred.

Unlikely, since the ancient sources describe their primordial ancestors as Nordic-looking. It makes sense they'd become mongrelized as they declined, we can see it happening today, and they were surrounded by inferior darker races.

no amount of cherry picked sources can change this fact
It's true. I'm a left-wing Aryanist.
this + it's brown
>racism was the norm in every single Western country at the time of the world war
Imagine being actually fucking stupid enough to believe this, lmao. You call him a chudwit, and you're a tankietard.
The swarth was already there, even in the elites, during the Pax Romana. Meanwhile the germanic invasions not just balkanized the West, but the successor kingdoms couldn't ever match the capabilities, infrastructure and wealth of even a century prior after the situation stabilized. So much for the nordic superhuman.
I'm not sure what you mean. The Ottomans jumbled up their empire. It's why Albania is like 70% Muslim but their capital has shitloads of white people while Greeks largely look like Arabs.
How is it cherrypicking, shitskin? all of the ancient writers describe the primordial greek and roman fathers as "Nordic"

Shows how little you know/read
>severely BTFO bluepilled cuck still impotently giving it's kosher opinion
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It's one underclass faggot who has been spamming the same shit for years.
He clearly dyed his hair blue. Look at it, it's blue.

I think you 1984'd yourself into not seeing reality.
Blablablabla. Nordcuck, you can't even justify or defend your own historical myth. By admiting that early imperial Rome was mongrelized and swarthy you just shoot yourself in the foot: the world-conquering ancient euro empire was made off the same people you despise.
how mad are you, nigger?

You're coping and delusional, since even itt we can see multiple people posting. Take your meds, mud.
This is the same argument that black Americans make: we picked cotton and manned Detroit factories therefore we built the American empire. It's obviously fallacious and it isn't doing you any services.

Also, Syrians were white supremacists lol
You're arguing with voices in your head. I don't hate anyone and I've mostly been lurking. The indo-European/Aryan hypothesis is clearly correct, and there's a lot of evidence to support them being "nordic" in pre-history/myth, which is the actual origin of the IE hypothesis, so....
Gods get described with outlandish skin, hair, and eyes to set them apart from the people listening to the stories. You know, for entertainment.
Perhaps he dyed his hair blue in imitation of Sumerian blue nipples... the proto-blue race theory must be investigated
Of course anon! Because as we all know, if the swarthies were only the slave caste, they would sure be represented mingling with elites in art, and a legendary hero like Agamemnon sharing their skin color.

Did you mean "blue eyes"?
Are these ancient writers in the room with us right now anon?
It's only like 1-3 people posting endless we wuzzing Nordic bullshit and slinging racial slurs, which is against the rules. This isn't /pol/. Take it to /pol/, faggot.
Also, you behave like a weird mix of a black gangster and deceptive Talmudist Jew. You are a hypocrite and incapable of civilized discourse.
That's cope. It's the same with kings and other nobles, demi-gods like Heracles, etc. It's actually the norm for ancient Greeks to describe people like this.

Bluepilled retard alert.
Dude, sumerian statues literally have blue nipples because of the lapis-lazuli used.
>Nordic bullshit
This is literal Europhobic racism. You scream in pain and you knife him in the back.
>anti-White chimpout imminent

Kill yourself retard.
They don't, illiterate faggot.
Genetic studies show ancient Greeks had less steppe admixture than even the ones now.
We wuzzing garbage.
>The Aryan myth was fucking boneheaded and racism simply can’t constitute a political theory.
Why do people say this when the early colonial United States was 100% a bunch of WASPs building up a society they wanted to be almost exclusively white British colonists?
Europeans are not just Nordics.
Nah, you kys, insentient p-zombie garbage. Kys and take your entire dysgenic family with you.

There is not anti-White with rejecting your we wuzzing narrative. Anti-White involves stuff like pushing mass migration.
Mind prison destroyed
At Last I Truly See
false equivalence.

Good little brown simp

This. Ancient Greeks were very White originally, just read the books, you stupid queers.
>Europe is only Scandinavia, those snow savages that didn't ever lifted themselves from piracy and mudhuts, not those actually relevant civilizations from the south.

>Genetic studies
With a sample size of 20 right lmfao
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take a look at this lad's nipples and tell me which conclusion sounds more logical:
they used blue to decorate
they had blue nipples
>shitskinned idiot can't even write in English
The civs from the South came from the same stock as the purer Scandis.
>Good little brown simp
Literally no arguments. You constantly larp as honorable viking warriors yet you can't even answer to clear and obvious flaws in your historical myths.

Pure dishonesty and pride. Pathetic.
>not those actually relevant civilizations from the south

Did you not read the thread?


Also pic related is Strabo, from the classical period, telling you about the Dorian invasion which is supported by Herodotus north to south migrations here:

Yeah because its a meme. Kings are gods among men. So they will get described as the gods commonly are in popular media, in this case epic poetry. It doesnt have to be true, it has to do numbers. Homer would have no use for you. Youd never make it in showbiz.
false equivalence, bad faith. Ramses the Great was confirmed to be a red-haired blonde, you'd deny that too though, even though it's beyond all doubt.
There are many studies with over 200 samples.
You are acting like J*w with their narrative of "lost tribe of Israel". Off yourself, dysgenic and degenerate scum.
This kind of low IQ rhetoric is not in your race's overall interests.
Your evidence: material evidence, literal bodies of the people themselves, historical accounts

His evidence: look at the fucking nipples

I know who I'm going with.
>You constantly larp as honorable viking warriors
You're arguing with constructs in your head. This entire thread is full of evidence proving the point, all you can do is cry about muh white supremists and ignore the evidence and arguments. Kill yourself, cucked anti-White faggot. You believe in a kosher view of history, only legitimated post ww2.
I fucking love nipples im going to go suck on my wifes nipples now brb

According to your own retarded myths when those southern civilizations conquered the world they were already disgusting disgenic mongrels, and when the pure aryans nords invaded they couldn't even match, let a restore, the decadent swarthy civilization and rather sank in a 400-years long dark age.
In Homer and the other ancients, there are distinctions between Kings, royalty, nobles, heroes and gods. All are almost always described as Nordic-looking.
Slit your throat and eat shit in hell.
You have no Buddhanature.
You have no soul.
You are beyond the forgiveness of God.
I hope one day you livestream your suicide. I would love to watch your blood flow.
Eat shit, and I pray you die a slow and painful and excruciating death along with your entire wretched, disgusting, and inbred family.
These chimpouts are gold, I'm literally LMAO.

Darker races can still carry the light of the Aryans. Just look at India.
*material evidence that fits my agenda
Actually it's just good men create good times weak men create bad times, but the good men are the early pulse migrations from Scandinavia and western Russia and the weak men are the slave stock that got pulled into orbit later on. Like how Indians are mass migrating to Canada in the millions but growth rates have staggered and local GDPs rates are decreasing.
I'm starting to think you may have a biased perspective, Anon
Yeah, will you be Nordic looking when your race is bloodied, your internal organs removed, and your eyes, noses, and ears gouged out? When the insects gnaw at your bones?

You will be best looking when a mutilated corpse.
>so mad he posted it twice
this violent, anti-White middle eastern sperg always does this
But his agenda is just mentioning historical evidence and letting the facts speak for themselves.
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Chimps are sentient beings. You're not. You are like a headless demon.
You are a retard that can't follow simple arguments or the logical consequences of your own positions. According to your own thesis the Rome that conquered the world as a mongrel civilization. Can't you see it? Then you try to cope with "muh slave caste" when elites and ancient heroes were represented as swarthy too.

You are dishonest and pathetic.
Observe the violent nature of the inferior darker races.
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>anti-White middle eastern sperg
They're all like this btw.
Anon i just about pissed myself just there
I only started posting now.
I am making clear you people do not have Buddhanature, qualia, and forfeit all moral consideration. You deserve to die. You behave like uncivilized headless demons. Shut the fuck up. You have been spamming the same shit for years.
I think you're conflating my argument with other things, the thesis is that Nordic-looking people brought the civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome.
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Who cares what the Greeks were when the Visigoths (primordial polacks) and Huns (mix of primordial chinks and hungarians) kicked the shit out of them?
I don't have dark skin, and you are the one who started it. When your internal organs are removed and your body splattered in red, who can tell what your skin tone originally was? When your eyes are gouged out, your limbs dismembered, and you're decomposing in the ground, why does it matter then?

All I am saying is you have no soul, no Buddhanature, and deserve to die.
I don't like such chauvinism either, but they are not aggressive and confrontational as you faggots. You have been spamming the same shit for years.
I'm a lover and somewhat of a connoisseur of these viscerally violent over reaction posts and this one is delightful. I'll be copying this one, thank you.
nta, but it's usually one schizo newfag who spams these nordicists theories and one other midwit resident neo-nazi (he claims to be one, not a slur) who joins in sometimes
>but they are not aggressive and confrontational as you faggots
>t. the guy who has been fantasizing about disemboweling and slitting throats and cover people in their own blood
shut up nigga
You can we wuz all the way to hell, you underclass vermin. You deserve to suffer. Dostoevsky is right that suffering has a cleansing effect to the prideful.
I hope you suffer and experience an excruciating and slow death. I hope you live a life where you are constantly exploited and live as a wagecuck or bum.

Shut the fuck up. You'll be more alive when you're dead, you and your entire wretched familial line.
damn, you spend that much time on here?
Everyone is arguing with everyone and no one knows who holds what position. But in specific about that thesis: I doubt it, but being fully honest, it could be true. The core of my point is the self-defeating nature of holding the pure aryans as the pure roman elite, then admit that the Rome that achieved more than any of their possibly blonde ancestors and their slightly more aryan successors was a mongrel race.
I showed two examples that modern Greeks are the same as ancients, he ignored it both times. He is only picking things that fit his agenda.
I'm willing to be he'll post some cherry picked image of an ugly Greek of today and then say every Greek looks like that.
Keep going retard
You started it by saying "kys," and I am poetically discussing my desire to disembowel you in response.
I will do Zazen over your corpse. I will dismember your limbs (In Minecraft) and draw pentagrams with your blood on the wall. Your hands will have strange gestures as they're stamped on the wall.

Your head will be in the middle. Such a room, such a sanctum, will be more alive than your present puppet and devitalized self. You have forfeited your Buddhanature and no longer deserve moral consideration. This is all I am saying.
are you soyy facing rn? you nigga
I'll keep going until your corpse is decomposing in the ground. You'll be more alive when you're gone. It's not like you live a meaningful passionate existence anyways. In fact, your entire familial line should be eradicated.
People whose entire lives revolve around superficial LARPing, we wuzzing, and endless antagonization do not deserve moral consideration. Your lives are completely shallow and superficial like a bimbo whore in early slashers.
You are womanly. You live for no higher metaphysical values. It is always the most shallow and superficial things you obsess about, making a big show about such trivial impermanent things. You have been going on for years. It needs to stop. You need to either grow up or eat lead already.

You are devitalized, mechanized, and blind puppets with the illusion of qualia at this point. You lack true metacognition and reflective capacity.
What bothers me the most about nordic wewuzzing isn't their skepticism of traditional historiography, something any non-tarded person would be wise to cultivate. Rather, is their stupid reliance on victorian scholars as biased and dishonest as their pozzed heirs.
sadly, yes

what's funny is that even if these flat-earth tier schizos were correct it wouldn't be relevant beyond curiosity value since we share less than 1% of our dna with our direct ancestors (and only some of them at that) from 300 years ago let alone 3000. https://youtu.be/HclD2E_3rhI?si=IS6SVEqVtZ7XcJ90
i sense a fatty
I'm not fat, and you should have your head stomped in. When the gray matter of your brain spurts out, then you'll finally be capable of true thinking.
lmfao right holy wow

Maybe this is news, but the truth doesn't change every year.
I can't believe we reached autosage while threatening each other with MK fatalities over textual and artistic interpretation.
/lit/ - Literature
The truth can only be found through advancements of population genetics. Cherry picking a few monuments or parochial readings of texts doesn't give the answer, especially since someone can do the opposite.
Population genetics shows an extremely complex picture that's evolving.
Anyways, it doesn't lead to such a wretched attitude like yours. Kys already, obsessed lunatic.
Keep spewing bullshit, insentient headless demon.
you sound pretty spiritually advanced. zazen, eh?

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