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/lit/ - Literature

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What are some books that explain american exceptionalism? Even before the second world war, there was something special about them.
The Significance of the Frontier in American History by Frederick Jackson Turner
The freemasons wanted to kill monarchies and then after their revolutions and their WW1, they controlled the two biggest countries, ie the USA and russia. After this they created their creation myth with WW2, where the left hand fights the right hand, ie their USA versus their USSR.
Thanks to the USA being for removed geographically, it was easy for this puppet to win.
After this they move the economy from the war economy to the mass consumerism we have today.

In the 80s the freemasons turned the economy into international finance and they got even richer, while the population gets poorer and poorer reduced to consuming shitty goods and services and pay the taxes to get the freemasons bureaucrats richer and then the bureaucrats give the money to the freemason merchants.
land mass × population × government + Anglo-Saxon masterrace
Decline of the West and Democracy in America in combination.
Blood Meridian is pretty much all you have to know about amerikkka and manifest destiny.

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